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Created July 5, 2020 06:23
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  • Save z-shah/5b8beba9ad3f87db60061a5d6cdced10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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for i in range(1,8,2):
if i == 1:
print(' ' + '*'*i + ' ' )
elif i == 3:
print(' ' + '*'*i + ' ' )
elif i == 5:
print(' '+ '*'*i + ' ')
elif i == 7:
for a in range(5,0,-2):
if a == 5:
print(' ' + a*'*' + ' ')
elif a == 3:
print(' ' + a*'*' + ' ')
elif a == 1:
print(' ' + a*'*' + ' ')
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