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Created December 13, 2014 12:50
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* @param {Function} func
* 需要进行节流的函数
* @param {number} wait
* 节流的时间间隔
* @param {boolean} [trail]
* 是否要在结尾执行
* @returns {Function}
* 返回一个节流函数
function throttle(func, wait, trail) {
if ("function" !== typeof func) {
throw new TypeError;
wait = +wait || 0;
trail = !!trail;
var tid, timestamp,
that, args;
function delayed(timeout) {
tid = setTimeout(function () {
timestamp = now();
}, timeout);
function now() {
return ? : new Date().getTime();
function handler() {
return func.apply(that, args);
return function _() {
args = arguments;
that = this;
var remaining = 0;
trail && tid && clearTimeout(tid);
if (!timestamp || (remaining = now() - timestamp) >= wait) {
timestamp = now();
} else if (trail) {
delayed(wait - remaining);
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