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Zakhar Kogan zakhar-kogan

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zakhar-kogan /
Last active November 18, 2024 08:35
Allows for scraping using Browserless ( from Google sheets. Outputs {selector: text} or just {text} if noHeaders is TRUE. Allows for several selectors.
* Scrapes web content using specified selectors, handling multiple results
* @param {string} url The URL to scrape
* @param {string} selectors CSS selectors (comma separated)
* @param {string} apiUrl API endpoint URL incl. /scrape and ?token= if set
* @param {number} timeout (Optional) Timeout in milliseconds
* @param {boolean} noHeaders (Optional) If true, only returns values without selectors
* @return {Array} Scraped content
* @customfunction
Properties (Predicates):
A block can be on top of another block
A block can be on the table
A block can be clear (nothing is on top of it)
The hand can be empty
The hand can be holding a block
zakhar-kogan / domain.pddl
Created August 14, 2023 21:40
PDDL definitions
(define (domain congdomain)
(:requirements :adl)
(noteq ?x ?y)
(location ?c)
(at ?r ?c)
(adj ?x ?y)
(robot ?r)
zakhar-kogan /
Last active August 3, 2023 17:06
Prompting techniques

Additional links

General tips

  • Give clearer instructions
  • Split complex tasks into simpler subtasks
  • Structure the instruction to keep the model on task
  • Prompt the model to explain before answering
  • Ask for justifications of many possible answers, and then synthesize
| Pool | Score |
| Curve 3Crv | 1,000 |
| Curve FRAX-3Crv | 3,208 |
| Curve LUSD | 3,371 |
| Curve FRAX-USDC | 3,435 |
| Curve alUSD | 3,439 |
| Curve MIM | 3,966 |
| Pool | Risk score |
| Curve 3Crv | 1,000 |
| Curve FRAX | 3,604 |
| Curve LUSD | 3,449 |
| Curve alUSD | 3,477 |
| Curve MIM | 4,202 |
| Curve Iron Bank | 4,285 |
| Curve USDN | 4,484 |
zakhar-kogan / NEUR-to-veNEUR.csv
Last active August 3, 2021 15:56
NEUR x Locked Duration veNEUR
1 NEUR x 1 week ~0.0048 veNEUR
1 NEUR x 1 year 0.25 veNEUR
1 NEUR x 2 years 0.5 veNEUR
1 NEUR x 3 years 0.75 veNEUR
1 NEUR x 4 years 1 veNEUR