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Created January 20, 2023 19:08
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(ns hooks.defrule)
(def clara-inserts
"The forms we care about, capable of inserting facts."
#{'insert! 'insert-all!})
(def descend*
"Transducer to descend into inner forms, looling for those we care about, the ones that insert facts.
Unfortunately we can't really figure out if someone defines another function that calls `insert!`."
(comp (map macroexpand)
(drop 1)
(filter (some-fn #(some clara-inserts (flatten %))
(defn- check-fact-type
(some #{:fact-type} (tree-seq coll? seq inserts)))
(defn- descend
"Recursively checks forms that contain `insert!`s based on whether the verb/head is:
`insert!`s (exiting),
`let` forms where the body needs to be checked,
or any other symbol, meaning a macro/function call around an `insert!`, which could change control flow."
[[verb & args]]
(case verb
(insert! insert-all!)
(when-not (every? check-fact-type args)
(ex-info "Facts must have the `:fact-type` key" {}))
(let clojure.core/let let* clojure.core/let* do clojure.core/do) ; we can add further forms here, but to use as a param we need to use `cond` or write a macro
(recur (sequence descend* args))
(-> "`%s` or anything that expands to it is not allowed around `insert!` or `insert-all!` inside a `defrule`"
(format verb)
(ex-info {}))))
(defn defrule
(some->> form
(sequence (comp (drop-while (complement #{'=>})) descend*))
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