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Created July 13, 2015 18:26
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Andrew Stone's Great eqc_statem notes

Testing Stateful Code

So far, all the properties we have written have tested stateless code. Stateless code is made up of pure functions and is inherently easier to test than stateful code with side effects. The chief problem with testing stateful code is that the input to output mapping depends on the current state of the program. Previous operations can cause the same function to return different output given the same input. Therefore, in order to test stateful code, our tests must maintain some state of their own. This state is known as the model state and is updated as part of the testing process. In order to validate the stateful code under test, the model state is compared to the output of the stateful functions. Additionally, since most stateful code in Erlang is process state, we can query the internal state and compare it directly to the model state. This latter technique, while useful, comes with some caveats regarding symbolic and dynamic state, as described below.

Symbolic and Dynamic State

eqc_statem generated test cases are lists of symbolic commands. Symbolic commands represent functions that are going to be called during the test run, as well as the output of running those functions. We say that symbolic variables are bound to the result of symbolic functions. Symbolic commands are represented in Erlang as the following tuple where Var is the symbolic binding of the result of the symbolic function Call.

{set, Var, Call}

An example of an actual symbolic call looks like the following:

{set, {var, 1}, {call, erlang, whereis, [a]}}

As you can see the symbolic function call is just a tuple tagged with call and then followed by the actual module, function, and argument parameters of the function to be called. The result of this function call will be stored in the first variable that eqc is maintaining to keep track of the test run. When the test is run, eqc will call the function represented by the symbolic call and replace the symbolic variable with the output of the function. The resulting function call and output are called dynamic values. It's important to keep in mind that symbolic values are generated during test generation and dynamic values are computed during test execution.

Figuring out when to use symbolic values and dynamic values in your eqc_statem callbacks is tricky and at times maddening. This, of course, begs the question as to why we need to worry about symbolic values in the first place. Quoting the eqc_statem documentation:

The reason we use symbolic representations (rather than just working with their dynamic values) is to enable us to display, save, analyze, and above all simplify test cases before they are run.

The rest of this tutorial will attempt to steer you in the right direction and minimize the pain of dealing with symbolic calls.

Modelling State

In order to keep track of our model state, we need to store it in an erlang term. Typically, model state is held inside a state record just like the process state record typically used in gen_xxx servers. Only state relevant to the tests needs to be included in this record. It is unnecessary to include extraneous state. In other words, the state does not need to match the process state record of the system under test. It is typical, that as your statem tests grow to cover more of the system, that this model state record will include new fields to cover the new tests.

During a statem test you define the initial model state of the system and then the resulting state from executing a given command with the current state. The tricky part is that the state must be mutated during both test generation and execution. Therefore the state must be able to represent both symbolic and dynamic values. The key to this is to not inspect the mutated state during test generation, as the values don't exist yet. For example, if you were spawning processes as part of your test, you would end up with symbolic state that looks like this:

[{var,1}, {var,2}, {var,3}]

During test execution the dynamic state will be computed, and these variables will be replaced with the actual runtime pids. Below, the eqc_statem behaviour will be described and this will be elaborated on.

The eqc_statem behaviour

We've talked a bit about symbolic versus dynamic values, and described why you must maintain model state in order to test stateful code. However, we haven't yet begun to examine how you actually write tests using eqc_statem. It turns out that in addition to providing helper functions, eqc_statem also provides an OTP behaviour that implements the generic part of the stateful test process. You must only write the callbacks required by this behaviour in order to implement your tests. There are also optional callbacks that allow further test customization. These callbacks will be described in the following subsections.


-spec initial_state() -> symbolic_state().

This callback function returns the symbolic state in which each test case starts. This symbolic state should not assume anything about the runtime of the system, but otherwise it's just a normal erlang term.

initial_state() ->


-spec precondition(symbolic_state(), symbolic_call()) -> bool().

precondition/2 gets called during test generation and thus only deals with symbolic values. It is a predicate function that determines if a given command should be included in test cases. In general I've found it easier to start my tests without preconditions and add them in after I get them working initially. Buggy preconditions are a common cause of error, and this isn't always obvious. You can see an example of a buggy precondition here.

%% Only allow commands that query running pids
precondition(S#state{running=RunningPids}, {call, cache_server, query, [Pid]}) ->
    lists:member(Pid, Running).


-spec next_state(symbolic_state(), symbolic_result(), symbolic_call()) ->
      next_state(dynamic_state(), dynamic_result(), symbolic_call_with_dynamic_args()) ->

The eqc_statem behaviour is essentially an abstract state machine. You've already set the initial model state with initial_state/0. This function computes the next state given the current state and the function to be called. It is very important to note that this callback operates during both test generation and test execution, and therefore operates on both symbolic and dynamic values. The trick to this is, once again, not to inspect the values inside the symbolic variables. Quoting from the eqc_statem docs:

A correctly written next_state function does not inspect symbolic inputs--it just includes them as symbolic parts of the result. Thus the same code can construct a dynamic state of the same shape, given actual values instead of symbolic ones.

%% For both symbolic and dynamic states, start a new cache_server and add the
%% returned pid to the list of running pids maintained by the model state.
%% The trick here is not to inspect NewPid, which is a symbolic result. 
next_state(#state{running=Pids}=S, NewPid, {call, cache_server, start_link, _})
   -> S#state{running=[NewPid | Pids]}.

The above state transition function wisely avoids inspecting symbolic results and parameters. However, this presents a challenge. What if the function being called returns {ok, Pid} or {error, Reason} instead of just a value or exception? Your next_state/3 function can't inspect those values symbolically. There are a few options, but the simplest is to anticpate what the model state should look like based on the arguments to the command, and the current state as shown below:

%% Ignore the result, since the arguments tell us all we need to know
%% Don't ever allow Current > Max.
next_state(#state{max=Max, current=Current}=S, _, {call, _, increment, N}) ->
    Val = Current + N,
    case Val > Max of
        true ->
        false ->

In some cases however, you actually want your tests to handle a success, error, or other variable response, because you actually have no way to anticipate the future state from the function arguments. You don't want your tests to fail just because you anticipated the wrong response randomly. In this case what you want to do is actually save the symbolic result in the returned model state. Then on the subsequent call to command/1 you take the symbolic result from the model state and pass it as the first parameter to the next call. Typically, you'd wrap the calls in a local function that checks the state rather than calling the actual function under test directly. The example below should help clarify this.

next_state(S, Res, {call, _, non_deterministic_fun, _}) ->

command(S=#state{prev_result=Res}) ->
    {call, ?MODULE, maybe_do_something, [Res, some_other_arg]}.

%% Called in postcondition
maybe_do_something({ok, _}, Arg2) ->
maybe_do_something({error, _}, _) ->

Finally, we have the case where you need to use the symbolic result as part of the model state during the test execution phase. Adding extra state variables to keep track of past operations gets unwieldy quickly, and in fact it doesn't work for everything. In cases like this you actually want to compute the model state from the result during test execution and then compare it to the actual system state via invariant/1. In these cases the solution is actually to embed a symbolic call in your state output. The symbolic call will be translated and executed during test execution and acts like a normal function call at that time. This doesn't impact test generation and allows much more useful tests during execution. You can do that with code like the following:

   next_state(S=#state{leader=L}, Result, {call, _, some_distributed_op, _}) ->
       S#state{leader={call, ?MODULE, maybe_change_leader, [L, Result]}}. 

    maybe_change_leader(Leader, {ok, _}) ->
    maybe_change_leader(_Leader, {error, {redirect, NewLeader}}) ->
    maybe_change_leader(_Leader, {error, _}) ->

It's interesting to note that even though the function call is symbolic during test generation, the value stored in the argument named N is just an erlang term. While it's possible to have symbolic values inside the arguments of a symbolic call, it is rare. Typically the argument is either hardcoded or part of a generator output and is a regular erlang term. Therefore it can be calculated and inspected during test generation and execution, unlike symbolic results which can't be computed until the test is actually run. In this case N is just an integer, and our code works just fine.


-spec postcondition(dynamic_state(), symbolic_call_with_dynamic_args(),
    dynamic_result()) -> bool().

postcondition/3 is a predicate called during test execution with the dynamic state before the call. First and foremost, this is where the actual results of the function calls are checked against the model state. Since this only happens during runtime, postcondition/3 is typically easier to write and debug than precondition/2 and next_state/3. Additionally, it is often useful to query parts of the system in post conditions, such as process state and assert that the 'real world' is behaving as you expect. However, this definitely should not be the main goal of your tests.

postcondition(#state{running=Peers, nodes=N}, {call, _, get_count, []}, {error, no_quorum}) ->
    length(Peers) <= N/2;
postcondition(#state{running=Peers, nodes=N, current=Current}, {call, _, get_count, []}, {ok, Result}) ->
    length(Peers) > N/2 andalso Current =:= Result.


-spec command(symbolic_state()) -> symbolic_call().

We've seen how to ensure valid commands are executed, implement model state transitions and assert that our code is correct. However, we have not yet seen how to tell eqc_statem what commands it should attempt to run during test cases. This is the purpose of command/1. Test sequences are generated by repeatedly calling command.

oneof([{call, cache_server, get_count, []},
       {call, cache_server, query, [count, "<=", int()]}]).

invariant/1 (optional)

-spec invariant(dynamic_state()) -> bool.

This is the only optional callback that will be covered in this tutorial. invariant/1 is only called during test execution after each command is executed with the result state of the call. It can be used to insure invariants in the model state are kept, such as count is always non-negative. It's other main use is to compare the model state to the actual state of the system, instead of doing that in postconditions.

invariant(#state{count=Count}) when Count >= 0 ->
invariant(_) ->

Implementing eqc_statem tests

In order to begin writing your eqc_statem callback module you need to include a small amount of boilerplate.



Just like with other eqc tests, you must also define a property to actually run your tests. This property should live in the callback module, and looks similar to most other eqc properties.

prop_do_something() ->
    ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE),
                {H, S, Res} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
                                           {H, S, Res},

In lesson 3 we saw the property creator ?FORALL. This instance of ?FORALL binds Cmds to the commands generated by the abstract state machine described in the callback module, ?MODULE.

The aggregate/2 function is a passthrough property that collects a list of values in each test and prints their distribution at the end of the test run. It returns identical results of the expression or property as it's second argument, except for the side effect of collecting and printing the distribution of commands.

In most tests, you want to do specific setup and teardown from within the property itself. The reason is that these properties get run more than once by quickcheck, and the initial state needs to be reset each time. There are ways around this that allow seeding a state in commands/2 instead of using the initial_state/0 function of the module, but that is not covered in this tutorial.

In between the specific setup and teardown functions is the actual test run itself, run_commands/2. It returns a 3-tuple of the dynamic history of the test run, the final state, and the reason execution stopped. Using eqc_statem:pretty_commands/4 you can pretty print the commands and results of your test on failure. This is much more effective than using the ?WHENFAIL macro. The last parameter is the remainder of your property.

That's all there is to eqc_statem. However, we still need a way to actually run the property. For this we use the quickcheck/1 function. quickcheck/1 is not specific to eqc_statem and will run any property 100 times.


Those are the basic steps to writing an eqc_statem test. There are many more functions available in quickcheck to help (and complicate) your tests. Explore the documentation in the install and enjoy!

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