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Forked from dispix/
Created December 28, 2017 17:10
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OAUTH2 Authentication and token management with redux-saga

Revision 5

  • Fix error parsing

Revision 4

  • Add missing yield in the login function

Revision 3

  • Add

Revision 2

  • Extract the needRefresh generator from the fetchListener method

Revision 1

  • Remove unnecessary exports
  • Place the named exports at the end of the file for clarity
  • The fetchListener is not called by dispatching a specific action anymore. Instead, it is exported and should be called with the redux-saga call effect. This allows the saga to be cancellable.
import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { call, put, select, take, race, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import request, { constructRequest } from 'utils/request'
import { setTokens, clearTokens } from 'utils/localStorage'
import { setError } from 'containers/App/actions'
import { authorize, refresh } from './authentication'
import { makeSelectTokens, makeSelectHasUser, makeSelectRefreshing } from './selectors'
import {
} from './constants'
import {
} from './actions'
* The saga flow for authentication. Starts with either a direct login (with
* login/password) or a validation from the token stored in the local storage.
* Once the authentication is valid, listens for calls to refresh the access token
* until the user logs out.
* @return {Generator}
function* authFlowSaga() {
const hasUser = yield select(makeSelectHasUser())
while (!hasUser) {
yield call(loggedOutFlowSaga)
if (hasUser) {
yield takeEvery(LOGOUT, logout)
* Authentication starts either with classic login or with tokens fetched from
* localStorage
* @return {Generator}
function* loggedOutFlowSaga() {
const { credentials, tokens } = yield race({
credentials: take(AUTH_START),
if (credentials) yield call(login, credentials.payload.login, credentials.payload.password)
if (tokens) yield call(authenticate)
yield call(authFlowSaga)
* API login request/response handler
* @param {String} username
* @param {String} password
* @return {Generator}
function* login(username, password) {
try {
const tokens = yield authorize(username, password)
yield put(authSuccess(tokens))
yield call(authenticate)
} catch (err) {
const error = yield parseError(err)
yield put(authFail(error))
* User logout, deletes all tokens from local storage and update the store.
* @return {Generator}
function* logout() {
yield put(authClear())
yield call(authFlowSaga)
* API authentication request/response handler. Used to validate the access token
* and/or get the user object. If an `invalid_token` error is returned, tries to
* refresh the access token before throwing.
* @return {Generator}
function* authenticate() {
const onError = (error) => error.statusCode >= 500
? put(tokenValidationError(error))
: call(logout)
yield makeAuthenticatedRequest({
payload: {
url: '/me',
options: { method: 'GET' },
onSuccess: (response) => put(tokenValidationSuccess(response)),
* Listen all FETCH action and start an authenticated request (i.e. with an access
* token and a refresh mecanism).
* @return {Generator}
function* fetchListener(action) {
const shouldRefresh = yield call(needRefresh)
if (!shouldRefresh) yield call(makeAuthenticatedRequest, action)
if (shouldRefresh) {
const error = yield call(refreshTokens)
if (!error) {
// Because we are listening TOKEN_REFRESH_SUCCESS in a middleware, we need
// to delay our reaction to the event to make sure it hit the store. Otherwise
// we may end-up using the old tokens in our authenticated request.
yield delay(50)
yield call(makeAuthenticatedRequest, action)
* Checks if the access token needs to be refreshed by comparing the expiration
* date with the current date.
* @return {Bool}
function* needRefresh() {
const { accessTokenExpiresAt } = yield select(makeSelectTokens())
const accessExpiration = (new Date(accessTokenExpiresAt)).getTime()
return >= accessExpiration
* API Refresh token request/response handler. If the application has already ask
* for new tokens, wait for the completion of the first call and return (this prevents
* multiple refresh calls that may be fired by different authenticated requests).
* @return {Generator}
function* refreshTokens() {
const isRefreshing = yield select(makeSelectRefreshing())
// If the application is already waiting for a new set of tokens, wait for the
// completion of that request instead of creating a new one.
if (isRefreshing) {
const { error } = yield race({
return error
// Dispatch an action indicating that the application is waiting for new tokens.
yield put(tokenRefreshStart())
try {
const { refreshToken } = yield select(makeSelectTokens())
const tokens = yield call(refresh, refreshToken)
yield put(tokenRefreshSuccess(tokens))
return null
} catch (err) {
yield call(logout)
return err
* Make a signed api call with refresh token process support. The action.payload
* must be structured like the example bellow.
* ex: {
* payload: {
* url: '/me', << can be absolute or relative url
* options: { << request fetch options
* method: 'GET',
* },
* onSuccess: tokenValidationSuccess, << action to dispatch on resolve
* onError: tokenValidationError, << action to dispatch on reject
* },
* }
* @param {Object} action
* @return {Generator}
function* makeAuthenticatedRequest(action, accessToken) {
// Check for a specific outdated access token error. If the error matches, the
// saga will try to refresh the access token then retry the initial request if
// the refresh succeeds.
const isAccessExpired = (error) => error.error && error.message && error.statusCode
&& error.statusCode === 401
&& error.error === 'Unauthorized'
&& error.message === 'Invalid token: access token has expired'
const tokens = yield select(makeSelectTokens())
const { payload } = action
const { url, params } = constructRequest(
accessToken || tokens.accessToken
try {
const response = yield request(url, params)
yield payload.onSuccess(response)
} catch (err) {
const error = yield parseError(err)
if (isAccessExpired(error)) {
const refreshError = yield call(refreshTokens)
if (!refreshError) {
yield makeAuthenticatedRequest(action)
} else {
// 50x errors are handled by the root container, as these are specific server
// issues and are not page-specific.
yield error.statusCode >= 500
? put(setError(error))
: payload.onError(error)
* If the errors is formatted by the server, tranforms it to a JS object. Otherwise,
* pass the raw error.
* @param {Object} error
* @return {Generator}
function* parseError(error) {
let parsed
try {
parsed = yield error.response.json()
} catch (err) {
parsed = error.response
? { status: error.response.status, message: error.response.statusText }
: { name:, message: error.message }
return parsed
// All sagas to be loaded
export fetchListener
export default [
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