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Created March 15, 2021 20:30
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# We renamed a ton of our repos to the Terraform Registry naming format. This script uses grep and sed to search for
# references to the old names and replace them with the new names.
# Bash doesn't have a good way to escape quotes in strings. The official solution is to list multiple strings next
# to each other (, but that becomes unreadable, especially with regex.
# Therefore, to make our regex more readable, we are declaring clearly-named variables for the special characters we
# want to match, and including those in a string with no need for escaping or crazy concatenation
readonly DOUBLE_QUOTE='"'
readonly SINGLE_QUOTE="'"
readonly BACKTICK='`'
readonly START_OF_LINE='^'
readonly END_OF_LINE='$'
readonly FORWARD_SLASH='\/'
readonly DOT='\.'
readonly WHITESPACE='\s'
readonly OPEN_BRACKET='\['
readonly CLOSE_BRACKET='\]'
readonly OPEN_PAREN='\('
readonly CLOSE_PAREN='\)'
readonly OPEN_CURLY_BRACE='\{'
readonly CLOSE_CURLY_BRACE='\}'
# When replacing old names with new, these are regular expressions for the characters we allow before a name or after.
# We check these characters explicitly to make sure we don't accidentally replace one of the names when it just happens
# to appear as a substring in some unrelated word. E.g., "module-ci" should NOT be replaced in
# "gruntwork-module-circleci-helpers".
# The list of repos to replace, in pairs, where the first entry is the old name and the second entry is the second name
# (we use this ugly array instead of a map because the old Bash version on Mac doesn't support maps).
"module-vpc" "terraform-aws-vpc"
"module-aws-monitoring" "terraform-aws-monitoring"
"package-directory-services" "terraform-aws-directory-services"
"module-file-storage" "terraform-aws-file-storage"
"module-ecs" "terraform-aws-ecs"
"module-security" "terraform-aws-security"
"cis-compliance-aws" "terraform-aws-cis-service-catalog"
"aws-service-catalog" "terraform-aws-service-catalog"
"aws-architecture-catalog" "terraform-aws-architecture-catalog"
"package-terraform-utilities" "terraform-aws-utilities"
"module-ci" "terraform-aws-ci"
"module-asg" "terraform-aws-asg"
"module-server" "terraform-aws-server"
"package-beanstalk" "terraform-aws-beanstalk"
"package-openvpn" "terraform-aws-openvpn"
"module-data-storage" "terraform-aws-data-storage"
"module-load-balancer" "terraform-aws-load-balancer"
"package-zookeeper" "terraform-aws-zookeeper"
"package-kafka" "terraform-aws-kafka"
"package-messaging" "terraform-aws-messaging"
"module-cache" "terraform-aws-cache"
"package-static-assets" "terraform-aws-static-assets"
"package-elk" "terraform-aws-elk"
"package-mongodb" "terraform-aws-mongodb"
"package-lambda" "terraform-aws-lambda"
"package-datadog" "terraform-aws-datadog"
"package-waf" "terraform-aws-waf"
"package-sam" "terraform-aws-sam"
"module-ci-pipeline-example" "terraform-aws-ci-pipeline-example"
# Finds all files in the repo to replace, taking care to exclude the .git folder, Terraform & Terragrunt scratch
# folders, binary files, and other files we shouldn't be touching.
function find_files_to_update {
find . \
-not -iwholename '*.git*' \
-not -iwholename '*.terragrunt-cache*' \
-not -iwholename '*.terraform*' \
-not -iwholename '*.png' \
-not -iwholename '*.jpg' \
-not -iwholename '*.jpeg' \
-not -iwholename '*.gif' \
-not -iwholename '*.bmp' \
-not -iwholename '*.tiff' \
-not -iwholename '*.DS_Store*' \
-not -iwholename '*.go' \
-not -iwholename '*go.mod' \
-not -iwholename '*go.sum' \
-type f
# Format a regex replacement string for use with perl. The returned value will be of the format:
# This string will allow us to replace multiple values in a single call to Perl.
function format_replacement_string {
local replacements=""
local i old_name new_name
for ((i=0;i<"${#REPLACEMENT_PAIRS[@]}";i+=2)); do
# This is the sed-like regex for the replacements we'll be doing. To help create this regex, I used this handy
# online regex tester, that not only gives you nice highlighting, but even lets you define a bunch of test cases to
# check against!
replacements+=" s/$ALLOWED_CHARS_BEFORE$old_name$ALLOWED_CHARS_AFTER/\$1$new_name\$2/g;"
# Strip extra space at start of string:
echo "${replacements# }"
# The main entrypoint for this script
function update_all_repo_names {
local replacements
local files_to_update
local file
for file in "${files_to_update[@]}"; do
# I originally used sed, but on Mac, sed added an unnecessary newline at the end of every single file it touched,
# so I switched to Perl. This also has the added benefit of allowing us to process multiple replacements in a
# single call.
perl -i -pe "${replacements[@]}" "$file"
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