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Created January 17, 2025 06:55
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import glob
import orjson
import os
import datasets
from itertools import islice
An open-source pretraining dataset containing 4690 billion tokens,
this bilingual dataset with both English and Chinese texts is used for training neo models.
title = {MAP-Neo: Highly Capable and Transparent Bilingual Large Language Model Series},
author = {
Ge Zhang and
Scott Qu and
Jiaheng Liu and
Chenchen Zhang and
Chenghua Lin and
Chou Leuang Yu and
Danny Pan and
Esther Cheng and
Jie Liu and
Qunshu Lin and
Raven Yuan and
Tuney Zheng and
Wei Pang and
Xinrun Du and
Yiming Liang and
Yinghao Ma and
Yizhi Li and
Ziyang Ma and
Bill Lin and
Emmanouil Benetos and
Huan Yang and
Junting Zhou and
Kaijing Ma and
Minghao Liu and
Morry Niu and
Noah Wang and
Quehry Que and
Ruibo Liu and
Sine Liu and
Shawn Guo and
Soren Gao and
Wangchunshu Zhou and
Xinyue Zhang and
Yizhi Zhou and
Yubo Wang and
Yuelin Bai and
Yuhan Zhang and
Yuxiang Zhang and
Zenith Wang and
Zhenzhu Yang and
Zijian Zhao and
Jiajun Zhang and
Wanli Ouyang and
Wenhao Huang and
Wenhu Chen
year = {2024},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv: 2405.19327}
class MatrixDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
"""Custom dataset for JSON files with filtering capabilities."""
VERSION = datasets.Version("1.0.0")
def _info(self):
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
"id": datasets.Value("string"),
"text": datasets.Value("string"),
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
"""Returns SplitGenerators."""
import random
data_files = glob.glob("*/*.jsonl")
data_shards = []
for filepath in data_files:
# max size of each shard is 1GB
num_shards = -os.path.getsize(filepath) // -1024**3
for i in range(num_shards):
data_shards.append((filepath, i, num_shards))
return [
"data_shards": data_shards,
def _generate_examples(self, data_shards):
for file, split, num_shards in data_shards:
with open(file, "r") as f:
for i, line in islice(enumerate(f), split, None, num_shards):
data = orjson.loads(line)
if 'id' not in data:
data['id'] = f"{file}_{i}"
if 'content' in data and 'text' not in data:
data['text'] = data.pop('content')
if data['text'] is not None:
yield data["id"], data
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