This is how to automatically check your Python code style to comply with PEP8 when you use vim as your text editor. The first thing to do is, make sure you have vim running 😁
$ vim
You need to setup vim-pathogen first:
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
Add this to .vimrc
execute pathogen#infect()
filetype plugin indent on
Now copy vim-flake8 and put it at vim bundle directory:
$ cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone [email protected]:nvie/vim-flake8.git
Add also add this to .vimrc
to automatically check the style everytime you write a Python code:
autocmd BufWritePost *.py call Flake8()
Let's give it a try, create a Python file:
$ vim
import django
from datetime import datetime
now =
Try to save it: :w
then you should see this kind of warning:|1 col 1| F401 'django' imported but unused
- stackoverflow question