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Created August 17, 2024 19:35
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Idris Bug 2
data Kind : Type where
Set : Kind -- Sets
ProdK : Kind -> Kind -> Kind -- Product Category
data Ty : Kind -> Type where
-- First and Second projections from a product category
Fst : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> Ty (ProdK k1 k2) -> Ty k1
Snd : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> Ty (ProdK k1 k2) -> Ty k2
-- Cartesian product of two types
Prod : Ty k -> Ty k -> Ty k
EvalKind : Kind -> Type
EvalKind Set = Type -- Set is just Type
EvalKind (ProdK k1 k2) = (EvalKind k1, EvalKind k2) -- Product kind is a product of types
EvalTy : (k : Kind) -> Ty k -> EvalKind k
EvalTy (ProdK k1 k2) p = (EvalTy k1 (Fst p), EvalTy k2 (Snd p))
EvalTy s (Fst {k1=s, k2} a) = fst (EvalTy (ProdK s k2) a)
EvalTy s (Snd {k1, k2=s} a) = snd (EvalTy (ProdK k1 s) a)
-- Given a kind, we need to determine the morphisms of its category
EvalArr : (k : Kind) -> EvalKind k -> EvalKind k -> Type
EvalArr Set a b = a -> b -- Sets and functions
EvalArr (ProdK k1 k2) l r = -- Product category k1 k2 has a pair of morphisms from k1 and k2
(EvalArr k1 (fst l) (fst r), EvalArr k2 (snd l) (snd r))
data Term : Ty k -> Ty k -> Type where
MapFst : Term (Prod t b) t -> Term (Fst (Prod t b)) (Fst t)
eval : (k : Kind) -> {s, t : Ty k}
-> Term s t -> EvalArr k (EvalTy k s) (EvalTy k t)
eval k (MapFst t) = ?zzz -- this works
--eval Set (MapFst t) = ?zzz -- this breaks idris
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