Create Telegram bot:
Search for user @BotFather in Telegram app. Type /help in BotFather chat and wait for the reply. Type in the chat:
or select /newbot command from Help text. Answer few setup questions:
- Name of your bot? Write anything you like, that info will be shown in contact details. For example:
Dead Parrot
- Username for your bot? Must have _bot at the end, use only Latin characters, numbers or underscore sign, for example:
BotFather will give you HTTP API token, remember it and keep SECRET! Example:
Create new Telegram group in web or mobile application and add the new bot in your group.
Send dummy message into your group, replace botname_bot with actual bot name:
/my_id @botname_bot
Find Chat ID of your group: Type this URL in the browser - change {HTTP_API_TOKEN} to actual value
From JSON result, get "chat_id" of last message in your group, including minus sign in front of it, that's Group Chat ID.
If JSON is empty, repeat steps 3 and 4.
That's it, now use the bot. For all available methods, read doc from:
Example for Send Text Message method:
Save zapisnicar/247d53f8e3980f6013a221d8c7459dc3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
It works for me fine.
"If JSON is empty, repeat steps 3 and 4."
A big note is: You have to add your bot to the group chat, and everything will work fine, at least for me
me too, it says"{"ok":true,"result":[]}"。and /my_id@****_bot command didn't work.
Ensure your bot's Group Privacy is off (to enable access to group messages).
Use BotFather to set turn off Group Privacy for your bot.
Once you do that you'll be able to see the messages.
It works for me. Must add bot to group first before send command /my_id @botname_bot
and then you will got the result from http request
Thank you! It works great
This is sending the messages to the group as if they were from the admin and not from the bot, any help?
In the group, go to admins, click on the bot and untick 'remain anonymous' . Depends on the settings, you might have to use the owner account and not a admin account
me too, it says"{"ok":true,"result":[]}"。and /my_id@****_bot command didn't work.
You have to change {HTTP_API_TOKEN} with token. The curly braces {} should not be in the link...
Hello, is this still valid? Because i am getting this even i am sending messages to my bot.
@Hadatko you have to either
- Disable group privacy (open BotFather and type
, pick you bot and disable). You need to remove and re-add the bot to your group. - Make the bot an admin
Thank you, maybe try next time. Meantime i solved it differently
me too, it says"{"ok":true,"result":[]}"。and /my_id@****_bot command didn't work.