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Created May 14, 2024 18:30
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Free Arrows are Free Relative Monads
-- Original:
-- Natural transformations between presheaves
(~>) : {k : Type} -> (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type
(~>) f g = {a : k} -> f a -> g a
-- | First define a left kan extension from Type to Presheaves (k -> Type)
-- Takes two functors (Type -> (k -> Type) to a functor (k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)
data PshLan : (j, f : Type -> (k -> Type)) -> ((k -> Type) -> (k -> Type)) where
Map : {j, f : Type -> (k -> Type)} ->
(j a ~> c) -> f a ~> PshLan j f c
-- | Then take the free relative monad over PshLan
data Freer : (y, p : Type -> (k -> Type)) -> Type -> (k -> Type) where
Pure : y a ~> Freer y p a
Bind : (y a ~> Freer y p c) -> Freer y p a ~> Freer y p c
-- Yoneda embedding, action on objects
Yo : Type -> (Type -> Type)
Yo x y = y -> x
-- Hom Profunctor
Hom : Type -> (Type -> Type)
Hom x y = x -> y
-- | This free monad should be isomorphic to a free arrow
-- Coyoneda for Profunctors
data CoyoProf : (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Type where
DiMap : (a -> b) -> p b c -> (c -> d) -> CoyoProf p a d
-- Free arrow over a profunctor
data FreeArr : (p : Type -> Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Type where
Arr : (a -> b) -> FreeArr p a b
Comp : p x b -> FreeArr p a x -> FreeArr p a b
-- Free arrow over (Type -> Type -> Type)
FreeArr' : (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Type
FreeArr' p = FreeArr (CoyoProf p)
-- | `Freer Yo p` should be isomorphic to `FreeArr' p`
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