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Forked from danbogd/
Created May 24, 2019 08:26
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axmtoken audit report.

1. Summary

This document is a security audit report performed by danbogd, where axmtoken has been reviewed.

2. In scope

Сommit hash 8ac50f805184bade0fb9470aa170e455a254e6f8.

3. Findings

In total, 4 issues were reported including:

  • 1 high
  • 1 medium severity issues
  • 1 low severity issues
  • 0 owner privileges (ability of owner to manipulate contract, may be risky for investors).
  • 1 notes.

No critical security issues were found.

3.1. Bug in the code

Severity: high


In this implementation, if the investor wants to purchase the remaining tokens for a large amount he will get them for free.

Code snippet

3.2. Incorrect totalSupply

Severity: medium


Under totalSupply the investor understands the total number of tokens, but this indicator starts to grow up to 200000010**18. After the end of sales, on the owner balance still remains 100000010**18 tokens. It is not good for investors.

Code snippet

3.3. Known vulnerabilities of ERC-20 token

Severity: low


  1. It is possible to double withdrawal attack. More details here.

  2. Lack of transaction handling mechanism issue. WARNING! This is a very common issue and it already caused millions of dollars losses for lots of token users! More details here.


Add into a function transfer(address _to, ... ) following code:

require( _to != address(this) );

3.4. Discrepancy with the ERC20 standard

Severity: note


In AssamToken contract, according to the ERC20 standard, the variable decimals should be declared as uint8.

Code snippet

4. Conclusion

The audited smart contract is not safe to deploy.

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