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This seems to work for using a private key when sharing a .ssh\config between MacOS and Windows.

In the config:

# Windows-specific configuration
Match exec "cmd /c if defined OS (exit 0) else (exit 1)"
    IdentityFile C:/Users/myuser/OneDrive/Documents/.ssh/id_ed25519

# macOS/Linux-specific configuration
Match exec "cmd /c if defined OS (exit 1) else (exit 0)"

JavaScript History Timeline: Highlights, Setbacks, and Shifts

A chronological breakdown of JavaScript's most significant events, including moments when it was discouraged and later became essential, formatted by the companies and communities that drove these changes.


  • 1995: Creation of JavaScript (Mocha/LiveScript)
    • Brendan Eich developed JavaScript in 10 days for Netscape Navigator, initially called Mocha, then LiveScript, and finally JavaScript.
    • The first JavaScript engine, SpiderMonkey, was embedded in Netscape browsers.
