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Last active September 21, 2015 01:39
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Save z448/45024574e7724c2d5847 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CLI tool for remote command execution on group of servers filtered by keyword
#put your $ENV here; it will wait for you on other side
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# rep
# git clone
use JSON;
use Net::OpenSSH;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use IO::All;
use feature 'say';
$json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $arg;
if ($ARGV[0]) {$arg = uc($ARGV[0])}
my $argL = length($arg);
$arg =~ s/(...)(.)?(.)?(.)?/$1$2$3$4/;
my ($app, $reg, $env, $host) = (qr/$1/,qr/$2/,qr/$3/,qr/$4/);
my $fn = "$ENV{'HOME'}\/nps\/etc\/\.apps\.json";
my $jdata;
open(my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $fn) or die;
local $/ = undef;
$jdata = <$fh>;
close $fh;
$pdata = $json->decode($jdata);
sub jane {
say $json->pretty->encode($pdata);
#fiter first param
sub chopL {
#&help and last unless ( defined $ARGV[0]);
if ($argL >= 3) {@data = grep { $_->{'application'} =~m/^${app}.*?/ } @$pdata}
if ($argL >= 4) {@data= grep { $_->{'region'} =~m/^${reg}.../ } @data}
if ($argL >= 5) {@data = grep { $_->{'env'} =~ m/^${env}.?.?/ } @data}
#relay action based on parameters
sub relay {
my $data = shift;
if ( !defined $ARGV[1]) {
# minus arg0 subs goes here
if ($ARGV[0]=~m/^\-/) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--help' or $ARGV[0] eq '-h') {&help}
#quick help if no arg passed
unless(defined $ARGV[0]) {&h}
#one arg subs goes here
if ($argL>2 and $argL<6) {printer(\@$data, $argL)}
if ($argL==6) {conn(\@$data)}
} else {
#two arg subs goes here
if ($ARGV[1] eq '-s') {status(\@$data)}
elsif ($ARGV[1] eq '-f') {subAction{(\@$data)}
} else {
ossh(\@$data, $ARGV[1]);
sub printer {
my $reel=shift; my $argL=shift;
my $clear='clear'; system($clear);
for (@$reel) {
$a="\ $_->{'application'}\ "; $h="\ $_->{'hostname'}\ "; $r="\ $_->{'region'}\ "; $e="\ $_->{'env'}\ ";
$aL=length($_->{'application'}); $hL=length($_->{'hostname'}); $rL=length($_->{'region'}); $eL=length($_->{'env'});
print colored(['white on_blue'], "$a");
print colored(['blue on_white'], "$r");
print colored(['white on_blue'], "$e");
print colored(['blue on_white'], "$h");
print colored(['blue on_white'], "\ ")x(15-"$hL");
print colored(['white on_blue'], "\ ");
print "\n";
sub status {
my $data = shift;
for (@$data){
print "$_->{'application'}\ \n \ $_->{'status'}\n";
sub ossh {
my $data = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
for (@$data) {
my $con = qq($_->{'username'}\@$_->{'hostname'});
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($con);
my @pty = $ssh->capture({stdin_discard => 1},"export PATH=~/nps/bin:\$PATH; echo `hostname`; $cmd");
print @pty;
sub conn {
my $data = shift;
#add check for tmux; do normal ssh if N/A
#for ($$data[0]) {system(qq(sshrc -q $_->{'username'}\@$_->{'hostname'}))}
for (@$data) {
print "$_->{'username'}\@$_->{'hostname'}"
system(qq(tmux split-window -h "ssh $_->{'username'}\@$_->{'hostname'}"));
system(qq(tmux select-layout tiled > /dev/null));
sub subAction {
##################### start ###################
sub help {
system("perldoc $0");
sub h {
print color('white');print "\nQUICK HELP"; print color('reset');print "\n(use ";
print color('white');print "--help"; print color('reset');
print " for help in more detail)\n\n";
print "\tUsage:\trunon ";
print color('blue');
print "[app]";
print color ('yellow');
print "[r]";
print color ('magenta');
print "[e]\n\n\t\t";
print color('blue'); print "[app]";
print color("reset");
print "\tfirst 3 characters of application name; e.g: Puma = pum)\n\t\t";
print color ('yellow');print "[r]"; print color('reset');
print "\tfirst character of region; e.g: amer = a\n\t\t";
print color('magenta'); print "[e]"; print color('reset');
print "\tfirst character of enviroment e.g: sit = s";
print "\n\n";
sub todo {
print "- if first option ends with number, then the number is item in array which i'll use as additional filter for whatever preceeds the nubmer";
print "- get rid of JSON dependency or use JSON::Lite";
print "- add option to source custom file on another side, right upon login";
sub update {
$mepath = `which $0`;
system("rm -r .git");
system("curl -kLO `cat .runon`");
=head1 NAME
runon CLI tool for remote execution of local command on group of servers filtered by keyword
runon [where] [what]
All parameters are optional, i.e: without providing one it will output list of all nps hosts.
Passing one parameter it'll list hostname based on pattern. Use it to narrow down list of hostnames
FILTER ($1) is a string to be used as PATTERN which narrows down the list of hostnames on output
app name - first 3 characters of appname ( e.g: batman = bat )
region - first character of region (e.g: a or e )
environment - first character of env (e.g: s,q,u,g)
host number - from 0 to 9
PATH ($2) is a local path of script to be copied and executed on group of remote hosts (e.g: /home/user/myscript )
runon bat list all Batman servers
runon bata list all AMER Batman servers
runon bataq same as above but only QA environment
runon bataq0 list first hostname from list above (AMER QA Batman - first server on the list)
if [ $0 == 'str' ]; then
$HOME/nps/bin/control $($HOME/nps/bin/control | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f4,4) start $1
elif [ $0 == 'stp' ]; then
$HOME/nps/bin/control $($HOME/nps/bin/control | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f4,4) stop $1
elif [ $0 == 'strm' ]; then
$HOME/nps/bin/control $($HOME/nps/bin/control | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f4,4) start_missing
$HOME/nps/bin/control $($HOME/nps/bin/control | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f4,4) status
#add into main script or distribute to remote hosts and create symlinks to this file (str, stp, strm) for different results
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z448 commented Aug 17, 2015

fixed update self function

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z448 commented Aug 17, 2015

using net::openssh for remote command execution with local results

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z448 commented Aug 17, 2015


Add find \w symlink follow qq!runon batas 'find -L ~ -iname "*.log"!

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z448 commented Sep 20, 2015

todo pack modules into multiarch libpar; bootstrap PAR to use it; customized export file for users when running under same user

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