##Front-end blogs worth reading##
Even though for the last few years blogs have been losing popularity to Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus and so on, they're still not dead and have not been replaced with other media.
###Articles, showcases, resources###
- A List Apart - articles design, development, and web standards
- DailyJS - news, tips, examples and reviews of a variety of JavaScript frameworks and modules.
- Mozilla Hacks - one of key resources for people developing for the Open Web
- Badass JavaScript - a showcase of awesome JavaScript code
- Distilled Hype - premium links for front-end developers
- Creative JS - enjoy the fruits of the imaginative and resourceful JavaScript community members
- Functionn - open source front-end resources
- WebAppers - open source resources for web developers
- Smashing Magazine - online magazine for professional Web designers and developers
- CodeVisually - web developer tools & resources
- Adobe Web Platform Team Blog - the Adobe Web Platform team blog
- HTML5 Doctor - hows and whys of implementing HTML5
- Standardista - CSS3, HTML5 & JavaScript web standards explained
- JS Patterns - exploring common JavaScript patterns and anti-patterns
- Perfection Kills - JavaScript rants and findings
- HTML5 Rocks - HTML5 posts and tutorials
###Personal blogs###
- Peter Michaux
- Peter-Paul Koch
- Axel Rauschmayer
- Nicholas C. Zakas
- Jonathan Snook
- John Resig
- Addy Osmani
- James Padolsey
- Chris Coyier
- Peter van der Zee
- Chris Shiflett
- Roger Johansson
- David Walsh
- Lea Verou
- Jörn Zaefferer
- Rebecca Murphey
- Paul Irish
- Mathias Bynens
- Dustin Diaz
- Nathan Sweet
- Stubbornella
- Eric Meyer
- Luke Wroblewski
- Erik Arvidsson
- Remy Sharp
###Polish blogs###
- Damian Wielgosik
- Rafał Kukawski
- Zbigniew Braniecki
- Andrzej Mazur
- Michał Budzyński
- Krzysztof Szafranek
###Something pretty###