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Last active January 24, 2019 09:07
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Perl 5 version of
# Using IO::Async and Future
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use curry;
use Future;
use IO::Async::Function;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use Time::HiRes;
my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;
for my $sub ( \&run, \&run2, \&run3, \&run3f, \&run4, \&run5 ) {
my $t0 = [ Time::HiRes::gettimeofday() ];
say "Finished in @{[ Time::HiRes::tv_interval $t0 ]} seconds";
# demo how futures can easily become blocking and prevent other work
# from being performed asynchronously
sub run {
my $f1 = call_a();
my $f3 = call_c( $f1->get );
# these are blocked until $f1->get resolves
my $f2 = call_b();
my $f4 = call_d( $f2->get );
my $f5 = call_e( $f2->get );
say $f3->get, " => ", $f4->get * $f5->get;
# demo how reordering of futures can improve the situation but still
# does not address differing response latencies of $f1 and $f2
sub run2 {
my $f1 = call_a();
my $f2 = call_b();
# blocks until $f1->get resolves
my $f3 = call_c( $f1->get );
# blocks until $f2->get resolves
my $f4 = call_d( $f2->get );
my $f5 = call_e( $f2->get );
say $f3->get, " => ", $f4->get * $f5->get;
# demo how changing where processes are injected to solve the issue of
# run2() (at the cost of some complexity via future chaining)
sub run3 {
my $f1 = call_a();
my $f2 = call_b();
# spawn another process so waiting on $f1->get for $f3 doesn't block
# $f4/$f5. Note that this shares $f1 across processes, which is not
# recommended.
my $fn = IO::Async::Function->new( code => sub { $f1->get } );
my $f3 = $fn->call( args => [] )->then( sub { call_c(shift) } );
# blocks until $f2->get resolves
my $f4 = call_d( $f2->get );
my $f5 = call_e( $f2->get );
say $f3->get, " => ", $f4->get * $f5->get;
# demo fluent use of Future methods to provide a better example than all
# the above, as well as reducing blocking get() calls
sub run3f {
my $f1 = call_a();
my $f2 = call_b();
# sequence resolving $f1 then $f3 without blocking $f4/$5; no need
# for spawning a process!
my $f3 = $f1->then( sub { call_c(shift) } );
# $f2 will resolve first then $f4/$f5 follows
my $f4 = $f2->then( sub { call_d(shift) } );
my $f5 = $f2->then( sub { call_e(shift) } );
# converge all futures into a single future to get() once
Future->needs_all( $f3, $f4, $f5 )->then(
sub {
my ( $r3, $r4, $r5 ) = @_;
say $r3, " => ", $r4 * $r5;
# demo typical handling of futures as they complete: execute multiple
# calls but synchronously handle each response in the order they are put
# in the list, rather than the order they complete.
sub run4 {
my @futures = (
call_a(), #
call_b(), #
call_c('A'), #
call_c('B'), #
call_c('C'), #
call_d(1), #
call_e(2), #
call_e(3), #
call_e(4), #
call_e(5), #
map { say "do more work => ", $_->get } @futures;
# demo polling/callback approach to futures as they complete, handling
# responses as soon as the future is done.
sub run5 {
my @futures = (
call_a(), #
call_b(), #
call_c('A'), #
call_c('B'), #
call_c('C'), #
call_d(1), #
call_e(2), #
call_e(3), #
call_e(4), #
call_e(5), #
map {
$_->on_done( sub { say "do more work => ", +shift } )
} @futures
sub call_a {
$loop->delay_future( after => 10 )->then_done('responseA');
sub call_b {
$loop->delay_future( after => 4 )->then_done(100);
sub call_c {
my $b = shift;
$loop->delay_future( after => 6 )->then_done("responseB_$b");
sub call_d {
my $b = shift;
$loop->delay_future( after => 14 )->then_done( 40 + $b );
sub call_e {
my $b = shift;
$loop->delay_future( after => 5 )->then_done( 5000 + $b );
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