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Created May 18, 2017 08:46
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
static readonly Random rnd = new Random();
static void Main(string[] args)
long p, q, n, u, a, b;
long min = 2 << 14 - 1;
long max = 2 << 15 - 1;
p = GetPrime(min, max);
q = GetPrime(min, max);
n = p * q;
u = (p - 1) * (q - 1);
a = Random(min, max);
if (a % 2 == 0) a++;
while (Gcd(u, a) != 1)
a += 2;
var ul = new List<long> { u, a };
var tl = new List<long> { 0, 1 };
for (var i = 0; ; i++)
ul.Add(ul[i] % ul[i + 1]);
b = tl[i + 1] % u;
if (ul[i + 2] == 0) break;
long tmp = ((ul[i] - ul[i + 2]) / ul[i + 1] * tl[i + 1]) % u;
if (tl[i] > tmp) tmp = tl[i] - tmp;
else tmp = u - tmp + tl[i];
var data = Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(_ => Random() % n).ToArray();
var cipher = data.Select(x => PowMod(x, a, n)).ToArray();
var plain = cipher.Select(c => PowMod(c, b, n)).ToArray();
Console.WriteLine(data.Zip(plain, (s, t) => s == t).All(x => x));
static long Gcd(long v1, long v2)
long r;
while (true)
r = v1 % v2;
if (r == 0) return v2;
v1 = v2;
v2 = r;
static bool IsPrime(long value)
if (value % 2 == 0) return false;
long sqrt = (long)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(value));
for (long i = 3; i < sqrt; i += 2)
if (value % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
static long Random()
var bytes = new byte[sizeof(long)];
return BitConverter.ToInt64(bytes, 0);
static long Random(long min, long max)
return Random() % (max - min) + min;
static long GetPrime(long min, long max)
long ret = Random(min, max);
if (ret % 2 == 0) ret++;
while (!IsPrime(ret)) ret += 2;
return ret;
static long PowMod(long b, long pow, long mod)
long ret = 1;
b %= mod;
while (pow != 0)
if ((pow & 1) != 0)
ret = (ret * b) % mod;
b = (b * b) % mod;
pow >>= 1;
return ret;
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