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Created January 26, 2011 18:14
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AppleScript to fix twitter appearing on all spaces issue
tell application "System Events"
set x to application bindings of spaces preferences of expose preferences
set x to {|com.twitter.twitter-mac|:3} & x -- 3 is any space you don't want twitter on
set application bindings of spaces preferences of expose preferences to x
set x to {|com.twitter.twitter-mac|:4} & x -- 4 is the space you want twitter to be on
set application bindings of spaces preferences of expose preferences to x
end tell
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Twitter stays on the correct space once it's space has been changed after it launches. I run this via Alfred, instead of having to manually do it in the spaces preferences. This worked for me, but I never use AppleScript and figured it out from here:, so your mileage may vary.

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