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Created August 26, 2019 14:55
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zach@Zachs-MacBook-Air:~/proj/fraugster/temp/poetry $ poetry add tensorflow==2.0.0rc0 -vvv
Using virtualenv: /Users/zach/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/poetry-NE7MY6s6-py3.6
PyPI: 1 packages found for tensorflow 2.0.0rc0
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies...
1: fact: poetry is 0.1.0
1: derived: poetry
1: fact: poetry depends on tensorflow (2.0.0rc0)
1: fact: poetry depends on pytest (^3.0)
1: selecting poetry (0.1.0)
1: derived: pytest (^3.0)
1: derived: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on py (>=1.5.0)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on six (>=1.10.0)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on attrs (>=17.4.0)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on more-itertools (>=4.0.0)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on atomicwrites (>=1.0)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on pluggy (>=0.7)
1: fact: pytest (3.10.1) depends on colorama (*)
1: selecting pytest (3.10.1)
1: derived: colorama (*)
1: derived: pluggy (>=0.7)
1: derived: atomicwrites (>=1.0)
1: derived: more-itertools (>=4.0.0)
1: derived: attrs (>=17.4.0)
1: derived: six (>=1.10.0)
1: derived: py (>=1.5.0)
PyPI: 1 packages found for tensorflow 2.0.0rc0
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on absl-py (>=0.7.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on astor (>=0.6.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on gast (>=0.2.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on google-pasta (>=0.1.6)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on keras-applications (>=1.0.8)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on keras-preprocessing (>=1.0.5)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on numpy (>=1.16.0,<2.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on opt-einsum (>=2.3.2)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on six (>=1.10.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on protobuf (>=3.6.1)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on tb-nightly (>=1.15.0a20190806,<1.15.0a20190807)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on tf-estimator-nightly (>=1.14.0.dev2019080601,<1.14.0.dev2019080602)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on termcolor (>=1.1.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on wrapt (>=1.11.1)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on grpcio (>=1.8.6)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on wheel (*)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on mock (>=2.0.0)
1: fact: tensorflow (2.0.0rc0) depends on functools32 (>=3.2.3)
1: selecting tensorflow (2.0.0rc0)
1: derived: functools32 (>=3.2.3)
1: derived: mock (>=2.0.0)
1: derived: wheel (*)
1: derived: grpcio (>=1.8.6)
1: derived: wrapt (>=1.11.1)
1: derived: termcolor (>=1.1.0)
1: derived: tf-estimator-nightly (>=1.14.0.dev2019080601,<1.14.0.dev2019080602)
1: derived: tb-nightly (>=1.15.0a20190806,<1.15.0a20190807)
1: derived: protobuf (>=3.6.1)
1: derived: opt-einsum (>=2.3.2)
1: derived: numpy (>=1.16.0,<2.0)
1: derived: keras-preprocessing (>=1.0.5)
1: derived: keras-applications (>=1.0.8)
1: derived: google-pasta (>=0.1.6)
1: derived: gast (>=0.2.0)
1: derived: astor (>=0.6.0)
1: derived: absl-py (>=0.7.0)
1: selecting colorama (0.4.1)
1: fact: pluggy (0.12.0) depends on importlib-metadata (>=0.12)
1: selecting pluggy (0.12.0)
1: derived: importlib-metadata (>=0.12)
1: selecting atomicwrites (1.3.0)
1: selecting more-itertools (7.2.0)
1: selecting attrs (19.1.0)
1: selecting six (1.12.0)
1: selecting py (1.8.0)
1: selecting functools32 (3.2.3-2)
1: fact: mock (3.0.5) depends on six (*)
1: selecting mock (3.0.5)
1: selecting wheel (0.33.6)
1: fact: grpcio (1.23.0) depends on six (>=1.5.2)
1: selecting grpcio (1.23.0)
1: selecting wrapt (1.11.2)
1: selecting termcolor (1.1.0)
1: selecting tf-estimator-nightly (1.14.0.dev2019080601)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on absl-py (>=0.4)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on grpcio (>=1.6.3)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on markdown (>=2.6.8)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on numpy (>=1.12.0)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on protobuf (>=3.6.0)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on six (>=1.10.0)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on werkzeug (>=0.11.15)
1: fact: tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806) depends on wheel (>=0.26)
1: selecting tb-nightly (1.15.0a20190806)
1: derived: werkzeug (>=0.11.15)
1: derived: markdown (>=2.6.8)
1: fact: protobuf (3.9.1) depends on six (>=1.9)
1: selecting protobuf (3.9.1)
1: fact: opt-einsum (3.0.1) depends on numpy (>=1.7)
1: selecting opt-einsum (3.0.1)
1: selecting numpy (1.17.0)
1: fact: keras-preprocessing (1.1.0) depends on numpy (>=1.9.1)
1: fact: keras-preprocessing (1.1.0) depends on six (>=1.9.0)
1: selecting keras-preprocessing (1.1.0)
1: fact: keras-applications (1.0.8) depends on numpy (>=1.9.1)
1: fact: keras-applications (1.0.8) depends on h5py (*)
1: selecting keras-applications (1.0.8)
1: derived: h5py (*)
1: selecting google-pasta (0.1.7)
1: selecting gast (0.2.2)
1: selecting astor (0.8.0)
1: fact: absl-py (0.7.1) depends on six (*)
1: selecting absl-py (0.7.1)
PyPI: Invalid constraint (pathlib2 ; python_version == "3.4.*" or python_version < "3") found in importlib-metadata-0.19 dependencies, skipping
1: fact: importlib-metadata (0.19) depends on zipp (>=0.5)
1: selecting importlib-metadata (0.19)
1: derived: zipp (>=0.5)
1: selecting werkzeug (0.15.5)
1: selecting markdown (3.1.1)
1: fact: h5py (2.9.0) depends on numpy (>=1.7)
1: fact: h5py (2.9.0) depends on six (*)
1: selecting h5py (2.9.0)
1: fact: zipp (0.6.0) depends on more-itertools (*)
1: selecting zipp (0.6.0)
1: Version solving took 0.467 seconds.
1: Tried 1 solutions.
Package operations: 16 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing wheel (0.33.6)
- Installing functools32 (3.2.3-2)
Command ['/Users/zach/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/poetry-NE7MY6s6-py3.6/bin/python', '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--no-deps', 'functools32==3.2.3-2'] errored with the following return code 1, and output:
Collecting functools32==3.2.3-2
Using cached
Complete output from command python egg_info:
This backport is for Python 2.7 only.
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/ws/cpz40kp14qvb0b7fwjn224380000gn/T/pip-build-93zhmts2/functools32/
You are using pip version 9.0.3, however version 19.2.3 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.6/clikit/", line 132, in run
status_code = command.handle(parsed_args, io)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.6/clikit/api/command/", line 119, in handle
status_code = self._do_handle(args, io)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.6/clikit/api/command/", line 167, in _do_handle
return getattr(handler, handler_method)(args, io, self)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/_vendor/py3.6/cleo/commands/", line 92, in wrap_handle
return self.handle()
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/console/commands/", line 149, in handle
status =
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/", line 74, in run
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/", line 286, in _do_install
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/", line 302, in _execute
getattr(self, '_execute_{}'.format(method))(operation)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/", line 327, in _execute_install
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/", line 88, in install*args)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/installation/", line 109, in run
return'python', '-m', 'pip', *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/utils/", line 875, in run
return super(VirtualEnv, self).run(bin, *args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/zach/.poetry/lib/poetry/utils/", line 708, in run
raise EnvCommandError(e, input=input_)
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