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Created October 7, 2018 12:09
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#![feature(macro_literal_matcher, min_const_fn)]
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate num;
extern crate sdl2;
use byteorder::ByteOrder;
use byteorder::LE;
use sdl2::event::Event;
use sdl2::keyboard::Scancode;
use sdl2::pixels::PixelFormatEnum;
use sdl2::render::Texture;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
fn load_file(filename: &str, expected_size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Box<Error>> {
let mut file = File::open(filename)?;
let mut buf = Vec::new();
let read_size = file.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
if read_size == expected_size {
} else {
Err("size mismatch".into())
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum BgColorMode {
const NUM_BG_LAYERS: usize = 4;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct BgAttributes {
priority: u8, // 0-3
char_base: u8, // 0-3, units of 16 KB
color_mode: BgColorMode,
map_base: u8, // 0-31, units of 2 KB
size_mode: u8, // 0-3, see table in GBATEK
x_scroll: u16, // 0-511
y_scroll: u16, // 0-511
impl BgAttributes {
const fn new() -> Self {
BgAttributes {
priority: 0,
char_base: 0,
color_mode: BgColorMode::Pal16,
map_base: 0,
size_mode: 0,
x_scroll: 0,
y_scroll: 0,
struct LcdControllerRegs {
video_mode: u8,
active_display_page: u8,
forced_blank_enabled: bool,
bg_layer_enabled: [bool; NUM_BG_LAYERS],
bg_attributes: [BgAttributes; NUM_BG_LAYERS],
macro_rules! bit {
($data:ident[$base:literal : $limit:literal]) => (bit!($data[$base; $limit - $base + 1]));
($data:ident[$bit:expr]) => (($data >> $bit) & 1);
($data:ident[$base:expr; $len:expr]) => (($data >> $base) & (1 << $len) - 1);
impl LcdControllerRegs {
const fn new() -> Self {
LcdControllerRegs {
video_mode: 0,
active_display_page: 0,
forced_blank_enabled: false,
bg_layer_enabled: [false; NUM_BG_LAYERS],
bg_attributes: [BgAttributes::new(); NUM_BG_LAYERS],
fn write(&mut self, address: u32, data: u32) {
match address & 0xFFF {
0x000 => self.write_dispcnt(data as u16),
0x008 => self.write_bgcnt(0, data as u16),
0x00A => self.write_bgcnt(1, data as u16),
0x00C => self.write_bgcnt(2, data as u16),
0x00E => self.write_bgcnt(3, data as u16),
0x010 => self.write_bghofs(0, data as u16),
0x012 => self.write_bgvofs(0, data as u16),
0x014 => self.write_bghofs(1, data as u16),
0x016 => self.write_bgvofs(1, data as u16),
0x018 => self.write_bghofs(2, data as u16),
0x01A => self.write_bgvofs(2, data as u16),
0x01C => self.write_bghofs(3, data as u16),
0x01E => self.write_bgvofs(3, data as u16),
_ => println!(
"Unsupported LCD write: [0x{:08X}] <= 0x{:08X}",
address, data
fn write_dispcnt(&mut self, data: u16) {
self.video_mode = bit!(data[0:2]) as u8;
self.active_display_page = bit!(data[4]) as u8;
self.forced_blank_enabled = bit!(data[7]) != 0;
self.bg_layer_enabled[0] = bit!(data[8]) != 0;
self.bg_layer_enabled[1] = bit!(data[9]) != 0;
self.bg_layer_enabled[2] = bit!(data[10]) != 0;
self.bg_layer_enabled[3] = bit!(data[11]) != 0;
fn write_bgcnt(&mut self, i: usize, data: u16) {
let bg = &mut self.bg_attributes[i];
bg.priority = bit!(data[0:1]) as u8;
bg.char_base = bit!(data[2:3]) as u8;
bg.color_mode = match bit!(data[7]) {
0 => BgColorMode::Pal16,
1 => BgColorMode::Pal256,
_ => unreachable!(),
bg.map_base = bit!(data[8:12]) as u8;
bg.size_mode = bit!(data[14:15]) as u8;
fn write_bghofs(&mut self, i: usize, data: u16) {
self.bg_attributes[i].x_scroll = bit!(data[0:8]);
fn write_bgvofs(&mut self, i: usize, data: u16) {
self.bg_attributes[i].y_scroll = bit!(data[0:8]);
fn render_text_bg_line(
screen_y: u16,
bg: usize,
regs: &LcdControllerRegs,
vram: &[u8],
) -> [u8; 240] {
let mut buf = [0; 240];
let bg_regs = &regs.bg_attributes[bg];
assert_eq!(bg_regs.color_mode, BgColorMode::Pal16);
let character_base = bg_regs.char_base as usize * 0x4000;
let bg_y = screen_y.wrapping_add(bg_regs.y_scroll);
let map_y = bg_y % 256 / 8;
let submap_y = bg_y / 256 % 2;
let tile_y = (bg_y % 8) as usize;
for screen_x in 0..240u16 {
let bg_x = screen_x.wrapping_add(bg_regs.x_scroll);
let map_x = bg_x % 256 / 8;
let submap_x = bg_x / 256 % 2;
let tile_x = (bg_x % 8) as usize;
let submap = match bg_regs.size_mode {
0 => 0,
1 => submap_x,
2 => submap_y,
3 => submap_y * 2 + submap_x,
_ => unreachable!(),
} as usize;
let map_base = (bg_regs.map_base as usize + submap) % 32 * 0x800;
let map_offset = map_y as usize * (256 / 8) + map_x as usize;
let entry = LE::read_u16(&vram[map_base + map_offset * 2..]);
let tile_id = bit!(entry[0:9]) as usize;
let h_flip = bit!(entry[10]) != 0;
let v_flip = bit!(entry[11]) != 0;
let pal_id = bit!(entry[12:15]);
let flipped_tile_x = if h_flip { 7 - tile_x } else { tile_x };
let flipped_tile_y = if v_flip { 7 - tile_y } else { tile_y };
let mut pixel = vram[(tile_id * (8 * 8) + (flipped_tile_y * 8) + flipped_tile_x) / 2];
if tile_x % 2 != 0 {
pixel >>= 4;
pixel &= 0xF;
buf[screen_x as usize] = pixel as u8;
fn convert_gba_to_pc_levels(gba: u8) -> u8 {
(gba as u16 * 255 / 31) as u8
fn copy_line(rgbx_pixels: &mut [u8], line: &[u8], pal: &[u8]) {
assert_eq!(line.len(), 240);
for i in 0..240 {
let pal_entry = LE::read_u16(&pal[line[i] as usize * 2..]);
let color_gba = (
bit!(pal_entry[0:4]) as u8,
bit!(pal_entry[5:9]) as u8,
bit!(pal_entry[10:14]) as u8,
let color_pc = (
convert_gba_to_pc_levels(color_gba.0) as u32,
convert_gba_to_pc_levels(color_gba.1) as u32,
convert_gba_to_pc_levels(color_gba.2) as u32,
&mut rgbx_pixels[i * 4..],
color_pc.0 << 24 | color_pc.1 << 16 | color_pc.2 << 8 | 0xFF,
fn draw_screen(texture: &mut Texture, regs: &LcdControllerRegs, vram: &[u8], pals: &[u8]) {
.with_lock(None, |pixels: &mut [u8], stride| {
for screen_y in 0..160 {
let line_buf = render_text_bg_line(screen_y as u16, 0, regs, vram);
let line_offset = screen_y * stride;
&mut pixels[line_offset..line_offset + stride],
&pals[32 * 3..32 * 4],
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
let sdl_context = sdl2::init()?;
let sdl_video =;
let window = sdl_video.window("Advance", 240, 160).build()?;
let mut canvas = window.into_canvas().build()?;
let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();
let mut lcd_texture =
texture_creator.create_texture_streaming(PixelFormatEnum::RGBX8888, 240, 160)?;
let mut lcd_regs = LcdControllerRegs::new();
lcd_regs.write(0x0400_0000, 0x0100);
lcd_regs.write(0x0400_0008, 0x5E00);
lcd_regs.write(0x0400_0010, 0x00C0);
lcd_regs.write(0x0400_0012, 0x0040);
let mut bgx = 0xC0;
let mut bgy = 0x40;
let pal_mem = load_file("brin-pal.bin", 1024)?;
let vram_mem = load_file("brin-vram.bin", 96 * 1024)?;
assert_eq!(lcd_regs.video_mode, 0);
let mut event_loop = sdl_context.event_pump()?;
'main_loop: loop {
for event in event_loop.poll_iter() {
match event {
Event::Quit { .. } => break 'main_loop,
Event::KeyDown {
scancode: Some(scancode),
} => {
if scancode == Scancode::Escape {
break 'main_loop;
println!("Pressed {}", scancode);
match scancode {
Scancode::A => bgx -= 8,
Scancode::D => bgx += 8,
Scancode::Left => bgx -= 1,
Scancode::Right => bgx += 1,
Scancode::W => bgy -= 8,
Scancode::S => bgy += 8,
Scancode::Up => bgy -= 1,
Scancode::Down => bgy += 1,
Scancode::Tab => {
bgx = 0;
bgy = 0;
_ => (),
lcd_regs.write(0x0400_0010, bgx as u32);
lcd_regs.write(0x0400_0012, bgy as u32);
Event::KeyUp { .. } => {}
_ => (),
&mut lcd_texture,
&vram_mem[..64 * 1024],
canvas.copy(&lcd_texture, None, None)?;
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