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Created December 17, 2016 20:52
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LaTeX thesis title page
{\large \@author}}
% The following code is borrowed from:
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{\titlefont Free Software}\\{\subtitlefont - etik og brugervenlighed}\par
\epigraph{Proprietary software keeps users divided and helpless. Divided because each user is forbidden to redistribute it to others, and helpless because the users can't change it since they don't have the source code. They can't study what it really does. So the proprietary program is a system of unjust power.}%
{\textsc{Dr. Richard Stallman}}
\textbf{Zed the Fish}, 3.kitZ \\
Kom/IT A, Teknologi B\\
\hphantom{aa} \\
Studieretningsprojekt \\
Absolute Autism \\
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