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Last active November 16, 2022 09:25
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iTerm 2 unzoom on switch pane script
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7
# Put this script in ~/.config/iterm/Scripts or whatever, then enable in the Scripts menu
# Map switch keys to "Invoke Script Function...": `unzoom_and_switch(direction: "above/below/left/right")`
import iterm2
async def async_turn_off_menu_option(conn: iterm2.Connection, option: str):
state = await iterm2.MainMenu.async_get_menu_item_state(conn, option)
if state.checked:
await iterm2.MainMenu.async_select_menu_item(conn, option)
async def main(conn: iterm2.Connection):
app = await iterm2.async_get_app(conn)
async def unzoom_and_switch(direction: str):
window = app.current_window
tab = window.current_tab
await async_turn_off_menu_option(conn, 'Maximize Active Pane')
await tab.async_select_pane_in_direction(iterm2.NavigationDirection(direction))
await unzoom_and_switch.async_register(conn)
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