Save zeffii/3804046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
""" | |
(c) Dealga McArdle 2012 / blenderscripting.blogspot / digitalaphasia.com | |
This program is free software; you may redistribute it, and/or | |
modify it, under the terms of the GNU General Public License | |
as published by the Free Software Foundation - either version 2 | |
of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
GNU General Public License for more details. | |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | |
along with this program. If not, write to: | |
the Free Software Foundation Inc. | |
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor | |
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA | |
or go online at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ to view license options. | |
""" | |
bl_info = { | |
"name": "Text Syntax To 2d Text Objects", | |
"author": "zeffii", | |
"version": (0, 8, 0), | |
"blender": (2, 6, 4), | |
"location": "Text Editor", | |
"description": "Converts to 2d Text with syntax highlighting.", | |
"wiki_url": "", | |
"tracker_url": "", | |
"category": "Text Editor"} | |
# revision, restore point. 012 | |
# - handled: doc string. | |
# - handled: multi line tripple quote. | |
# - handled: whitespace objects. | |
# - added: convenience settings for linux and windows. | |
import bpy | |
SugarConstants = lambda: None | |
SugarConstants.line_height = 0.95 | |
SugarConstants.DOC_TYPE = 'Literal.String.Doc' | |
SugarConstants.DEBUG = True | |
SugarConstants.CHAR_WIDTH = .471 | |
SugarConstants.ESCAPE_STRING = 'Literal.String.Escape' | |
SugarConstants.LITERAL_STRING = 'Literal.String' | |
SugarConstants.OS = None | |
try: | |
import pygments | |
except: | |
# warning to the user, you might want to hardcode this. | |
import sys | |
platform = bpy.app.build_platform.decode() | |
if 'Linux' in platform: | |
sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages/') | |
SugarConstants.OS = 'Linux' | |
elif ('Windows' in platform) or ('NT' in platform): | |
win_path = 'C:/Python32/Lib/site-packages/' | |
sys.path.append(win_path) | |
SugarConstants.OS = 'Windows' | |
else: | |
SugarConstants.OS = 'Darwin' | |
print('for OS X support contact me at irc.freenode #blenderpython') | |
from pygments import highlight | |
from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer | |
from pygments.formatters import RawTokenFormatter | |
import re | |
import os | |
# ----------------- helpers | |
def print_time_stamp(): | |
from time import asctime | |
print(asctime().center(60, '-')) | |
def get_unique_sequential_name(): | |
# if you need more, increase this value it is arbitrary at the moment | |
for i in range(10000): | |
yield(str(i).zfill(6)) | |
# ----------------- setup fonts and set spacing values | |
def add_fonts(): | |
font_locations = { | |
'Windows': 'C:/Users/dealga/Downloads/SourceCodePro_FontsOnly-1.009/', | |
'Linux': '/home/zeffii/Desktop/typeFACE/SourceCodePro_FontsOnly-1.009/' | |
} | |
ext = '.ttf' | |
source_dir = font_locations[SugarConstants.OS] | |
for font_name in ["SourceCodePro-Bold", "SourceCodePro-Regular"]: | |
full_path = source_dir + font_name + ext | |
bpy.data.fonts.load(full_path) | |
def get_string_width(syntax): | |
# i can't get real information about the length including whitespace | |
# so i measure once the distance between two capital B corners. | |
return SugarConstants.CHAR_WIDTH * len(syntax.value) | |
def create_syntax_block(caret, syntax, seq_yielder): | |
# material and syntax element share the same name, | |
# this makes it possible to push other fonts weights on element changes. | |
material, content = syntax.name, syntax.value | |
bpy.ops.object.text_add(location=(caret.x, caret.y, 0.0)) | |
f_obj = bpy.context.active_object | |
f_obj.name = next(seq_yielder) | |
# ['Name.Function', 'Keyword', 'Keyword.Namespace'] | |
# seems the ttf parser/extractor is a little relaxed on charwidth. | |
# not safe to switch between family weights, yet. | |
f_obj.data.font = bpy.data.fonts['SourceCodePro-Bold'] | |
f_obj.data.body = content | |
f_obj.data.materials.append(bpy.data.materials[material]) | |
return get_string_width(syntax) | |
# ----------------- materials set up | |
def make_material(syntax_name, float3): | |
pymat = bpy.data.materials | |
col = pymat.new(syntax_name) | |
col.use_nodes = True | |
Diffuse_BSDF = col.node_tree.nodes['Diffuse BSDF'] | |
Diffuse_BSDF.inputs[0].default_value = float3 | |
def make_materials(): | |
material_library = { | |
'Comment': (0.1523, 0.1523, 0.1523, 1.0), | |
'Keyword': (0.0, 0.4458, 0.8, 1.0), | |
'Keyword.Namespace': (0.4, 0.6, 0.97, 1.0), | |
'Literal.Number.Float': (0.0, 0.7611, 0.9, 1.0), | |
'Literal.Number.Integer': (0.9, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0), | |
'Literal.String': (0.8, 0.3081, 0.2161, 1.0), | |
'Literal.String.Doc': (0.98, 0.6, 0.6, 1.0), | |
'Literal.String.Escape': (0.9, 0.2, 0.7, 1.0), | |
'Name': (0.5488, 0.495, 0.2742, 1.0), | |
'Name.Builtin': (0.2, 0.9, 0.94, 1.0), | |
'Name.Builtin.Pseudo': (0.0, 0.0, 0.946, 1.0), | |
'Name.Class': (0.0, 0.0, 0.7939, 1.0), | |
'Name.Function': (0.9, 0.1657, 0.3041, 1.0), | |
'Name.Namespace': (0.4, 0.4, 0.9, 1.0), | |
'Operator': (0.4, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0), | |
'Operator.Word': (0.9, 0.3, 0.8, 1.0), | |
'Punctuation': (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0), | |
'Text': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) | |
} | |
for k, v in material_library.items(): | |
if k not in bpy.data.materials: | |
make_material(k, v) | |
def make_random_material(syntax_name): | |
from random import random | |
random_rgb_float = (0.0, 0.0, round(random(), 4), 1.0) | |
make_material(syntax_name, random_rgb_float) | |
def make_caret(): | |
caret = lambda: None | |
caret.x = 0.0 | |
caret.y = 0.0 | |
return caret | |
def make_syntax_unit(token_type, token_value): | |
syntax = lambda: None | |
syntax.name = token_type | |
syntax.value = token_value | |
return syntax | |
def get_syntax(udix): | |
udix = [j for j in udix if len(j) > 0] | |
return make_syntax_unit(udix[1], udix[2][1:-1]) | |
def print_token(syntax): | |
print('Token: {0.name}: |{0.value}|'.format(syntax)) | |
def print_debug_item(multi_line): | |
print('-- debug --') | |
for t in multi_line: | |
print(repr(t)) | |
print('-- /debug --') | |
def generate_doc_string(caret, syntax, seq_yielder): | |
DOC_TYPE = SugarConstants.DOC_TYPE | |
line_height = SugarConstants.line_height | |
multi_line = re.split(r'\\n', syntax.value) | |
if SugarConstants.DEBUG: | |
print_debug_item(multi_line) | |
# iterate over the resulting multiline | |
for line in multi_line: | |
line = line.replace(r'\\', '\\') | |
print('|' + line + '|') | |
syntax = make_syntax_unit(DOC_TYPE, line) | |
syntax_params = caret, syntax, seq_yielder | |
syntax_width = create_syntax_block(*syntax_params) | |
caret.x = 0.0 | |
caret.y -= line_height | |
return caret | |
def generate_escaped_special(caret, syntax, seq_yielder): | |
line_height = SugarConstants.line_height | |
literal_bytes = bytes(syntax.value, "utf-8") | |
literal_string = literal_bytes.decode("unicode_escape") | |
for character in literal_string: | |
print('---extra---') | |
print('|' + character + '| <--- ' + repr(character)) | |
print('---extra---') | |
if character == '\n': | |
caret.x = 0.0 | |
caret.y -= line_height | |
else: | |
syntax = make_syntax_unit(ESCAPE_STRING, character) | |
syntax_params = caret, syntax, seq_yielder | |
caret.x += create_syntax_block(*syntax_params) | |
return caret | |
# ----------------- main worker functions | |
def work_on_element(caret, udix, seq_yielder): | |
DOC_TYPE = SugarConstants.DOC_TYPE | |
syntax = get_syntax(udix) | |
print_token(syntax) | |
# add material if not present | |
if not syntax.name in bpy.data.materials: | |
make_random_material(syntax.name) | |
syntax_params = caret, syntax, seq_yielder | |
if syntax.name == DOC_TYPE: | |
caret = generate_doc_string(*syntax_params) | |
elif syntax.name == ESCAPE_STRING: | |
caret = generate_escaped_special(*syntax_params) | |
else: | |
# skip whitespace strings, move caret over distance | |
if syntax.name == 'Text' and syntax.value.isspace(): | |
caret.x += get_string_width(syntax) | |
return caret | |
# two slashes should be included in lit.str.esc, but isn't | |
elif syntax.name == LS and syntax.value == r'\\': | |
ex_syntax = make_syntax_unit(LS, '\\') | |
syntax_params = caret, ex_syntax, seq_yielder | |
caret.x += create_syntax_block(*syntax_params) | |
return caret | |
def write_lines(post_split_lines, seq_yielder): | |
""" Some of this is very manual, i realize that """ | |
caret = make_caret() | |
# line_counter = 0 | |
TOKEN_RE = """(Token\.(.*?)\t(\'(.*?)\')|Token\.(.*?)\t(\"(.*?)\"))""" | |
pattern = re.compile(TOKEN_RE) | |
for i in post_split_lines: | |
if '\t' in i: | |
results = pattern.findall(i) | |
for udix in results: | |
caret = work_on_element(caret, udix, seq_yielder) | |
caret.x = 0.0 | |
# line_counter += 1 | |
#if line_counter > 80: | |
# break | |
print('----newline') | |
caret.y -= SugarConstants.line_height | |
# ----------------- main director function | |
def generate_syntax_objects(code): | |
print_time_stamp() | |
make_materials() | |
add_fonts() | |
seq_yielder = get_unique_sequential_name() | |
# process data | |
code_as_raw = highlight(code, Python3Lexer(), RawTokenFormatter()) | |
pre_split_lines = code_as_raw.decode('utf-8') | |
# there is a hidden tab inside the regex here. | |
post_split_lines = pre_split_lines.split(r"""Token.Text '\n'""") | |
# write to objects | |
write_lines(post_split_lines, seq_yielder) | |
# ------------------ blender UI stuff | |
class GenerateSyntaxOperator(bpy.types.Operator): | |
"""Defines a button""" | |
bl_idname = "scene.generate_sugar" | |
bl_label = "Uses currently loaded text to make text objects with syntax" | |
def execute(self, context): | |
file_name = context.edit_text.name | |
code = bpy.data.texts[file_name].as_string() | |
generate_syntax_objects(code) | |
return{'FINISHED'} | |
class GenerateSyntaxPanel(bpy.types.Panel): | |
"""Creates a Panel in the Object properties window""" | |
bl_label = "Syntax Objects" | |
bl_idname = "OBJECT_PT_convertsyntax" | |
bl_space_type = "TEXT_EDITOR" | |
bl_region_type = "UI" | |
def draw(self, context): | |
layout = self.layout | |
row = layout.row() | |
layout.operator("scene.generate_sugar", text='Make Text Objects') | |
def register(): | |
bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) | |
def unregister(): | |
bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
register() |
I'm not a h4cker (yet)
Don't have time to learn blender api from 2012 to 2021 (right now)
The other solution i found, was to take many many screenshoot of my code, stitch them in photoshop, upsize with topaz gigapixel, import in image as plane, and i don' t have any volume at all but since it's impossible to import svg text to blender, i won't use volume in this projet, sadly.
Here is the result image i made in 20min :
It's just for a blog news thumbnail.
But i could also used an old version of blender 🤔, next time l'll do that !
It's bad there is no auto converter to blender 2.6 to 2.9 like it exist python converter from 2 to 3
here's something that might work for you
import bpy
import numpy as np
text_in = bpy.data.texts["Text"].as_string()
def get_obj_and_fontcurve(context, name):
collection = context.scene.collection
curves = bpy.data.curves
objects = bpy.data.objects
if not name in curves:
f = curves.new(name, 'FONT')
f = curves[name]
if name in objects:
sv_object = objects[name]
sv_object = objects.new(name, f)
return sv_object, f
def add_material(name, base_color):
rgba = list(base_color) + [1.0]
mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name)
mat.use_nodes = True
mat.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"].inputs[0].default_value = rgba
lex_dict = {
(1,): ["name1Color", 0, (0.4, 0.9, 0.8)],
(2,): ["numberColor", 1, (0.9, 0.9, 1.0)],
(3,): ["stringColor", 2, (0.148, 0.447, 0.04)],
(7, 8): ["parenColor", 3, (0.4, 0.3, 0.7)],
(9, 10): ["bracketColor", 4, (0.5, 0.7, 0.7)],
(22,): ["equalsColor", 5, (0.9, 0.7, 0.6)],
(25, 26): ["braceColor", 6, (0.4, 0.5, 0.7)],
(53, 54): ["opColor", 7, (1.0, 0.3, 0.7)],
(55, 60): ["commentColor", 8, (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)],
(90,): ["name2Color", 9, (0.7, 0.9, 0.3)],
(91,): ["name3Color", 10, (0.3, 0.9, 0.4)],
lex_remap = {}
for key, val in lex_dict.items():
if len(key) == 1:
lex_remap[key[0]] = val[1]
lex_remap[key[0]] = val[1]
lex_remap[key[1]] = val[1]
def syntax_highlight_basic(text):
this uses the built in lexer/tokenizer in python to identify part of code
will return a meaningful lookuptable for index colours per character
import tokenize
import io
import token
text_array = text.split('\n')
terminal_width = len(max(text_array, key=len)) + 1
num_rows = len(text_array)
array_size = terminal_width * num_rows
ones = np.ones(array_size) *-2
with io.StringIO(text) as f:
tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(f.readline)
for token in tokens:
if token.type in (0, 4, 56, 256):
if not token.string or (token.start == token.end):
token_type = token.type
if token.type == 1:
if token.string in {
'print', 'def', 'class', 'break', 'continue', 'return', 'while', 'or', 'and',
'dir', 'if', 'in', 'as', 'out', 'with', 'from', 'import', 'with', 'for'}:
token_type = 90
elif token.string in {'False', 'True', 'yield', 'repr', 'range', 'enumerate'}:
token_type = 91
elif token.type in {53,}:
# 7: 'LPAR', 8: 'RPAR
# 9: 'LSQB', 10: 'RSQB'
# 25: 'LBRACE', 26: 'RBRACE'
if token.exact_type in {7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 26}:
token_type = token.exact_type
elif token.exact_type == 22:
token_type = token.exact_type
current_type = float(token_type)
row_start, char_start = token.start[0]-1, token.start[1]
row_end, char_end = token.end[0]-1, token.end[1]
index1 = (row_start * terminal_width) + char_start
index2 = (row_end * terminal_width) + char_end
np.put(ones, np.arange(index1, index2), [current_type])
final_ones = ones.reshape((-1, terminal_width))
return final_ones
# first make sure we have materials to match all lexed types
for lexid, mat_description in lex_dict.items():
named_color = mat_description[0]
if named_color in bpy.data.materials:
base_color = mat_description[2]
add_material(named_color, base_color)
mat_array = syntax_highlight_basic(text=text_in).tolist()
sv_obj, f = get_obj_and_fontcurve(bpy.context, "lexed_test")
f.body = text_in
if len(sv_obj.data.materials) == 0:
for lexid, mat_description in lex_dict.items():
named_color = mat_description[0]
idx_tracker_row = 0
idx_tracker_col = 0
for char, char_info in zip(f.body, f.body_format):
if char in {"\n"}:
idx_tracker_row += 1
idx_tracker_col = 0
lexed_type = int(mat_array[idx_tracker_row][idx_tracker_col])
if lexed_type == -2:
idx_tracker_col += 1
if lexed_type in lex_remap:
idx = lex_remap.get(lexed_type)
if idx:
char_info.material_index = idx
print(char, lexed_type)
idx_tracker_col += 1
idx_tracker_col += 1
i know : )
it's almost like blender's built in "lexer", but you can modify it yourself to be closer to identical.
no. you are free to hack it.