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Last active April 13, 2016 05:33
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Interview Coding Questions
// Check If a string has all unique characters, without using additional data structure.
func isUnique(string: String) -> Bool {
// what type of characters // if ascii characters
if string.characters.count > 128 {
return true
var cIdx = 0
for c in string.characters {
var ccIdx = 0
for cc in string.characters {
if cIdx != ccIdx && c == cc {
return true
ccIdx = ccIdx + 1
cIdx = cIdx + 1
return false
// Trim whitespace characters from beginning, end of the string, and more than one space in between.
func trimming(string : String) -> String? {
var str: String = ""
var isCarShuru = false
var isMidSpace = false
for i in 0..<string.characters.count {
let char = Array(string.characters)[i]
if char != " " {
if isMidSpace {
str = str + " " + String(char)
isMidSpace = false
else {
str = str + String(char)
isCarShuru = true
else {
if isCarShuru && isMidSpace == false {
isMidSpace = true
return str
print(trimming(" Roch the world "))
// Check Palindrome or a permutation of palindrome
func isPalindrome(string: String) -> Bool {
var oddCount = 0
var arrDone = Array(count: string.characters.count, repeatedValue: "Yo")
for c1 in string.characters {
var isSame = false
for cOld in arrDone {
if cOld == String(c1) {
isSame = true
if !isSame {
var isOdd = false
for c2 in string.characters {
if c1 == c2 {
isOdd = !isOdd
if isOdd {
oddCount = oddCount + 1
if oddCount == 2 {
return false;
return true
// Check Permutation: given two string, if one is a permutation to other.
func isPermutation(string1: String, of string2: String) -> Bool {
if (string1.characters.count != string2.characters.count) {
return false
var charArray = Array(count: string1.characters.count, repeatedValue: "Yo")
for char1 in string1.characters {
var isFound = false
for c0 in charArray {
if String(char1) == c0 {
isFound = true
if !isFound {
var char1Count = 0
for c in string1.characters {
if c == char1 {
char1Count = char1Count + 1;
var char2Count = 0
for char2 in string2.characters {
if char1 == char2 {
char2Count = char2Count + 1;
print(char1, char1Count, char2Count)
if char1Count != char2Count {
return false
return true
print(isPermutation("yobabymushaya", of: "mushayaabyboy"))
// Given a string check if its a Permutation of a palindrome or not.
// first it should be a palindrome, then check for permutation.
func isPermutationOfAPalindrome(string : String) -> Bool {
let cnt = string.characters.count
if cnt < 2 {
return false
if !isPalindrome(string) {
return false
if cnt == 2 {
return false
let x = cnt / 2
let arr = Array(string.characters)
for i in 0..<x {
let c1 = arr[i];
let j = cnt - (i+1)
let c2 = arr[j]
if c1 != c2 {
print(c1, c2)
return false
return true
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