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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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My brewfile
tap phinze/homebrew-cask
tap caskroom/homebrew-versions
install brew-cask
install cmake
install eigen
install liblo
cask install adobe-creative-cloud
cask install alfred
cask install appcleaner
cask install calibre
cask install cocoapacketanalyzer
cask install dropbox
cask install google-chrome
cask install google-chrome-canary
cask install google-drive
cask install google-hangouts
cask install hipchat
cask install kaleidoscope
cask install mailbox
cask install meshlab
cask install mou
cask install skim
cask install skype
cask install soundflower
cask install sourcetree
cask install spotify
cask install sublime-text3
cask install teamviewer
cask install totalfinder
cask install uninstallpkg
cask install vlc
cask install yorufukurou
cask alfred link
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