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Created March 23, 2021 21:28
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Perl script for searching antiSMASH 5 genbank result files for cationic nonribosomal lipopeptide (CNRLP). Used in an upcoming publication.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
# One file at a time <antiSMASH genbank file> > out.tsv 2 > out.fasta.gz
# Using GNU parallel and find for a large number of files
find input/ -name '*gbk' -print0 |
parallel -0 -j 64 \
' {} > output/{/.}.tsv 2 > output/{/.}.fasta.gz'
Perl script for searching antiSMASH 5 genbank result files for cationic
nonribosomal lipopeptides (CNRLPs).
This script runs on only a single file at a time. You can parallelize it using
GNU Parallel (see L</"SYNOPSIS">), or similar, and combine the outputs at the
Written for antiSMASH v5.1.2 genbank output.
=head1 AUTHOR
Yozen Hernandez
use v5.26;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use IO::Compress::Gzip;
use File::Basename;
use List::MoreUtils qw(firstval occurrences);
use Log::Any '$log';
use Log::Any::Adapter ( 'File', 'cnrp.log', log_level => 'debug' );
my %pos_aas = ( arg => 1, his => 1, lys => 1, orn => 1, dab => 1, dap => 1 );
my $fn = shift or die "Usage: $0 <genbank file>\n";
my $seqio_obj = Bio::SeqIO->new(
-file => $fn,
-format => "genbank",
my ( $bname, $path ) = fileparse( $fn, ".gbk" );
my ($p_bname) = basename($path);
my $fasta_out = IO::Compress::Gzip->new( \*STDERR );
# Go through all records in Genbank file
while ( my $seq_obj = $seqio_obj->next_seq ) {
my $a_coll = $seq_obj->annotation;
my $species = $seq_obj->desc =~ s/[.,]?\s+(complete|whole) genome.*//rn;
$species =~ s/\s/_/g;
# Look for "region" primary tags which indicate this is an NRPS region
my $nrps_region = firstval {
$_->primary_tag eq "region"
&& $_->has_tag('product')
&& ( $_->get_tag_values('product') )[0] eq "NRPS"
next unless $nrps_region;
$log->infof( "Found NRPS region", $bname );
# Sure by now this is an NRPS region
# Find all asDomain features
my @as_domains =
grep { $_->primary_tag eq "aSDomain" } $seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures;
# Make sure that has C start domain
my ($c_start_feat) = grep {
&& ( $_->get_tag_values('domain_subtype') )[0] eq
} @as_domains;
next unless $c_start_feat;
#### Sure by now this is an NRPS region, with a C-start domain
#my $u_name = sprintf "%s-cluster%03d", $species, $cluster_num;
my $u_name = "$species-$bname";
say $fasta_out ">$u_name-Cstart\n" . $c_start_feat->seq->seq
if $c_start_feat;
say $fasta_out ">$u_name\n" . $nrps_region->seq->seq;
# Get all cationic amino acid encoding A domains
my @a_domains =
grep { ( $_->get_tag_values('aSDomain') )[0] eq "AMP-binding" }
$log->debugf( join "\n",
map { ( $_->get_tag_values('domain_id') )[0] } @a_domains );
my @pred_a;
my @cat_a = grep { $_ } map {
my $ad = $_;
my ($spec_calls) =
map { /consensus: (.*)/; $1; } $ad->get_tag_values('specificity');
$log->debugf( "Consensus: " . join "|", $spec_calls );
push @pred_a, join( "|", $spec_calls );
join "|", grep { exists $pos_aas{$_} } split /\|/, $spec_calls;
} @a_domains;
$log->infof( "Found "
. scalar(@cat_a)
. " predicted cat-aa's out of "
. scalar(@a_domains)
. " in $p_bname/$bname." );
say "$species\t$bname\t"
. scalar(@a_domains) . "\t"
. scalar(@cat_a) . "\t"
. join( ",", @pred_a ) . "\t"
. join( ",", @cat_a ) . "\t"
. ( ( $c_start_feat->seq->seq ) ? $c_start_feat->seq->seq : "" );
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