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Last active February 20, 2018 14:13
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  • Save zemlanin/316e1621bcd81f28436c170e84683b8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zemlanin/316e1621bcd81f28436c170e84683b8c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env osascript -l JavaScript
const help = `
Export Things 3 area/project into Markdown format and upload it to GitHub Gist
./thingist.js --area <area-name>
./thingist.js --project <project-name>
./thingist.js --project <project-name> --token <github-token> --gist <gist-id>
--area Area name to export
--project Project name to export
--token GitHub Token with \`gist\` scope. Can be created on
--gist Target Gist's identifier. Exported area/project will be saved
as \`<name>\`
const ARGV_HELP = /^(--help|-h)$/;
const ARGV_EQ = /^--([a-z_\-]+)=(.+)$/;
const ARGV_KEY = /^--([a-z_\-]+)$/;
function parseArgv(argv) {
const result = {};
let currentKey = null;
for (const arg of argv) {
if (ARGV_HELP.test(arg)) {
return { help: true };
if (ARGV_EQ.test(arg)) {
const [_, key, value] = arg.match(ARGV_EQ);
result[key] = value;
currentKey = null;
if (ARGV_KEY.test(arg)) {
const [_, key] = arg.match(ARGV_KEY);
currentKey = key;
if (currentKey) {
result[currentKey] = arg;
currentKey = null;
return result;
const pad0 = v => (v > 9 ? "" : "0") + v;
function formatTodo(todo) {
const name =;
const notes = todo.notes();
const cDate = todo.completionDate();
let cDateString = "";
if (cDate) {
const year = cDate.getUTCFullYear();
const month = cDate.getUTCMonth() + 1;
const day = cDate.getUTCDate();
cDateString = `${year}-${pad0(month)}-${pad0(day)}`;
const checkbox = cDateString ? `[x] \`${cDateString}\`` : "[ ]";
return (
`- ${checkbox} ${name}` +
(notes ? `\n\n\t${notes.replace(/\n/g, " \n\t")}` : "")
function projectDump(T, project) {
const current = project.toDos();
const completed = T.toDos()
.filter(todo => todo.project() && todo.project().id() ==
.filter(todo => todo.completionDate());
completed.sort((a, b) => a.completionDate() < b.completionDate());
const completedDump = completed.length
? `<details><summary>Logbook (${
: "";
return `# ${}
${project.notes() ? "\n" + project.notes() + "\n" : ""}
function areaItemType(item) {
try {
return "project";
} catch (e) {
return "todo";
function areaDump(T, area) {
const items = area.toDos();
items.sort((a, b) => {
const a_ = areaItemType(a);
const b_ = areaItemType(b);
if (a_ === b_) {
return 0;
if (a_ === "project") {
return 1;
return -1;
const dump = items
.map(item => {
if (areaItemType(item) === "project") {
return projectDump(T, item).replace(/^(#+) /gm, "$1# ");
} else {
return formatTodo(item);
return `# ${}
function run(argv) {
const options = parseArgv(argv);
if ( {
return help;
if (!options.project && !options.area) {
return "either --project or --area is required";
if ((options.gist && !options.token) || (!options.gist && options.token)) {
return "both --gist and --token are required to update thingist";
const T = Application("Things");
let dump, filename;
if (options.project) {
const project = T.projects[options.project];
dump = projectDump(T, project);
filename = + "";
} else if (options.area) {
const area = T.areas[options.area];
dump = areaDump(T, area);
filename = + "";
if (options.gist && options.token) {
const result = JSON.stringify({
files: { [filename]: { content: dump } }
const app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
`curl -H "Authorization: token ${options.token}" ` +
`-XPATCH${options.gist} ` +
"-d " +
JSON.stringify(result).replace(/`/g, "\\`")
return `${options.gist}`;
} else {
return dump;
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