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Created May 8, 2015 19:14
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Identify over-represented words in a given corpus compared with other corpora and a background corpus based on log odds ratio with informative prior.
def logodds(corpora_dic, bg_counter):
""" It calculates the log odds ratio of term i's frequency between
a target corpus and another corpus, with the prior information from
a background corpus. Inputs are:
- a dictionary of Counter objects (corpora of our interest)
- a Counter objects (background corpus)
Output is a dictionary of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the log
odds ratio of each word.
corp_size = dict([(c, sum(corpora_dic[c].values())) for c in corpora_dic])
bg_size = sum(bg_counter.values())
result = dict([(c, {}) for c in corpora_dic])
for name, c in corpora_dic.items():
for word in c:
#if 10 > sum(1 for corpus in corpora_dic.values() if corpus[word]):
# continue
fi = c[word]
fj = sum(co[word] for x, co in corpora_dic.items() if x != name)
fbg = bg_counter[word]
ni = corp_size[name]
nj = sum(x for idx, x in corp_size.items() if idx != name)
nbg = bg_size
oddsratio = log(fi+fbg) - log(ni+nbg-(fi+fbg)) -\
log(fj+fbg) + log(nj+nbg-(fj+fbg))
std = 1.0 / (fi+fbg) + 1.0 / (fj+fbg)
z = oddsratio / sqrt(std)
result[name][word] = z
return result
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