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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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get .js & .css sources from html
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# downloads src .js and .css files from html; use if you are behind proxy and cant source external content
# usage
# ./ /path/to/some.html
# v0.2 - prints local links after src name
# v0.3 - archive (out.html.src.gz) then remove all .js & .css
# v0.4 - outputs out.html with swapped src files for local ones
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::All;
my (@lines, $file, $content, $name, $url, $hot, @files, $nurl);
my $locLibDir = 'llib';
my $fileOut = 'out.html';
if ($ARGV[0]) {
$file = $ARGV[0];
`rm $fileOut && touch $fileOut`;
} else {
print "give me path to file\n";
io("$file") > $content;
@lines = split(/\n/, $content);
foreach (@lines) {
if (/(\<script\ src\=\"(http|\/\/)|(\<link\ rel.*\/\/.*))/) {
$name = $url = $nurl = $_;
$name =~ s/.*\/(.*?\.(js|css)).*/$1/;
push @files, $name;
$url =~ s/(.*\/\/)(.*?)(\".*)/$2/;
$nurl =~ s/(.*)(\/\/.*?)(\".*)/$1$name$3/;
$nurl =~ s/(.*)(http\:)(.*)/$1$3/;
print "$name -> ";
$hot = "curl\ \-LO\ http\:\/\/$url 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
print "$nurl\n";
"$nurl\n" >> io($fileOut);
} else {
"$_\n" >> io($fileOut);
sub archive {
my $toTar = join ' ', @files;
`tar -zcvf "$fileOut".'src.gz' $toTar`;
`rm $toTar`;
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