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Last active March 30, 2025 12:21
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Automatically sync notes to and from git repository whenever you open and close Obsidian on mobile.

How to automatically sync Obsidian between Github and Android with Termux and Tasker

I use Obsidian git on PC, and this workaround (since the plugin doesn't support mobile) to seamlessly* sync my notes to and from my phone. Using these instructions you create an automation for pulling every time you open Obsidian, and pushing every time you close it.

* you can still get merge conflicts...


  1. Install Tasker.
  2. Install Termux.
  3. Install Termux tasker plugin.
  4. Open Termux and write termux-setup-storage, give it permissions.
  5. Generate a new ssh key and add it to your Github profile.
  6. pkg install git.
  7. cd ~/storage/shared and clone / create a repository in a folder of your choice. I use ~/storage/shared/Repos/Obsidian.
  8. mkdir ~/.termux/tasker/ and cd ~/.termux/tasker/.
  9. chmod 700 -R /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.termux
  10. Create the scripts below inside the folder from step 7. You need two scripts and I added another script -, which I use for resetting in case of merge conflict.
  11. Give tasker permission to "run both user-defined and its own tasks" and "run commands in Termux environment".


git pull
exit 0

git add .
git commit -m "mobile backup"
git push
exit 0

git reset --hard
exit 0


Creating tasks

Create a task for every script: Tasker > tasks > create


Prompting and printing output (optional)

If you want your tasks to ask you for permission and / or print output messages, then configure your tasks like this (see the example below):

1. "pick input dialog" action of type YesOrNo with title "pull?" / "push?" / "reset?".
2. "If" action, If: %input ~ yes
    3. Termux action (the ones defined below)
    4. "If" action, If: %stdout NEQ \%stdout
        5. "Flash" action, Text: %stdout
    6. End if
    7. "If" action, If: %stderr NEQ \%stderr
        8. Flash action, Text: %stderr
    9. End if
10. End if
  • path:
    • (i.e., or
  • arguments:
    • None
  • working directory path:
    • ~/storage/shared/Repos/Obsidian (or whatever you use).
  • execute in a terminal session:
    • unchecked


When you have your tasks ready you can create your Tasker profile (see the example below):

  1. Choose application -> Obsidian.
  2. Choose your pull task.
  3. Long press the green arrow next to your pull task, and choose "add exit task".
  4. Choose your backup task.


Screenshot_2024-01-01-15-19-33-848_net dinglisch android taskerm Screenshot_2024-01-01-15-22-05-062_net dinglisch android taskerm

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aliwo commented Dec 12, 2023

Hi, Thanks for the guide! Where can I create a profile?

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yuvve commented Dec 12, 2023

Hi, Thanks for the guide! Where can I create a profile?

You need to create a profile inside Tasker. I have made the instructions clearer, thanks for pointing this out!

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