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Created May 1, 2011 14:28
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<?php if( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class MY_Unit_test extends CI_Unit_test
public function __construct()
public function report($result = array())
if(count($result) == 0)
$result = $this->result();
$CI = get_instance();
$r = '';
if( ! defined('STDIN'))
foreach($result as $res)
$table = '';
foreach($res as $key=>$val)
if($key == $CI->lang->line('ut_result'))
if($val == $CI->lang->line('ut_passed'))
$val = '<span style="color: #0C0;">' . $val . '</span>';
elseif($val == $CI->lang->line('ut_failed'))
$val = '<span style="color: #C00;">' . $val . '</span>';
$tmp = $this->_template_rows;
$tmp = str_replace('{item}', $key, $tmp);
$tmp = str_replace('{result}', $val, $tmp);
$table .= $tmp;
$r .= str_replace('{rows}', $table, $this->_template);
return $r;
$passed = 0;
$failed = 0;
$failed_test = array();
$count = 0;
$r1 = "Execute Unit Test!! \n\n";
foreach($result as $res)
if($res['Result'] == 'Passed')
$passed += 1;
$count += 1;
elseif($res['Result'] == 'Failed')
$failed += 1;
$failed_test[] = $res['Test Name'];
$count += 1;
$r2 = sprintf("All:%s Passed:%s Failed:%s\n", $count, $passed, $failed);
if(count($failed_test) > 0)
$r = $r1 . "\x1b[31m" . $r2 . "\x1b[0m" . sprintf("Failed Test: %s \n", implode(', ', $failed_test));
$r = $r1 . "\x1b[32m" . $r2 . "\x1b[0m";
return $r;
class Sample extends MY_Controller
function __construct()
function index()
echo $this->unit->report();
function test_a()
$test = 1 + 1;
$expected = 2;
$name = 'sample';
$this->unit->run($test, $expected, $name);
function test_b()
$test = 1 + 1;
$expected = 4;
$name = 'hogehoge';
$this->unit->run($test, $expected, $name);
function test_c()
$test = 1 + 1;
$expected = 2;
$name = 'ok!';
$this->unit->run($test, $expected, $name);
function test_d()
$test = 1 + 1;
$expected = 3;
$name = 'Out';
$this->unit->run($test, $expected, $name);
$this->unit->run($test, 'is_int', $name);
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