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Created October 8, 2022 09:24
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# @version 0.3.1
# (c) Curve.Fi, 2021
# Pool for USDT/BTC/ETH or similar
interface ERC20: # Custom ERC20 which works for USDT, WETH and WBTC
def transfer(_to: address, _amount: uint256): nonpayable
def transferFrom(_from: address, _to: address, _amount: uint256): nonpayable
def balanceOf(_user: address) -> uint256: view
interface CurveToken:
def totalSupply() -> uint256: view
def mint(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
def mint_relative(_to: address, frac: uint256) -> uint256: nonpayable
def burnFrom(_to: address, _value: uint256) -> bool: nonpayable
interface Math:
def geometric_mean(unsorted_x: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256: view
def reduction_coefficient(x: uint256[N_COINS], fee_gamma: uint256) -> uint256: view
def newton_D(ANN: uint256, gamma: uint256, x_unsorted: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256: view
def newton_y(ANN: uint256, gamma: uint256, x: uint256[N_COINS], D: uint256, i: uint256) -> uint256: view
def halfpow(power: uint256, precision: uint256) -> uint256: view
def sqrt_int(x: uint256) -> uint256: view
interface Views:
def get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256) -> uint256: view
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool) -> uint256: view
interface WETH:
def deposit(): payable
def withdraw(_amount: uint256): nonpayable
# Events
event TokenExchange:
buyer: indexed(address)
sold_id: uint256
tokens_sold: uint256
bought_id: uint256
tokens_bought: uint256
event AddLiquidity:
provider: indexed(address)
token_amounts: uint256[N_COINS]
fee: uint256
token_supply: uint256
event RemoveLiquidity:
provider: indexed(address)
token_amounts: uint256[N_COINS]
token_supply: uint256
event RemoveLiquidityOne:
provider: indexed(address)
token_amount: uint256
coin_index: uint256
coin_amount: uint256
event CommitNewAdmin:
deadline: indexed(uint256)
admin: indexed(address)
event NewAdmin:
admin: indexed(address)
event CommitNewParameters:
deadline: indexed(uint256)
admin_fee: uint256
mid_fee: uint256
out_fee: uint256
fee_gamma: uint256
allowed_extra_profit: uint256
adjustment_step: uint256
ma_half_time: uint256
event NewParameters:
admin_fee: uint256
mid_fee: uint256
out_fee: uint256
fee_gamma: uint256
allowed_extra_profit: uint256
adjustment_step: uint256
ma_half_time: uint256
event RampAgamma:
initial_A: uint256
future_A: uint256
initial_gamma: uint256
future_gamma: uint256
initial_time: uint256
future_time: uint256
event StopRampA:
current_A: uint256
current_gamma: uint256
time: uint256
event ClaimAdminFee:
admin: indexed(address)
tokens: uint256
N_COINS: constant(int128) = 3 # <- change
PRECISION: constant(uint256) = 10 ** 18 # The precision to convert to
A_MULTIPLIER: constant(uint256) = 10000
# These addresses are replaced by the deployer
math: constant(address) = 0x39C2838941b7Fc80Caa67F092D0bb99Dc799e2Df
token: constant(address) = 0x300d00048c63ff5bc4A22D57B46AF5187Ac5511A
views: constant(address) = 0x0D1d21D259c5E0AdDecd25e7600E4839e82561a4
coins: constant(address[N_COINS]) = [
price_scale_packed: uint256 # Internal price scale
price_oracle_packed: uint256 # Price target given by MA
last_prices_packed: uint256
last_prices_timestamp: public(uint256)
initial_A_gamma: public(uint256)
future_A_gamma: public(uint256)
initial_A_gamma_time: public(uint256)
future_A_gamma_time: public(uint256)
allowed_extra_profit: public(uint256) # 2 * 10**12 - recommended value
future_allowed_extra_profit: public(uint256)
fee_gamma: public(uint256)
future_fee_gamma: public(uint256)
adjustment_step: public(uint256)
future_adjustment_step: public(uint256)
ma_half_time: public(uint256)
future_ma_half_time: public(uint256)
mid_fee: public(uint256)
out_fee: public(uint256)
admin_fee: public(uint256)
future_mid_fee: public(uint256)
future_out_fee: public(uint256)
future_admin_fee: public(uint256)
balances: public(uint256[N_COINS])
D: public(uint256)
owner: public(address)
future_owner: public(address)
xcp_profit: public(uint256)
xcp_profit_a: public(uint256) # Full profit at last claim of admin fees
virtual_price: public(uint256) # Cached (fast to read) virtual price also used internally
not_adjusted: bool
is_killed: public(bool)
kill_deadline: public(uint256)
transfer_ownership_deadline: public(uint256)
admin_actions_deadline: public(uint256)
admin_fee_receiver: public(address)
KILL_DEADLINE_DT: constant(uint256) = 2 * 30 * 86400
ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY: constant(uint256) = 3 * 86400
MIN_RAMP_TIME: constant(uint256) = 86400
MAX_ADMIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10 * 10 ** 9
MIN_FEE: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10 ** 5 # 0.5 bps
MAX_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10 * 10 ** 9
MIN_A: constant(uint256) = N_COINS**N_COINS * A_MULTIPLIER / 100
MAX_A: constant(uint256) = 1000 * A_MULTIPLIER * N_COINS**N_COINS
MAX_A_CHANGE: constant(uint256) = 10
MIN_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 10**10
MAX_GAMMA: constant(uint256) = 5 * 10**16
NOISE_FEE: constant(uint256) = 10**5 # 0.1 bps
PRICE_SIZE: constant(int128) = 256 / (N_COINS-1)
PRICE_MASK: constant(uint256) = 2**PRICE_SIZE - 1
# This must be changed for different N_COINS
# For example:
# N_COINS = 3 -> 1 (10**18 -> 10**18)
# N_COINS = 4 -> 10**8 (10**18 -> 10**10)
# PRICE_PRECISION_MUL: constant(uint256) = 1
PRECISIONS: constant(uint256[N_COINS]) = [
INF_COINS: constant(uint256) = 15
def __init__(
owner: address,
admin_fee_receiver: address,
A: uint256,
gamma: uint256,
mid_fee: uint256,
out_fee: uint256,
allowed_extra_profit: uint256,
fee_gamma: uint256,
adjustment_step: uint256,
admin_fee: uint256,
ma_half_time: uint256,
initial_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1]
self.owner = owner
# Pack A and gamma:
# shifted A + gamma
A_gamma: uint256 = shift(A, 128)
A_gamma = bitwise_or(A_gamma, gamma)
self.initial_A_gamma = A_gamma
self.future_A_gamma = A_gamma
self.mid_fee = mid_fee
self.out_fee = out_fee
self.allowed_extra_profit = allowed_extra_profit
self.fee_gamma = fee_gamma
self.adjustment_step = adjustment_step
self.admin_fee = admin_fee
# Packing prices
packed_prices: uint256 = 0
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, PRICE_SIZE)
p: uint256 = initial_prices[N_COINS-2 - k] # / PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
assert p < PRICE_MASK
packed_prices = bitwise_or(p, packed_prices)
self.price_scale_packed = packed_prices
self.price_oracle_packed = packed_prices
self.last_prices_packed = packed_prices
self.last_prices_timestamp = block.timestamp
self.ma_half_time = ma_half_time
self.xcp_profit_a = 10**18
self.kill_deadline = block.timestamp + KILL_DEADLINE_DT
self.admin_fee_receiver = admin_fee_receiver
def __default__():
def _packed_view(k: uint256, p: uint256) -> uint256:
assert k < N_COINS-1
return bitwise_and(
shift(p, -PRICE_SIZE * convert(k, int256)),
def price_oracle(k: uint256) -> uint256:
return self._packed_view(k, self.price_oracle_packed)
def price_scale(k: uint256) -> uint256:
return self._packed_view(k, self.price_scale_packed)
def last_prices(k: uint256) -> uint256:
return self._packed_view(k, self.last_prices_packed)
def token() -> address:
return token
def coins(i: uint256) -> address:
_coins: address[N_COINS] = coins
return _coins[i]
def xp() -> uint256[N_COINS]:
result: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances
packed_prices: uint256 = self.price_scale_packed
precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = PRECISIONS
result[0] *= PRECISIONS[0]
for i in range(1, N_COINS):
p: uint256 = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) * precisions[i] # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
result[i] = result[i] * p / PRECISION
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
return result
def _A_gamma() -> uint256[2]:
t1: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time
A_gamma_1: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma
gamma1: uint256 = bitwise_and(A_gamma_1, 2**128-1)
A1: uint256 = shift(A_gamma_1, -128)
if block.timestamp < t1:
# handle ramping up and down of A
A_gamma_0: uint256 = self.initial_A_gamma
t0: uint256 = self.initial_A_gamma_time
# Less readable but more compact way of writing and converting to uint256
# gamma0: uint256 = bitwise_and(A_gamma_0, 2**128-1)
# A0: uint256 = shift(A_gamma_0, -128)
# A1 = A0 + (A1 - A0) * (block.timestamp - t0) / (t1 - t0)
# gamma1 = gamma0 + (gamma1 - gamma0) * (block.timestamp - t0) / (t1 - t0)
t1 -= t0
t0 = block.timestamp - t0
t2: uint256 = t1 - t0
A1 = (shift(A_gamma_0, -128) * t2 + A1 * t0) / t1
gamma1 = (bitwise_and(A_gamma_0, 2**128-1) * t2 + gamma1 * t0) / t1
return [A1, gamma1]
def A() -> uint256:
return self._A_gamma()[0]
def gamma() -> uint256:
return self._A_gamma()[1]
def _fee(xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256:
f: uint256 = Math(math).reduction_coefficient(xp, self.fee_gamma)
return (self.mid_fee * f + self.out_fee * (10**18 - f)) / 10**18
def fee() -> uint256:
return self._fee(self.xp())
def fee_calc(xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256:
return self._fee(xp)
def get_xcp(D: uint256) -> uint256:
x: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
x[0] = D / N_COINS
packed_prices: uint256 = self.price_scale_packed
# No precisions here because we don't switch to "real" units
for i in range(1, N_COINS):
x[i] = D * 10**18 / (N_COINS * bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK)) # ... * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL)
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
return Math(math).geometric_mean(x)
def get_virtual_price() -> uint256:
return 10**18 * self.get_xcp(self.D) / CurveToken(token).totalSupply()
def _claim_admin_fees():
A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
xcp_profit: uint256 = self.xcp_profit
xcp_profit_a: uint256 = self.xcp_profit_a
# Gulp here
_coins: address[N_COINS] = coins
for i in range(N_COINS):
self.balances[i] = ERC20(_coins[i]).balanceOf(self)
vprice: uint256 = self.virtual_price
if xcp_profit > xcp_profit_a:
fees: uint256 = (xcp_profit - xcp_profit_a) * self.admin_fee / (2 * 10**10)
if fees > 0:
receiver: address = self.admin_fee_receiver
if receiver != ZERO_ADDRESS:
frac: uint256 = vprice * 10**18 / (vprice - fees) - 10**18
claimed: uint256 = CurveToken(token).mint_relative(receiver, frac)
xcp_profit -= fees*2
self.xcp_profit = xcp_profit
log ClaimAdminFee(receiver, claimed)
total_supply: uint256 = CurveToken(token).totalSupply()
# Recalculate D b/c we gulped
D: uint256 = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], self.xp())
self.D = D
self.virtual_price = 10**18 * self.get_xcp(D) / total_supply
if xcp_profit > xcp_profit_a:
self.xcp_profit_a = xcp_profit
def tweak_price(A_gamma: uint256[2],
_xp: uint256[N_COINS], i: uint256, p_i: uint256,
new_D: uint256):
price_oracle: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
last_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
p_new: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
# Update MA if needed
packed_prices: uint256 = self.price_oracle_packed
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
price_oracle[k] = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
last_prices_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_prices_timestamp
packed_prices = self.last_prices_packed
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
last_prices[k] = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
if last_prices_timestamp < block.timestamp:
# MA update required
ma_half_time: uint256 = self.ma_half_time
alpha: uint256 = Math(math).halfpow((block.timestamp - last_prices_timestamp) * 10**18 / ma_half_time, 10**10)
packed_prices = 0
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
price_oracle[k] = (last_prices[k] * (10**18 - alpha) + price_oracle[k] * alpha) / 10**18
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, PRICE_SIZE)
p: uint256 = price_oracle[N_COINS-2 - k] # / PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
assert p < PRICE_MASK
packed_prices = bitwise_or(p, packed_prices)
self.price_oracle_packed = packed_prices
self.last_prices_timestamp = block.timestamp
D_unadjusted: uint256 = new_D # Withdrawal methods know new D already
if new_D == 0:
# We will need this a few times (35k gas)
D_unadjusted = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], _xp)
packed_prices = self.price_scale_packed
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
price_scale[k] = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
if p_i > 0:
# Save the last price
if i > 0:
last_prices[i-1] = p_i
# If 0th price changed - change all prices instead
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
last_prices[k] = last_prices[k] * 10**18 / p_i
# calculate real prices
# it would cost 70k gas for a 3-token pool. Sad. How do we do better?
__xp: uint256[N_COINS] = _xp
dx_price: uint256 = __xp[0] / 10**6
__xp[0] += dx_price
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
last_prices[k] = price_scale[k] * dx_price / (_xp[k+1] - Math(math).newton_y(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], __xp, D_unadjusted, k+1))
packed_prices = 0
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, PRICE_SIZE)
p: uint256 = last_prices[N_COINS-2 - k] # / PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
assert p < PRICE_MASK
packed_prices = bitwise_or(p, packed_prices)
self.last_prices_packed = packed_prices
total_supply: uint256 = CurveToken(token).totalSupply()
old_xcp_profit: uint256 = self.xcp_profit
old_virtual_price: uint256 = self.virtual_price
# Update profit numbers without price adjustment first
xp[0] = D_unadjusted / N_COINS
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
xp[k+1] = D_unadjusted * 10**18 / (N_COINS * price_scale[k])
xcp_profit: uint256 = 10**18
virtual_price: uint256 = 10**18
if old_virtual_price > 0:
xcp: uint256 = Math(math).geometric_mean(xp)
virtual_price = 10**18 * xcp / total_supply
xcp_profit = old_xcp_profit * virtual_price / old_virtual_price
t: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time
if virtual_price < old_virtual_price and t == 0:
raise "Loss"
if t == 1:
self.future_A_gamma_time = 0
self.xcp_profit = xcp_profit
needs_adjustment: bool = self.not_adjusted
# if not needs_adjustment and (virtual_price-10**18 > (xcp_profit-10**18)/2 + self.allowed_extra_profit):
# (re-arrange for gas efficiency)
if not needs_adjustment and (virtual_price * 2 - 10**18 > xcp_profit + 2*self.allowed_extra_profit):
needs_adjustment = True
self.not_adjusted = True
if needs_adjustment:
adjustment_step: uint256 = self.adjustment_step
norm: uint256 = 0
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
ratio: uint256 = price_oracle[k] * 10**18 / price_scale[k]
if ratio > 10**18:
ratio -= 10**18
ratio = 10**18 - ratio
norm += ratio**2
if norm > adjustment_step ** 2 and old_virtual_price > 0:
norm = Math(math).sqrt_int(norm / 10**18) # Need to convert to 1e18 units!
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
p_new[k] = (price_scale[k] * (norm - adjustment_step) + adjustment_step * price_oracle[k]) / norm
# Calculate balances*prices
xp = _xp
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
xp[k+1] = _xp[k+1] * p_new[k] / price_scale[k]
# Calculate "extended constant product" invariant xCP and virtual price
D: uint256 = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp)
xp[0] = D / N_COINS
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
xp[k+1] = D * 10**18 / (N_COINS * p_new[k])
# We reuse old_virtual_price here but it's not old anymore
old_virtual_price = 10**18 * Math(math).geometric_mean(xp) / total_supply
# Proceed if we've got enough profit
# if (old_virtual_price > 10**18) and (2 * (old_virtual_price - 10**18) > xcp_profit - 10**18):
if (old_virtual_price > 10**18) and (2 * old_virtual_price - 10**18 > xcp_profit):
packed_prices = 0
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, PRICE_SIZE)
p: uint256 = p_new[N_COINS-2 - k] # / PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
assert p < PRICE_MASK
packed_prices = bitwise_or(p, packed_prices)
self.price_scale_packed = packed_prices
self.D = D
self.virtual_price = old_virtual_price
self.not_adjusted = False
# If we are here, the price_scale adjustment did not happen
# Still need to update the profit counter and D
self.D = D_unadjusted
self.virtual_price = virtual_price
def exchange(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256, use_eth: bool = False) -> uint256:
assert not self.is_killed # dev: the pool is killed
assert i != j # dev: coin index out of range
assert i < N_COINS # dev: coin index out of range
assert j < N_COINS # dev: coin index out of range
assert dx > 0 # dev: do not exchange 0 coins
A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
xp: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances
ix: uint256 = j
p: uint256 = 0
dy: uint256 = 0
if True: # scope to reduce size of memory when making internal calls later
_coins: address[N_COINS] = coins
if i == 2 and use_eth:
assert msg.value == dx # dev: incorrect eth amount
assert msg.value == 0 # dev: nonzero eth amount
# assert might be needed for some tokens - removed one to save bytespace
ERC20(_coins[i]).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, dx)
y: uint256 = xp[j]
x0: uint256 = xp[i]
xp[i] = x0 + dx
self.balances[i] = xp[i]
price_scale: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
packed_prices: uint256 = self.price_scale_packed
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
price_scale[k] = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = PRECISIONS
xp[0] *= PRECISIONS[0]
for k in range(1, N_COINS):
xp[k] = xp[k] * price_scale[k-1] * precisions[k] / PRECISION
prec_i: uint256 = precisions[i]
# In case ramp is happening
if True:
t: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time
if t > 0:
x0 *= prec_i
if i > 0:
x0 = x0 * price_scale[i-1] / PRECISION
x1: uint256 = xp[i] # Back up old value in xp
xp[i] = x0
self.D = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp)
xp[i] = x1 # And restore
if block.timestamp >= t:
self.future_A_gamma_time = 1
prec_j: uint256 = precisions[j]
dy = xp[j] - Math(math).newton_y(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, self.D, j)
# Not defining new "y" here to have less variables / make subsequent calls cheaper
xp[j] -= dy
dy -= 1
if j > 0:
dy = dy * PRECISION / price_scale[j-1]
dy /= prec_j
dy -= self._fee(xp) * dy / 10**10
assert dy >= min_dy, "Slippage"
y -= dy
self.balances[j] = y
# assert might be needed for some tokens - removed one to save bytespace
if j == 2 and use_eth:
raw_call(msg.sender, b"", value=dy)
ERC20(_coins[j]).transfer(msg.sender, dy)
y *= prec_j
if j > 0:
y = y * price_scale[j-1] / PRECISION
xp[j] = y
# Calculate price
if dx > 10**5 and dy > 10**5:
_dx: uint256 = dx * prec_i
_dy: uint256 = dy * prec_j
if i != 0 and j != 0:
p = bitwise_and(
shift(self.last_prices_packed, -PRICE_SIZE * convert(i-1, int256)),
) * _dx / _dy # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
elif i == 0:
p = _dx * 10**18 / _dy
else: # j == 0
p = _dy * 10**18 / _dx
ix = i
self.tweak_price(A_gamma, xp, ix, p, 0)
log TokenExchange(msg.sender, i, dx, j, dy)
return dy
def get_dy(i: uint256, j: uint256, dx: uint256) -> uint256:
return Views(views).get_dy(i, j, dx)
def _calc_token_fee(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256:
# fee = sum(amounts_i - avg(amounts)) * fee' / sum(amounts)
fee: uint256 = self._fee(xp) * N_COINS / (4 * (N_COINS-1))
S: uint256 = 0
for _x in amounts:
S += _x
avg: uint256 = S / N_COINS
Sdiff: uint256 = 0
for _x in amounts:
if _x > avg:
Sdiff += _x - avg
Sdiff += avg - _x
return fee * Sdiff / S + NOISE_FEE
def calc_token_fee(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], xp: uint256[N_COINS]) -> uint256:
return self._calc_token_fee(amounts, xp)
def add_liquidity(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], min_mint_amount: uint256):
assert not self.is_killed # dev: the pool is killed
A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
_coins: address[N_COINS] = coins
xp: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances
amountsp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
xx: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
d_token: uint256 = 0
d_token_fee: uint256 = 0
old_D: uint256 = 0
ix: uint256 = INF_COINS
if True: # Scope to avoid having extra variables in memory later
xp_old: uint256[N_COINS] = xp
for i in range(N_COINS):
bal: uint256 = xp[i] + amounts[i]
xp[i] = bal
self.balances[i] = bal
xx = xp
precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = PRECISIONS
packed_prices: uint256 = self.price_scale_packed
xp[0] *= PRECISIONS[0]
xp_old[0] *= PRECISIONS[0]
for i in range(1, N_COINS):
price_scale: uint256 = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) * precisions[i] # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
xp[i] = xp[i] * price_scale / PRECISION
xp_old[i] = xp_old[i] * price_scale / PRECISION
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
for i in range(N_COINS):
if amounts[i] > 0:
# assert might be needed for some tokens - removed one to save bytespace
ERC20(_coins[i]).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, amounts[i])
amountsp[i] = xp[i] - xp_old[i]
if ix == INF_COINS:
ix = i
ix = INF_COINS-1
assert ix != INF_COINS # dev: no coins to add
t: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time
if t > 0:
old_D = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp_old)
if block.timestamp >= t:
self.future_A_gamma_time = 1
old_D = self.D
D: uint256 = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp)
token_supply: uint256 = CurveToken(token).totalSupply()
if old_D > 0:
d_token = token_supply * D / old_D - token_supply
d_token = self.get_xcp(D) # making initial virtual price equal to 1
assert d_token > 0 # dev: nothing minted
if old_D > 0:
d_token_fee = self._calc_token_fee(amountsp, xp) * d_token / 10**10 + 1
d_token -= d_token_fee
token_supply += d_token
CurveToken(token).mint(msg.sender, d_token)
# Calculate price
# p_i * (dx_i - dtoken / token_supply * xx_i) = sum{k!=i}(p_k * (dtoken / token_supply * xx_k - dx_k))
# Only ix is nonzero
p: uint256 = 0
if d_token > 10**5:
if ix < N_COINS:
S: uint256 = 0
last_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
packed_prices: uint256 = self.last_prices_packed
precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = PRECISIONS
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
last_prices[k] = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
for i in range(N_COINS):
if i != ix:
if i == 0:
S += xx[0] * PRECISIONS[0]
S += xx[i] * last_prices[i-1] * precisions[i] / PRECISION
S = S * d_token / token_supply
p = S * PRECISION / (amounts[ix] * precisions[ix] - d_token * xx[ix] * precisions[ix] / token_supply)
self.tweak_price(A_gamma, xp, ix, p, D)
self.D = D
self.virtual_price = 10**18
self.xcp_profit = 10**18
CurveToken(token).mint(msg.sender, d_token)
assert d_token >= min_mint_amount, "Slippage"
log AddLiquidity(msg.sender, amounts, d_token_fee, token_supply)
def remove_liquidity(_amount: uint256, min_amounts: uint256[N_COINS]):
This withdrawal method is very safe, does no complex math
_coins: address[N_COINS] = coins
total_supply: uint256 = CurveToken(token).totalSupply()
CurveToken(token).burnFrom(msg.sender, _amount)
balances: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances
amount: uint256 = _amount - 1 # Make rounding errors favoring other LPs a tiny bit
for i in range(N_COINS):
d_balance: uint256 = balances[i] * amount / total_supply
assert d_balance >= min_amounts[i]
self.balances[i] = balances[i] - d_balance
balances[i] = d_balance # now it's the amounts going out
# assert might be needed for some tokens - removed one to save bytespace
ERC20(_coins[i]).transfer(msg.sender, d_balance)
D: uint256 = self.D
self.D = D - D * amount / total_supply
log RemoveLiquidity(msg.sender, balances, total_supply - _amount)
def calc_token_amount(amounts: uint256[N_COINS], deposit: bool) -> uint256:
return Views(views).calc_token_amount(amounts, deposit)
def _calc_withdraw_one_coin(A_gamma: uint256[2], token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, update_D: bool,
calc_price: bool) -> (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256[N_COINS]):
token_supply: uint256 = CurveToken(token).totalSupply()
assert token_amount <= token_supply # dev: token amount more than supply
assert i < N_COINS # dev: coin out of range
xx: uint256[N_COINS] = self.balances
xp: uint256[N_COINS] = PRECISIONS
D0: uint256 = 0
price_scale_i: uint256 = PRECISION * PRECISIONS[0]
if True: # To remove packed_prices from memory
packed_prices: uint256 = self.price_scale_packed
xp[0] *= xx[0]
for k in range(1, N_COINS):
p: uint256 = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
if i == k:
price_scale_i = p * xp[i]
xp[k] = xp[k] * xx[k] * p / PRECISION
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
if update_D:
D0 = Math(math).newton_D(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp)
D0 = self.D
D: uint256 = D0
# Charge the fee on D, not on y, e.g. reducing invariant LESS than charging the user
fee: uint256 = self._fee(xp)
dD: uint256 = token_amount * D / token_supply
D -= (dD - (fee * dD / (2 * 10**10) + 1))
y: uint256 = Math(math).newton_y(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], xp, D, i)
dy: uint256 = (xp[i] - y) * PRECISION / price_scale_i
xp[i] = y
# Price calc
p: uint256 = 0
if calc_price and dy > 10**5 and token_amount > 10**5:
# p_i = dD / D0 * sum'(p_k * x_k) / (dy - dD / D0 * y0)
S: uint256 = 0
precisions: uint256[N_COINS] = PRECISIONS
last_prices: uint256[N_COINS-1] = empty(uint256[N_COINS-1])
packed_prices: uint256 = self.last_prices_packed
for k in range(N_COINS-1):
last_prices[k] = bitwise_and(packed_prices, PRICE_MASK) # * PRICE_PRECISION_MUL
packed_prices = shift(packed_prices, -PRICE_SIZE)
for k in range(N_COINS):
if k != i:
if k == 0:
S += xx[0] * PRECISIONS[0]
S += xx[k] * last_prices[k-1] * precisions[k] / PRECISION
S = S * dD / D0
p = S * PRECISION / (dy * precisions[i] - dD * xx[i] * precisions[i] / D0)
return dy, p, D, xp
def calc_withdraw_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256) -> uint256:
return self._calc_withdraw_one_coin(self._A_gamma(), token_amount, i, True, False)[0]
def remove_liquidity_one_coin(token_amount: uint256, i: uint256, min_amount: uint256):
assert not self.is_killed # dev: the pool is killed
A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
dy: uint256 = 0
D: uint256 = 0
p: uint256 = 0
xp: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
future_A_gamma_time: uint256 = self.future_A_gamma_time
dy, p, D, xp = self._calc_withdraw_one_coin(A_gamma, token_amount, i, (future_A_gamma_time > 0), True)
assert dy >= min_amount, "Slippage"
if block.timestamp >= future_A_gamma_time:
self.future_A_gamma_time = 1
self.balances[i] -= dy
CurveToken(token).burnFrom(msg.sender, token_amount)
_coins: address[N_COINS] = coins
# assert might be needed for some tokens - removed one to save bytespace
ERC20(_coins[i]).transfer(msg.sender, dy)
self.tweak_price(A_gamma, xp, i, p, D)
log RemoveLiquidityOne(msg.sender, token_amount, i, dy)
def claim_admin_fees():
# Admin parameters
def ramp_A_gamma(future_A: uint256, future_gamma: uint256, future_time: uint256):
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert block.timestamp > self.initial_A_gamma_time + (MIN_RAMP_TIME-1)
assert future_time > block.timestamp + (MIN_RAMP_TIME-1) # dev: insufficient time
A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
initial_A_gamma: uint256 = shift(A_gamma[0], 128)
initial_A_gamma = bitwise_or(initial_A_gamma, A_gamma[1])
assert future_A > MIN_A-1
assert future_A < MAX_A+1
assert future_gamma > MIN_GAMMA-1
assert future_gamma < MAX_GAMMA+1
ratio: uint256 = 10**18 * future_A / A_gamma[0]
assert ratio < 10**18 * MAX_A_CHANGE + 1
assert ratio > 10**18 / MAX_A_CHANGE - 1
ratio = 10**18 * future_gamma / A_gamma[1]
assert ratio < 10**18 * MAX_A_CHANGE + 1
assert ratio > 10**18 / MAX_A_CHANGE - 1
self.initial_A_gamma = initial_A_gamma
self.initial_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp
future_A_gamma: uint256 = shift(future_A, 128)
future_A_gamma = bitwise_or(future_A_gamma, future_gamma)
self.future_A_gamma_time = future_time
self.future_A_gamma = future_A_gamma
log RampAgamma(A_gamma[0], future_A, A_gamma[1], future_gamma, block.timestamp, future_time)
def stop_ramp_A_gamma():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
A_gamma: uint256[2] = self._A_gamma()
current_A_gamma: uint256 = shift(A_gamma[0], 128)
current_A_gamma = bitwise_or(current_A_gamma, A_gamma[1])
self.initial_A_gamma = current_A_gamma
self.future_A_gamma = current_A_gamma
self.initial_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp
self.future_A_gamma_time = block.timestamp
# now (block.timestamp < t1) is always False, so we return saved A
log StopRampA(A_gamma[0], A_gamma[1], block.timestamp)
def commit_new_parameters(
_new_mid_fee: uint256,
_new_out_fee: uint256,
_new_admin_fee: uint256,
_new_fee_gamma: uint256,
_new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256,
_new_adjustment_step: uint256,
_new_ma_half_time: uint256,
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert self.admin_actions_deadline == 0 # dev: active action
new_mid_fee: uint256 = _new_mid_fee
new_out_fee: uint256 = _new_out_fee
new_admin_fee: uint256 = _new_admin_fee
new_fee_gamma: uint256 = _new_fee_gamma
new_allowed_extra_profit: uint256 = _new_allowed_extra_profit
new_adjustment_step: uint256 = _new_adjustment_step
new_ma_half_time: uint256 = _new_ma_half_time
# Fees
if new_out_fee < MAX_FEE+1:
assert new_out_fee > MIN_FEE-1 # dev: fee is out of range
new_out_fee = self.out_fee
if new_mid_fee > MAX_FEE:
new_mid_fee = self.mid_fee
assert new_mid_fee <= new_out_fee # dev: mid-fee is too high
if new_admin_fee > MAX_ADMIN_FEE:
new_admin_fee = self.admin_fee
# AMM parameters
if new_fee_gamma < 10**18:
assert new_fee_gamma > 0 # dev: fee_gamma out of range [1 .. 10**18]
new_fee_gamma = self.fee_gamma
if new_allowed_extra_profit > 10**18:
new_allowed_extra_profit = self.allowed_extra_profit
if new_adjustment_step > 10**18:
new_adjustment_step = self.adjustment_step
# MA
if new_ma_half_time < 7*86400:
assert new_ma_half_time > 0 # dev: MA time should be longer than 1 second
new_ma_half_time = self.ma_half_time
_deadline: uint256 = block.timestamp + ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY
self.admin_actions_deadline = _deadline
self.future_admin_fee = new_admin_fee
self.future_mid_fee = new_mid_fee
self.future_out_fee = new_out_fee
self.future_fee_gamma = new_fee_gamma
self.future_allowed_extra_profit = new_allowed_extra_profit
self.future_adjustment_step = new_adjustment_step
self.future_ma_half_time = new_ma_half_time
log CommitNewParameters(_deadline, new_admin_fee, new_mid_fee, new_out_fee,
new_allowed_extra_profit, new_adjustment_step,
def apply_new_parameters():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert block.timestamp >= self.admin_actions_deadline # dev: insufficient time
assert self.admin_actions_deadline != 0 # dev: no active action
self.admin_actions_deadline = 0
admin_fee: uint256 = self.future_admin_fee
if self.admin_fee != admin_fee:
self.admin_fee = admin_fee
mid_fee: uint256 = self.future_mid_fee
self.mid_fee = mid_fee
out_fee: uint256 = self.future_out_fee
self.out_fee = out_fee
fee_gamma: uint256 = self.future_fee_gamma
self.fee_gamma = fee_gamma
allowed_extra_profit: uint256 = self.future_allowed_extra_profit
self.allowed_extra_profit = allowed_extra_profit
adjustment_step: uint256 = self.future_adjustment_step
self.adjustment_step = adjustment_step
ma_half_time: uint256 = self.future_ma_half_time
self.ma_half_time = ma_half_time
log NewParameters(admin_fee, mid_fee, out_fee,
allowed_extra_profit, adjustment_step,
def revert_new_parameters():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
self.admin_actions_deadline = 0
def commit_transfer_ownership(_owner: address):
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert self.transfer_ownership_deadline == 0 # dev: active transfer
_deadline: uint256 = block.timestamp + ADMIN_ACTIONS_DELAY
self.transfer_ownership_deadline = _deadline
self.future_owner = _owner
log CommitNewAdmin(_deadline, _owner)
def apply_transfer_ownership():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert block.timestamp >= self.transfer_ownership_deadline # dev: insufficient time
assert self.transfer_ownership_deadline != 0 # dev: no active transfer
self.transfer_ownership_deadline = 0
_owner: address = self.future_owner
self.owner = _owner
log NewAdmin(_owner)
def revert_transfer_ownership():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
self.transfer_ownership_deadline = 0
def kill_me():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
assert self.kill_deadline > block.timestamp # dev: deadline has passed
self.is_killed = True
def unkill_me():
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
self.is_killed = False
def set_admin_fee_receiver(_admin_fee_receiver: address):
assert msg.sender == self.owner # dev: only owner
self.admin_fee_receiver = _admin_fee_receiver
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zed-wong commented Oct 8, 2022

>>> c.add_liquidity([0,10*10,0], 1, {'from':accounts[0]})

File "", line 1, in
File "brownie/network/", line 1861, in call
return self.transact(*args)
File "brownie/network/", line 1734, in transact
return tx["from"].transfer(
File "brownie/network/", line 644, in transfer
receipt, exc = self._make_transaction(
File "brownie/network/", line 727, in _make_transaction
raise VirtualMachineError(e) from None
File "brownie/", line 93, in init
raise ValueError(str(exc)) from None
ValueError: Gas estimation failed: 'execution reverted'. This transaction will likely revert. If you wish to broadcast, you must set the gas limit manually.

>>> c.add_liquidity([0,0,1000], 0, {'from':accounts[0], 'gas_limit': 900000, 'allow_reve
rt': True})

Transaction sent: 0x6b062dc989876365139461f0ebaa28731f7ac4e446c8a28d4b531a073800fd86
Gas price: 0.046746094 gwei Gas limit: 900000 Nonce: 88
CurveCryptoSwap.add_liquidity confirmed (reverted) Block: 7732795 Gas used: 128102 (14.23%)

File "", line 1, in
File "brownie/network/", line 1861, in call
return self.transact(*args)
File "brownie/network/", line 1734, in transact
return tx["from"].transfer(
File "brownie/network/", line 644, in transfer
receipt, exc = self._make_transaction(
File "brownie/network/", line 780, in _make_transaction
f"VM Exception while processing transaction: revert {receipt.revert_msg}"
File "brownie/network/", line 54, in wrapper
raise RPCRequestError(
RPCRequestError: Accessing TransactionReceipt.revert_msg on a reverted transaction requires the debug_traceTransaction RPC endpoint, but the node client does not support it or has not made it available.

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zed-wong commented Oct 8, 2022

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zed-wong commented Oct 8, 2022

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