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Created December 7, 2016 21:56
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programmatically create activator listener for command on iOS
use 5.010;
use warnings;
use strict;
# create activator listener for command
# usage: actlsr 'ls -la'
# respring device and assign to some gesture
my $cache = '/var/mobile/Library/Caches/libactivator.plist';
my $t = time();
die "\ninstall plutil from Erica Utilities package\n" unless `which plutil`;
sub lsr {
my($cmd, $type) = @_;
my $name = lc $cmd; $name =~ s/([a-z].*?)(\ .*)/$1/; $name .= $t;
my $key = '.run.'; $key = '.show.' if $type eq 'Message';
my $lsr = {
uuid => 'libactivator.' . lc $type . $key . $name,
title => "\"$cmd\"",
type => 'LA' . $type . 'Listeners',
action => sub {
$cmd = $cmd . ' && activator send' . $name;
return 'ok' if $type eq 'Message';
return $cmd if $type eq 'Command';
for(qw< Command Message >){
my $c = join ' ',@ARGV;
my $a = lsr("$c", $_);
my $action = $a->{action}->();
my $uuid = $a->{uuid};
my $key = lc $_;
if(`activator get $a->{type}` eq $uuid){ return }
system("plutil -key $a->{type} -dict $cache") unless `activator get $a->{type}`;
system("plutil -key $a->{type} -key $uuid -dict $cache");
system("plutil -key $a->{type} -key $uuid -key title -value $a->{title} $cache");
system("plutil -key $a->{type} -key $uuid -key $key -value \"$action\" $cache");
system("plutil -key $a->{type} -key $uuid -key banner -value 1 $cache") if /Message/;
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