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Forked from zajac/part1.clj
Created April 28, 2017 13:35
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Deconstructing React
(ns react-fun.part1)
;;Deconstructing React
;; v = f (d)
;;let an element be a vector [type props & children]
;; type - (or keyword? fn?)
;; props - map?
(defn MyComponent [style & children]
(into [:div {:style style}] children))
(defn MyChildComponent [text]
[:span text])
(defn MyAnotherChildComponent [attrs]
[:input {:type :button
:class (if (:enabled? attrs) "enabled" "disabled")}])
(defn RootComponent []
[MyComponent {:color :blue}
[MyChildComponent "10"]
[MyAnotherChildComponent {:enabled? true}]])
[:div {:style {:color :blue}}
[:span "10"]
[:input {:type :button
:class "enabled"}]]
(def elt? vector?)
(defn user-elt? [elt]
(and (elt? elt) (fn? (first elt))))
(defn primitive-elt? [elt]
(and (elt? elt) (keyword? (first elt))))
(defn primitive-component [& args]
(into [] (filter some? args)))
(defn build-component [elt]
(user-elt? elt) (build-component (apply (first elt) (rest elt)))
(primitive-elt? elt) (apply primitive-component (first elt)
(map build-component (rest elt)))
:else elt))
(build-component [RootComponent])
[:div {:style {:color :blue}}
[:span "10"]
[:input {:type :button, :class "enabled"}]]
(def app? vector?)
(defn eval' [x]
(and (app? x) (macro? (first x))) (eval' (apply (first x) (rest x)))
(app? x) (apply (first x) (map eval' (rest x)))
:else x))
(defn build-component [elt]
(user-elt? elt) (build-component (apply (first elt) (rest elt)))
(primitive-elt? elt) (apply primitive-component (first elt)
(map build-component (rest elt)))
:else elt))
(defn user-component [elt subst]
{:elt elt
:subst subst})
(defn build-component' [elt]
(user-elt? elt) (user-component elt (build-component' (apply (first elt) (rest elt))))
(primitive-elt? elt) (apply primitive-component (first elt)
(map build-component' (rest elt)))
:else elt))
(build-component' [RootComponent])
{:elt [#function[react-fun.part1/RootComponent]],
{:color :blue}
[#function[react-fun.part1/MyChildComponent] "10"]
[#function[react-fun.part1/MyAnotherChildComponent] {:enabled? true}]],
{:style {:color :blue}}
{:elt [#function[react-fun.part1/MyChildComponent] "10"], :subst [:span "10"]}
{:elt [#function[react-fun.part1/MyAnotherChildComponent] {:enabled? true}], :subst [:input {:type :button, :class "enabled"}]}]}}
(def comp (build-component' [RootComponent]))
(let [[comp' updates]
(reconcile comp [RootComponent 2])])
(ns react-fun.part2)
(defn longest [xs ys] (if (> (count xs) (count ys)) xs ys))
(defn lcs [a b]
(let [impl* (atom nil)
impl (memoize
(fn [[x & xs] [y & ys]]
(or (= x nil) (= y nil) ) nil
(= x y) (cons x (@impl* xs ys))
:else (longest (@impl* (cons x xs) ys) (@impl* xs (cons y ys))))))]
(reset! impl* impl)
(impl a b)))
(defprotocol Toolkit
(make-node [tk e])
(perform-updates [tk u]))
(defn get-children [[_ props & children]]
(map? props) children
(some? props) (cons props children)
:else children))
(defn get-props [[_ props & children]]
(if (map? props) props nil))
(defn get-key [[type :as e] indices]
(if-let [key (or (:key (get-props e)) (:key (meta e)))]
[key indices]
(let [indices' (update indices type (fn [i] (if i (inc i) 0)))
key (indices' type)]
[[type key] indices'])))
(defn user-component? [[type]]
(fn? type))
(defn elts-with-keys [children]
(second (reduce (fn [[indices res] e]
(let [[key indices'] (get-key e indices)]
[indices' (conj res {:elt e
:key key})]))
[{} []] children)))
(defn build-component [{[type & args :as elt] :elt key :key} tk]
(if (user-component? elt)
(let [subst (apply type args)
[c-subst updates] (build-component {:elt subst
:key key} tk)]
[{:component/node (:component/node c-subst)
:component/key key
:component/element elt
:component/subst c-subst}
(let [new-node (make-node tk elt)
built (map #(build-component % tk) (elts-with-keys (get-children elt)))
c-components (map first built)
updates (mapcat second built)]
[{:component/node new-node
:component/key key
:component/element elt
:component/children c-components}
(concat updates
(map-indexed (fn [i c]
{:update/type :add
:add/index i
:add/parent new-node
:add/child (:component/node c)})
(declare reconcile)
(defn reconcile-children [{c-children :component/children
c-element :component/element
c-key :component/key
c-node :component/node :as c} e tk]
(let [new-children (elts-with-keys (get-children e))
old-keys (map :component/key c-children)
new-keys (map :key new-children)]
(if (not= old-keys new-keys)
(let [common (into #{} (lcs old-keys new-keys))
key->component (->> c-children
(map (fn [{key :component/key :as c}] [key c]))
(into {}))
recon (map (fn [{e :elt
k :key :as child}]
(if-let [old-c (key->component k)]
(reconcile old-c child tk)
(build-component child tk)))
new-keys-set (into #{} new-keys)
removes (->> c-children
(remove #(contains? common (:component/key %)))
(fn [{node :component/node
key :component/key}]
(cond-> [{:update/type :remove
:remove/child node}]
(not (contains? new-keys-set key))
(conj {:update/type :destroy
:destroy/node node})))))
new-c-children (map first recon)
adds (->> new-c-children
(keep-indexed (fn [i {k :component/key
e :component/element
child-node :component/node}]
(when-not (contains? common k)
{:update/type :add
:add/index i
:add/child child-node
:add/parent c-node}))))]
[(map first recon) (concat removes (mapcat second recon) adds)])
(let [recon (map (fn [i c elt]
(reconcile c elt i tk))
(range) c-children (get-children e))]
[(map first recon) (mapcat second recon)]))))
(def get-type first)
(defn reconcile-primitive [{old-e :component/element
node :component/node :as c} {elt :elt :as e} tk]
(if (not= (get-type old-e) (get-type elt))
(let [[new-c updates] (build-component e tk)]
[new-c (concat updates [{:update/type :remove
:remove/child node}
{:update/type :destroy
:destroy/node node}])])
(let [[children-reconciled children-updates] (reconcile-children c elt tk)
[old-props new-props] [(get-props old-e) (get-props elt)]
props-updates (when (not= old-props new-props)
[{:update/type :update-props
:update-props/node node
:update-props/node-type (first e)
:update-props/old-props old-props
:update-props/new-props new-props}])]
[(assoc c
:component/element elt
:component/children children-reconciled)
(concat props-updates children-updates)])))
(defn reconcile-user [{c-subst :component/subst
old-elt :component/element :as c} {[type & args :as elt] :elt key :key} tk]
(let [subst (if (not= elt old-elt)
(apply type args)
(:component/element c-subst))
[new-c-subst updates] (reconcile c-subst {:elt subst
:key key} tk)]
[(assoc c
:component/subst new-c-subst
:component/element elt
:component/node (:component/node new-c-subst))
(defn reconcile [c e tk]
(if (user-component? (:elt e))
(reconcile-user c e tk)
(reconcile-primitive c e tk)))
(defn label [x]
[:label {:text (str x)}])
(defn labels [x]
(into [:div]
(map (fn [i] [label i]) (range x))))
(def x (atom 0))
(def tt (reify Toolkit
(make-node [tk e]
(swap! x inc))
(perform-updates [tk u])))
(def comp (first (build-component {:elt [labels 1]
:key 0} tt)))
(reconcile comp {:elt [labels 3] :key 0} tt)
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