The Latest on Stagefright: CVE-2015-1538 Exploit is Now Available for Testing Purposes
By zLabs Wednesday, Sep 9 2015 at 08:05
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More than a month has passed since Zimperium first broke the news of zLabs’ VP of Platform Research and Exploitation Joshua J. Drake’s discovery of multiple critical vulnerabilities in Android’s media library – libstagefright. In that time frame, the number and importance of the events that have unfolded is nothing short of amazing. Back in April and May we reported two sets of vulnerabilities to Google, both including multiple with critical severity. In July, we announced our intentions to publish our exploit on August 5th during Black Hat USA. After discussions with ZHA Partners, including both carriers and device manufacturers, we agreed to postpone the release of the exploit until August 24th. Multiple researchers have publicly discussed their own working exploits targeting vulnerabilities within libstagefright. Before we dive into our exploit, let’s recap the key events that unfolded since our recent announcement.
Black Hat Slides and Video Available Black Hat libStageFright researchWe made Joshua’s presentation slides available shortly after Black Hat and DEF CON. Later, the Black Hat organizers made the full video available on YouTube. Please review these materials to learn more about Joshua’s research straight from the source.
Unassisted Remote Attack Vector Addressed Mobile Attack VectorGoogle released new versions of Hangouts and Messenger to block automatic processing of multimedia files arriving via MMS. We’ve tested these updated versions and are happy to confirm they prevent unassisted remote exploitation. However, this attack vector constituted only the worst of more than 10 different ways (browsers, instant messengers, etc) potentially malicious media is processed by the Stagefright library. With these other vectors still present, the importance of fixing issues within the code base remains very high.
Additional Vulnerabilities Reported mobile vulnerabilitiesWe expected other researchers to explore the vulnerabilities we disclosed and discover additional vulnerabilities in the Stagefright library over time. That said, we did not expect the incredible level of response from the community. We applaud the efforts of myriad researchers that flocked to audit the Android code base and collectively discovered and reported numerous additional issues.
Update Changes and Status Mobile Security VendorsThe most positive thing about our Stagefright research is waking the ecosystem and getting device vendors and carriers to realize they must distribute updates more quickly and more often. Industry leading vendors clearly stated that they intend to provide security updates on a monthly basis. Now that we are facing additional vulnerabilities, we’ll see for ourselves if our devices get these updates or not. In the meantime, updates addressing the initial set of issues we disclosed continue to roll out to affected devices.
Additional Update is Required mobile security updatesShortly after the events in Las Vegas, researchers from Exodus Intelligence discovered a problem with one of the patches Joshua supplied. Google quickly analyzed this issue, assigned CVE-2015-3864, and pushed a fix to AOSP. We expect the fix to be included in the next round of official updates. In fact, our Stagefright Detector app data shows that some devices have received an update for this issue already. Regardless, we feel this issue represents a significant risk to the ecosystem and thus should be addressed sooner rather than later.
Our Detection Efforts Zimperium Detection EffortsIn order to best serve the mobile ecosystem, we created the Stagefright Detector app to detect if your device is vulnerable to the vulnerabilities discovered in libstagefright. After CVE-2015-3864 was publicly disclosed, we added it to the set of vulnerabilities tested in the app. Since then, we have been working directly with Google to port the app’s detection logic into Android’s Compatibility Test Suite (CTS). This means future versions of Android for all “Android Compatible” devices must have these issues fixed before they can ship.
Zimperium’s z9 enterprise customers, have the capability to detect attacks exploiting Stagefright vulnerabilities. Two demo videos are referenced below: one showing a successful attack, and another showing the attack being detected.
Researchers are Working on their Exploits StageFright Exploits ResearchOn August 25th, we discovered a researcher’s post on Twitter about his independent implementation of an exploit against libstagefright. His post shows his exploit works against Android 5.0 running in the emulator. This is consistent with information that a student and independent researcher posted on Twitter stating he had managed to bypass ASLR using an information leakage vulnerability in Stagefright. In the event additional public exploits surface, please exercise caution before running them, as they may contain backdoors.
Releasing Our Exploit for Testing Purposes StageFright ExploitDuring the months of June and July, Joshua J. Drake developed a working exploit to prove the Stagefright vulnerability can allow Remote Code Execution (RCE) without user interaction. We are pleased to finally make this code available to the general public so that security teams, administrators, and penetration testers alike may test whether or not systems remain vulnerable.
What follows is a python script that generates an MP4 exploiting the ‘stsc’ vulnerability otherwise known as CVE-2015-1538 (#1). This is one of the most critical vulnerabilities we reported in the Stagefright library. The expected result of the exploit is a reverse shell as the media user. As detailed in Joshua Drake’s Black Hat and DEFCON presentations, this user has access to quite a few groups such as inet, audio, camera, and mediadrm. These groups allow an attacker to take pictures or listen to the microphone remotely without exploiting additional vulnerabilities.
This exploit has several caveats. First, it is not a generic exploit. We only tested it to work on a single device model. We tested this exploit on a Nexus running Android 4.0.4. Also, due to variances in heap layout, this is not a 100% reliable exploit by itself. We were able achieve 100% reliability when delivered through an attack vector that allowed multiple attempts. Finally, this vulnerability was one of several that was neutered by GCC 5.0’s ‘new[]’ integer overflow mitigation present on Android 5.0 and later.