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Created June 4, 2020 08:30
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Strip HTML tags in Golang
import (
var p = bluemonday.UGCPolicy()
// StripHTMLTags strips the string field in `input`. The string field can be nested in other
// data types, such as a map or a slice. The method will search through all the fields.
func StripHTMLTags(input interface{}) {
values := reflect.ValueOf(input)
func stripRecursive(field reflect.Value) {
switch field.Kind() {
// String type, finally at the place we want to be, sanitize
case reflect.String:
if field.CanSet() { // Can't set for unexported type, etc.
sanitized := sanitize(sanitize(field.Interface().(string)))
// Pointer type, we check if it's nil. Dereference it and call recursion.
// Interface type is similar.
case reflect.Ptr,
elem := field.Elem()
if !elem.IsValid() { // nil pointer stop processing
// For slice, loop each element and call recursion.
case reflect.Slice:
for j := 0; j < field.Len(); j++ {
sj := field.Index(j)
// For struct, loop each field and call recursion.
case reflect.Struct:
for j := 0; j < field.NumField(); j++ {
ff := field.Field(j)
// For map, loop each key and call recursion. Note that we have to construct a new interface
// for a value in the map, or else the value cannot be able to set.
case reflect.Map:
for _, key := range field.MapKeys() {
val := field.MapIndex(key)
cloneVal := reflect.New(val.Type()).Elem()
field.SetMapIndex(key, cloneVal)
func sanitize(input string) string {
sanitized := p.Sanitize(input)
sanitized = html.UnescapeString(sanitized)
sanitized = strings.TrimSpace(sanitized)
sanitized = strings.ReplaceAll(sanitized, "`", "")
return sanitized
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