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Created February 7, 2019 23:41
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* Plugin Name: Give - Example Custom Field Integration
* Plugin URI:
* Description: This plugin demonstrates adds custom fields to your Give give forms with validation, email functionality, and field data output on the payment record within wp-admin.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: WordImpress
* Author URI:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You may NOT assume
* that you can use any other version of the GPL.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* NOTE: This is not a "snippet" but a plugin that you can install and activate. You can put it in a
* folder in your /plugins/ directory, or even just drop it directly into the /plugins/ directory
* and it will activate like any other plugin.
* DISCLAIMER: This is provided as an EXAMPLE of how to do custom fields for Give. We provide no
* guarantees if you put this on a live site. And we do not offer Support for this code at all.
* It is simply a free resource for your purposes.
* Custom Form Fields in Donation form
* @param $form_id
function myprefix123_give_donations_custom_form_fields( $form_id ) {
// Only display for forms with the IDs "754" and "578";
// Remove "If" statement to display on all forms
// For a single form, use this instead:
// if ( $form_id == 754) {
//$forms = array( 754, 578 );
if ( in_array( $form_id, $forms ) ) {
<div id="give-message-wrap" class="form-row form-row-wide">
<label class="give-label" for="give-engraving-message">
<?php _e( 'What should be engraved on the plaque?', 'give' ); ?>
<?php if ( give_field_is_required( 'give_engraving_message', $form_id ) ) : ?>
<span class="give-required-indicator">*</span>
<?php endif ?>
<span class="give-tooltip give-icon give-icon-question"
data-tooltip="<?php _e( 'Please provide the names that should be engraved on the plaque.', 'give' ) ?>">
<textarea class="give-textarea" name="give_engraving_message" id="give-engraving-message"></textarea>
add_action( 'give_after_donation_levels', 'myprefix123_give_donations_custom_form_fields' );
* Require custom field "Engraving message" field.
* @param $required_fields
* @param $form_id
* @return array
function myprefix123_give_donations_require_fields( $required_fields, $form_id ) {
// Only display for forms with the IDs "754" and "578";
// Remove "If" statement to display on all forms
// For a single form, use this instead:
// if ( $form_id == 754) {
//$forms = array( 754, 578 );
// if ( in_array( $form_id, $forms ) ) {
// $required_fields['give_engraving_message'] = array(
// 'error_id' => 'give_engraving_message',
// 'error_message' => __( 'Please enter a message for your engraving', 'give' ),
// );
// }
return $required_fields;
add_filter( 'give_donation_form_required_fields', 'myprefix123_give_donations_require_fields', 10, 2 );
* Add Field to Payment Meta
* Store the custom field data custom post meta attached to the `give_payment` CPT.
* @param $payment_id
* @return mixed
function myprefix123_give_donations_save_custom_fields( $payment_id ) {
if ( isset( $_POST['give_engraving_message'] ) ) {
$message = wp_strip_all_tags( $_POST['give_engraving_message'], true );
give_update_payment_meta( $payment_id, 'give_engraving_message', $message );
add_action( 'give_insert_payment', 'myprefix123_give_donations_save_custom_fields' );
* Show Data in Transaction Details
* Show the custom field(s) on the transaction page.
* @param $payment_id
function myprefix123_give_donations_donation_details( $payment_id ) {
$engraving_message = give_get_meta( $payment_id, 'give_engraving_message', true );
if ( $engraving_message ) : ?>
<div id="give-engraving-message" class="postbox">
<h3 class="hndle"><?php esc_html_e( 'Engraving Message', 'give' ); ?></h3>
<div class="inside" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
<?php echo wpautop( $engraving_message ); ?>
<?php endif;
add_action( 'give_view_donation_details_billing_before', 'myprefix123_give_donations_donation_details', 10, 1 );
* Get Donation Referral Data
* Example function that returns Custom field data if present in payment_meta;
* The example used here is in conjunction with the Give documentation tutorials.
* @param array $tag_args Array of arguments
* @return string
function myprefix123_donation_referral_data( $tag_args ) {
$engraving_message = give_get_meta( $tag_args['payment_id'], 'give_engraving_message', true );
$output = __( 'No referral data found.', 'give' );
if ( ! empty( $engraving_message ) ) {
$output = wp_kses_post( $engraving_message );
return $output;
* Adds a Custom "Engraved Message" Tag
* This function creates a custom Give email template tag.
function myprefix123_add_sample_referral_tag() {
give_add_email_tag( 'give_engraving_message', 'This outputs the Engraved Message', 'myprefix123_donation_referral_data' );
add_action( 'give_add_email_tags', 'myprefix123_add_sample_referral_tag' );
* Add Donation engraving message fields.
* @params array $args
* @params int $donation_id
* @params int $form_id
* @return array
function myprefix123_donation_receipt_args( $args, $donation_id, $form_id ) {
// Only display for forms with the IDs "754" and "578";
// Remove "If" statement to display on all forms
// For a single form, use this instead:
// if ( $form_id == 754) {
//$forms = array( 754, 578 );
// if ( in_array( $form_id, $forms ) ) {
// $engraving_message = give_get_meta( $donation_id, 'give_engraving_message', true );
// $args['give_engraving_message'] = array(
// 'name' => __( 'Engraved Message', 'give' ),
// 'value' => wp_kses_post( $engraving_message ),
// // Do not show Engraved field if empty
// 'display' => empty( $engraving_message ) ? false : true,
// );
// }
return $args;
add_filter( 'give_donation_receipt_args', 'myprefix123_donation_receipt_args', 30, 3 );
* Add Donation engraving message fields in export donor fields tab.
function myprefix123_donation_standard_donor_fields() {
<label for="give-engraving-message">
<input type="checkbox" checked
id="give-engraving-message"><?php _e( 'Engraved Message', 'give' ); ?>
add_action( 'give_export_donation_standard_donor_fields', 'myprefix123_donation_standard_donor_fields' );
* Add Donation engraving message header in CSV.
* @param array $cols columns name for CSV
* @return array $cols columns name for CSV
function myprefix123_update_columns_heading( $cols ) {
if ( isset( $cols['give_engraving_message'] ) ) {
$cols['give_engraving_message'] = __( 'Engraved Message', 'give' );
return $cols;
add_filter( 'give_export_donation_get_columns_name', 'myprefix123_update_columns_heading' );
* Add Donation engraving message fields in CSV.
* @param array Donation data.
* @param Give_Payment $payment Instance of Give_Payment
* @param array $columns Donation data $columns that are not being merge
* @return array Donation data.
function myprefix123_export_donation_data( $data, $payment, $columns ) {
if ( ! empty( $columns['give_engraving_message'] ) ) {
$message = $payment->get_meta( 'give_engraving_message' );
$data['give_engraving_message'] = isset( $message ) ? wp_kses_post( $message ) : '';
return $data;
add_filter( 'give_export_donation_data', 'myprefix123_export_donation_data', 10, 3 );
* Remove Custom meta fields from Export donation standard fields.
* @param array $responses Contain all the fields that need to be display when donation form is display
* @param int $form_id Donation Form ID
* @return array $responses
function myprefix123_export_custom_fields( $responses, $form_id ) {
// Only display for forms with the IDs "754" and "578";
// Remove "If" statement to display on all forms
// For a single form, use this instead:
// if ( $form_id == 754) {
// $forms = array( 754, 578 );
// if ( in_array( $form_id, $forms ) && ! empty( $responses['standard_fields'] ) ) {
// $standard_fields = $responses['standard_fields'];
// if ( in_array( 'give_engraving_message', $standard_fields ) ) {
// $standard_fields = array_diff( $standard_fields, array( 'give_engraving_message' ) );
// $responses['standard_fields'] = $standard_fields;
// }
// }
return $responses;
add_filter( 'give_export_donations_get_custom_fields', 'myprefix123_export_custom_fields', 10, 2 );
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