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Created August 18, 2024 21:10
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Sums and Products in Sets, Endofunctors, and Endoprofunctors using Kinds
import Data.List.Elem
import Data.List.Quantifiers
-- Kinds are categories
data Kind : Type where
Set : Kind -- Sets
ProdK : Kind -> Kind -> Kind -- Product Category
Exp : Kind -> Kind -> Kind -- Exponential Category
-- Types are functors
data Ty : Kind -> Type where
-- Algebraic data types
Zero : Ty k
One : Ty k
Sum : Ty k -> Ty k -> Ty k
Prod : Ty k -> Ty k -> Ty k
-- Functor composition
Ten : Ty (Exp Set Set) -> Ty (Exp Set Set) -> Ty (Exp Set Set)
-- First and Second projections from a product category
Fst : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> Ty (ProdK k1 k2) -> Ty k1
Snd : {k1, k2 : Kind} -> Ty (ProdK k1 k2) -> Ty k2
export infixr 5 :*:
(:*:) : Ty n -> Ty n -> Ty n
(:*:) = Prod
export infixr 5 :+:
public export
(:+:) : Ty n -> Ty n -> Ty n
(:+:) = Sum
const2 : Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
const2 a b c = a
Hom : Type -> Type -> Type
Hom a b = a -> b
-- Kinds are interpreted into types
EvalKind : Kind -> Type
EvalKind Set = Type -- Set is just Type
EvalKind (ProdK k1 k2) = (EvalKind k1, EvalKind k2) -- Product kind is a product of types
EvalKind (Exp k1 k2) = (EvalKind k1 -> EvalKind k2) -- Function kind is a function of types
EvalTy : (k : Kind) -> Ty k -> EvalKind k
EvalTy Set One = Unit
EvalTy Set Zero = Void
EvalTy Set (Sum x z) = Either (EvalTy Set x ) (EvalTy Set z )
EvalTy Set (Prod x z) = (EvalTy Set x , EvalTy Set z )
-- Higher order functors
EvalTy (Exp Set Set) Zero = const Unit
EvalTy (Exp Set Set) One = id
EvalTy (Exp Set Set) (Sum f1 f2) = \a =>
Either (EvalTy (Exp Set Set) f1 a) (EvalTy (Exp Set Set) f2 a)
EvalTy (Exp Set Set) (Prod f1 f2) = \a =>
(EvalTy (Exp Set Set) f1 a, EvalTy (Exp Set Set) f2 a)
EvalTy (Exp Set Set) (Ten f1 f2)
= \y => EvalTy (Exp Set Set) f1 ((EvalTy (Exp Set Set) f2 ) y)
-- Functors over Prof
EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) Zero = const2 Unit
EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) One = Hom
EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) (Sum p1 p2) = \a, b =>
Either (EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) p1 a b) (EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) p2 a b)
EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) (Prod p1 p2) = \a, b =>
(EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) p1 a b, EvalTy (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) p2 a b)
EvalTy (ProdK k1 k2) p = (EvalTy k1 (Fst p), EvalTy k2 (Snd p))
EvalTy s (Fst {k1=s, k2} a) = fst (EvalTy (ProdK s k2) a)
EvalTy s (Snd {k1, k2=s} a) = snd (EvalTy (ProdK k1 s) a)
-- What are functors in arbitrary functor categories?
EvalTy (Exp x y) e = ?notyet
-- Given a kind, we need to determine the morphisms of its category
EvalArr : (k : Kind) -> EvalKind k -> EvalKind k -> Type
EvalArr Set a b = a -> b -- Sets and functions
EvalArr (ProdK k1 k2) l r = -- Product category k1 k2 has a pair of morphisms from k1 and k2
(EvalArr k1 (fst l) (fst r), EvalArr k2 (snd l) (snd r))
EvalArr (Exp Set Set) f g = {a : Type} -> f a -> g a -- natural transforms between functors
EvalArr (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) p q = {a, b : Type} -> p a b -> q a b -- natural transforms between profunctors
-- what are the hom objects of general functor categories?
EvalArr (Exp x y) p q = ?undefined'
infixr 5 ***
infixr 5 +++
data Term : Ty k -> Ty k -> Type where
Id : Term x x
(.) : {b : Ty k} -> Term b c -> Term a b -> Term a c
(***) : {a, b, c : Ty k} -> Term a b -> Term a c -> Term a (b :*: c)
PrjL : {a, b : Ty k} -> Term (a :*: b) a
PrjR : {a, b : Ty k} -> Term (a :*: b) b
(+++) : {a, b, c : Ty k} -> Term a c -> Term b c -> Term (a :+: b) c
InjL : Term a (a :+: b)
InjR : Term b (a :+: b)
factorPair : (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> (b, c)
factorPair f g a = (f a, g a)
factorSum : (b -> a) -> (c -> a) -> Either b c -> a
factorSum f g (Left x) = f x
factorSum f g (Right x) = g x
-- Terms are evaluated in a category based on their kind
eval : (k : Kind) -> {s, t : Ty k}
-> Term s t -> EvalArr k (EvalTy k s) (EvalTy k t)
eval Set Id = id -- identity for functions id : a -> a
eval Set (f . g) = (eval Set f ) . (eval Set g)
eval Set (f *** g) = factorPair (eval Set f) (eval Set g)
eval Set PrjL = fst
eval Set PrjR = snd
eval Set (f +++ g) = factorSum (eval Set f ) (eval Set g )
eval Set InjL = Left
eval Set InjR = Right
-- evaluate terms into the category of endofunctors
eval (Exp Set Set) Id = id -- identity for functors id : {a : Type} -> f a -> f a
eval (Exp Set Set) (f . g) =
(eval (Exp Set Set) f ) . (eval (Exp Set Set) g )
eval (Exp Set Set) (f *** g) =
factorPair (eval (Exp Set Set) f ) (eval (Exp Set Set) g )
eval (Exp Set Set) PrjL = fst
eval (Exp Set Set) PrjR = snd
eval (Exp Set Set) (f +++ g) =
factorSum (eval (Exp Set Set) f ) (eval (Exp Set Set) g )
eval (Exp Set Set) InjL = Left
eval (Exp Set Set) InjR = Right
-- evaluate terms into the category of endo profunctors
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) Id = id -- identity for profunctors id : {a, b : Type} -> p a b -> p a b
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) (f . g) =
(eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) f ) . (eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) g )
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) (f *** g) =
factorPair (eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) f) (eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) g )
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) PrjL = fst
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) PrjR = snd
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) (f +++ g) =
factorSum (eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) f) (eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) g )
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) InjL = Left
eval (Exp Set (Exp Set Set)) InjR = Right
eval (ProdK k1 k2) Id = (eval k1 Id, eval k2 Id)
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