- scope Id should not be attached to the Rules in the keyframes
- fix the detection of forwarded slots
- adapt keepalive to ssr
- toggling branches with in-out mode should be transitioned correctly
- custom dom props should be cloned when cloning a hoisted DOM
- respect the mixed render function in ssr
- component with multi roots should be removed when unmounted, Its accompanying PR that needs to be dealt with first is #2870: targetAnchor should also be removed when unmounted
- keep the order of imports expression for the fallback branch of SSR
by other devs:
- fix(scheduler): ensure only skip unflushed job
- fix(ssr): watchEffect onInvalidate runner initialization
- fix(reactivity): ensure computed wrapped in readonly still works (close #3376)
- should add the DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT flag to v-if branchs
- the select tag's multiple prop should be set before the children mounting
- avoid infinite loop rendering caused by setting props multiple times
- should call hooks from chained mixins and extends
- fix the component instance returned by app.mount
- fix warning for absent props
- support shallow readonly for collections
- runtime support for the component with the is prop
- fix(Teleport): fallback to non-optimized mode when HRM performing updates
- should not set the access cache in the data-fn
- avoid generating useless createVNode helper
by other devs:
by other devs:
- trigger will called two times when set the same proxy value
- ensure that shallow and normal proxies are tracked seperately
by other devs:
- should handle camel-case name when performing match assertion
- vnode is of Text type and with empty text should be skipped when hydrateChildren
- remove all blocks related to the current instance to avoid memory leaks in ssr
- feat(scheduler): dedupe rendering jobs that are enqueued in a pre-flush job
- feat(watch): allow onInvalidate to register multiple callbacks
- fix(slot): make warnings consistent when calling slot functions outside of render function
by other devs:
by other devs:
- allow users to extend the globalsWhitelist
- take the comments option to fully control whether to keep comment nodes
by other devs:
- imports in <script> should not be exposed
- support using TSMethodSignature to define prop + improve error reporting
- support inferring Date/RegExp/Error from defineProps w/ type
by other devs:
- feat(template-explorer): support switching languages
- add test case for v-for that produces stable fragment
- types: allow ExtractPropTypes to make props with default values optional
by other devs