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Created August 20, 2018 19:14
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CryptoAds smart contract audit report conclusion


No critical issue, bug fixing is necessary. It is highly recommended to complete a bug bounty before use.

Medium severity issues:

1. Zero address owner.


Owner address may be sent to zero address at function setOwner and because of it owner will lose his access to smart contract.


Need to check if _newOwner is not zero address.

require(_newOwner != address(0));

2. Transfer to zero address.

Severity: medium


Tokens could be sent to zero address, that means they will be locked and will not be able to use or burn. Functions transfer and transferFrom.


Need to check if _to address is not zero address.

require(_to != address(0));

3. Double-spend attack is possible.

Severity: medium


In case the user wants to change the approved amount an double-spend attack is possible.


Can be reviewed here.

Revealing audit reports:

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