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Created April 21, 2020 03:11
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[Flutter snippets] Flutter useful snippets #flutter #dart
//Get screen width & height
MediaQueryData queryData = MediaQuery.of(context);
int width = queryData.size.width;
int height = queryData.size.height;
//Device pixel ratio
int ratio = queryData.devicePixelRatio;
//Get text scale factor
int textScale = queryData.textScaleFactor;
//Take screen width and height and calculate a grid of 100*100 out of it to position and scale things and save it as static variables that can be reused
AppConfig.width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
AppConfig.height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height;
AppConfig.blockSize = AppConfig.width / 100;
AppConfig.blockSizeVertical = AppConfig.height / 100;
//Then scale everything according to above numbers
double elementWidth = AppConfig.blockSize * 10.0; // 10% of the screen width
double fontSize = AppConfig.blockSize * 1.2;
//Fix for safearea (like notch, etc)
AppConfig.safeAreaHorizontal = MediaQuery.of(context).padding.left +
double screenWidthWithoutSafeArea = AppConfig.width - AppConfig.safeAreaHorizontal;
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