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pipeline {
// run on jenkins nodes tha has java 8 label
agent { label 'java8' }
// global env variables
environment {
EMAIL_RECIPIENTS = '[email protected]'
stages {
stage('Build with unit testing') {
max-mapper / datagovmetadata.json
Created February 14, 2017 21:54
EOP-GOV Metadata
{"help": "", "success": true, "result": {"count": 48, "sort": "views_recent desc", "facets": {}, "results": [{"license_title": "License not specified", "maintainer": "New Media", "relationships_as_object": [], "private": false, "maintainer_email": "[email protected]", "num_tags": 5, "id": "59694770-b6b6-4ae0-a4b9-4ae69c0be2f6", "metadata_created": "2016-07-02T10:06:26.199575", "metadata_modified": "2016-07-02T10:06:26.199575", "author": null, "author_email": null, "state": "active", "version": null, "creator_user_id": "47303a9e-1187-4290-85a3-1fc02dc49e4a", "type": "dataset", "resources": [{"cache_last_updated": null, "package_id": "59694770-b6b6-4ae0-a4b9-4ae69c0be2f6", "webstore_last_updated": null, "id": "3a8a0ad1-19e7-4153-bb2f-d70cf88aaaf8", "size": null, "state": "active", "hash": "", "description": "", "format": "CSV", "tracking_summary": {"total": 32, "recent": 1}, "last_modified": null, "url_type": null, "no_real_name": "True",
MoOx / package.json.js
Last active June 26, 2022 22:18
Boost your Webpack performance with DLLPlugin (will bundle as dll all your "dependencies", see comment in package.json)
"private": true,
// ...
"#dependencies": "dependencies are the one shipped to the client",
"dependencies": {
"babel-polyfill": "^6.7.4",
"react": "^15.0.0",
// ...
"whatwg-fetch": "^0.11.1"
gwillem / ansible-bootstrap-ubuntu-16.04.yml
Created June 16, 2016 21:59
Get Ansible to work on bare Ubuntu 16.04 without python 2.7
# Add this snippet to the top of your playbook.
# It will install python2 if missing (but checks first so no expensive repeated apt updates)
# [email protected]
- hosts: all
gather_facts: False
- name: install python 2
raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || (apt -y update && apt install -y python-minimal)
scy /
Last active November 24, 2024 21:24
Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

Opening and closing an SSH tunnel in a shell script the smart way

I recently had the following problem:

  • From an unattended shell script (called by Jenkins), run a command-line tool that accesses the MySQL database on another host.
  • That tool doesn't know that the database is on another host, plus the MySQL port on that host is firewalled and not accessible from other machines.

We didn't want to open the MySQL port to the network, but it's possible to SSH from the Jenkins machine to the MySQL machine. So, basically you would do something like

ssh -L 3306:localhost:3306 remotehost