FSDN is a web application that uses F# API Search library. F# API Search library supports the standard signature of F# with some extentions as its criteria. This document describes the F# API Search library specific formats.
API signature | Query example |
Functions and values in modules | int -> string |
Fields of records and structs | Ref<'a> => 'a |
Methods and properties | 'a list => int |
Constructors | string -> Uri |
Names (function and method names) | head : 'a list -> 'a |
Active patterns | (||) : ... -> Expr -> ? |
A criteria of search by name is formatted as name : signature
If you don't want to specify the signature explicitly, use _
, instead.
The following query:
id : 'a -> 'a
shows the following result:
Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.id: 'T -> 'T
And the following query:
choose : _
shows the followings:
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Array.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> 'T[] -> 'U[]
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ArrayModule.Parallel.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> 'T[] -> 'U[]
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> list<'T> -> list<'U>
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.Seq.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> seq<'T> -> seq<'U>
Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Event.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> IEvent<'Del, 'T> -> IEvent<'U>
when 'Del : delegate and 'Del :> Delegate
Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Observable.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> IObservable<'T> -> IObservable<'U>
By default, FSDN doesn't return results that match type parameters, such as 'a
, with concrete type names, such as int
To find them, use wildcard: ?
? -> list<?> -> ?
This query shows the following results:
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.append: list<'T> -> list<'T> -> list<'T>
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.averageBy: ('T -> 'U) -> list<'T> -> 'U
when 'U : (static member op_Addition : 'U * 'U -> 'U) and 'U : (static member DivideByInt : 'U * int -> 'U) and 'U : (static member get_Zero : unit -> 'U)
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.choose: ('T -> option<'U>) -> list<'T> -> list<'U>
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.chunkBySize: int -> list<'T> -> list<list<'T>>
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.collect: ('T -> list<'U>) -> list<'T> -> list<'U>
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.contains: 'T -> list<'T> -> bool
when 'T : equality
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.countBy: ('T -> 'Key) -> list<'T> -> list<'Key * int>
when 'Key : equality
Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List.distinctBy: ('T -> 'Key) -> list<'T> -> list<'T>
when 'Key : equality
If you want to specify the same type in several places, use "named wildcard". For instance, when the following query
? -> ?
matches the following signatures:
'a -> 'a
int -> int
'a -> int
int -> string
and if you specify named wildcard as follows:
?a -> ?a
this doesn't match either 'a -> int
or int -> string
A criteria of search instance members is formatted as receiver => signature
To find methods that accept one argument, use receiver => arg -> returnType
To find methods that accept multiple arguments, use receiver => arg1 -> arg2 -> returnType
or receiver => arg1 * arg2 -> returnType
By default, tuple style method arguments (arg1 * arg2
) and curried style (arg1 -> arg2
) are treated as identical.
If you want to distinguish between them, uncheck ignore-argstyle
To find properties, use receiver => propertyType
To find indexed properties, use receiver => index -> propertyType
For instance members, the specified query matches the following special cases:
- it matches
arg -> receiver -> returnType
. - a query to search parameterless members (
receiver => propertyType
) also matches instance methods which signature isreceiver => unit -> propertyType
The following query:
string => int
illustrates an example of these special rules. This query matches the following methods and functions:
System.String.Length: int
Microsoft.FSharp.Core.String.length: string -> int
System.String.GetHashCode: unit -> int
The first result System.String.Length
matches exactly.
In addition, Microsoft.FSharp.Core.String.length
and System.String.GetHashCode
are also retuned
because the 1st and 2nd special rules are applied respectively.
Static members can be found by using the same query for functions and values in modules.
As the same with instance methods, both arg1 -> arg2 -> returnType
and arg1 * arg2 -> returnType
can be used to find static methods that accepts multiple arguments.
A criteria of search active patterns is formatted as (||) : (args ->) inputType -> returnType
To find partial active patterns, use (|_|) : (args ->) inputType -> returnType
indicates a type handled by an active pattern.
For instance, to find active patterns for Expr
, use (||) : ... -> Expr -> ?
indicates parameters of an active pattern.
To find active patterns that accepts multiple arguments, use (||) : arg1 -> arg2 -> inputType -> returnType
To find active patterns that accepts no arguments, use (||) : inputType -> returnType
To find active patterns that accepts zero or more arguments, use ...
keyword as args
: (||) : ... -> inputType -> returnType
indicates a return type of an active pattern.
This must be different between active patterns each of which supports one case, multiple cases, and is partial active pattern,
and option<_>
or Choice<_,...,_>
must be specified.
Usually a wildcard (?
) is recommended for returnType
When this option is enabled and when performing wildcard search,
each of the wildcards are distinguished by its name.
For instance, ?a -> ?a
matches int -> int
but ?a -> ?b
doesn't match int -> int
If this option is disabled, ?a -> ?b
matches int -> int
When this option is enabled, type parameters match concrete type names, and vice-versa. The results will be ordered by its similarity. In addition, type constraint will be considered significant.
When this option is enabled, the difference between curried style parameter signature (arg1 -> arg2 -> returnType
and tuple style (arg1 * arg2 -> returnType
) are ignored.
These styles are considered as identical.