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Forked from llinardos/ComposingSyncServices.swift
Created August 19, 2019 11:01
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func startApp() {
}, onBackgroundDo: {
let storage = PersistentSecureStorage.shared()
guard let savedToken == storage.token {
return .goToAuth
let tokenIsValid = authService.isValidToken(savedToken)
if !tokenIsValid {
let newToken = authService.updateToken()
networking.set(token: newToken)
storage.token = newToken
let updatedProfile = profileService.getProfile()
user.profile = updatedProfile
let prefetchedThings = thingsService.getThings()
return .goToHome(prefetchedThings)
}, thenOnMainDo: {
switch $0 {
case .goToAuth: presentAuth()
case .goToHome(let prefetchedThings): presentHome(prefetchedThings)
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