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Created October 8, 2018 20:16
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Javascript notes

Javascript Note


console.log({foo, bar, baz})

console.table([foo, bar, baz])


const turtle = {
    name: 'Bob',
    legs: 4,
    shell: true,
    meal: 10

function feed({name, meal}) {
    return `Feed ${name} ${meal}`
// OR
function feed(animal) {
    const {name, meal} = animal;
    return `Feed ${name} $meal`

Template litterals

const horse = {
    name: 'Topher',
    size: 'large',
    skills: ['jousting', 'racing'],
    age: 7
const {name, size, skills} = horse;
bio = `${name} is a ${size} horse skilled in ${skills.join(' & ')}`

Advanced Tag

function horseAge(str, age) {
    const ageStr = age > 5? 'old': 'young';
    return `${str[0]}${ageStr} at ${age} years`
const bio2 = horseAge`This horse is ${horse.age}`

Spread syntax

const pikachu = {name: 'Pikachu'};
const stats = {hp: 40, attack: 60, defense: 45};

// Bad Object code
pikachu['hp'] = stats.hp;
pikachu['attack'] = stats.attack;
pikachu['defense'] = stats.defense;
const lv10 = Object.assign(pikachu, stats);
const lv11 = Object.assign(pikachu, {hp: 45});

// Good Object code
const lv10 = {...pikachu, ...stats};
const lv11 = {...pikachu, hp: 45};


orders = [10,2,8,11,9];
const total = orders.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur);
const withTax = => v * 1.1);
const highValue = orders.filter(v => v > 100);


const random = () => {
    return Promise.resolve(Math.random())

const sumRandomAsyncNums = async() => {
    const first = await random();
    const second = await random();
    const third = await random();
    console.log(`Result ${first + second + third}`)
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