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Last active June 20, 2019 10:59
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Redux Advanced list manipulation
// Return a new array, a subset of `list`, which matches `filter`. Assumes an
// array of objects and cyclers through each object, and looks at each property,
// and compares all string properties to the value of the `filter` string,
// returning only those which contain an exact match.
const filteredList = (filter = '', list = []) => {
if (filter) {
return list.filter((el) => {
return Object.keys(el).some((prop) => {
return el[prop] &&
typeof el[prop] === 'string' &&
el[prop].toLowerCase().indexOf(filter.toLowerCase()) >= 0;
return list;
// Return `list` sorted by `prop` in either ascending or decending order based
// on the value of `order` (either 'asc' or 'desc').
const sortedList = (prop = 'name', order = 'asc', list = []) => {
return list.sort((compA, compB) => {
let a = compA;
let b = compB;
// If a prop is provided to sort by, assume each element is an object with
// a property called `prop`.
if (prop) {
a = compA[prop];
b = compB[prop];
if (a > b) return order === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;
if (a < b) return order === 'asc' ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
// Return a new array that is the reverse of `list`.
const reversedList = list => {
return list.slice().reverse();
// Return the total number of pages that can be made from `list`.
const totalPages = (per = 10, list = []) => {
const total = Math.ceil(list.length / per);
return total ? total : 0;
// Return a slice of all `list` starting at `start` up to `per`
// (or the length of list; whichever comes first).
const slicedList = (page = 1, per = 10, list = []) => {
const start = (page - 1) * per;
const end = per === 0 ? list.length : start + per;
return end === list.length ?
list.slice(start) :
list.slice(start, end);
// params:
// 1. the reducer being augmented
// 2. definitions of action types
// 3. options
const paginated = (
} = {},
defaultPage = 1,
defaultSortOrder = 'asc',
defaultSortBy = 'name',
defaultPer = 10,
defaultFilter = '',
defaultTotal = 0
} = {}
) => {
// NOTE: the reducer's array is named "list" at this point.
// TODO: Is there a way to define the name of this property outside this module?
// NOTE: cacheList is a temporary cached array of sorted + filtered elements
// from the total list so that it doesn't need to be re-calculated each time
// the pagedList function is called.
const initialState = {
list: reducer(undefined, {}),
pageList: [],
cacheList: sortedList(defaultSortBy, defaultSortOrder,
filteredList(defaultFilter, reducer(undefined, {}))),
page: defaultPage,
total: defaultTotal,
per: defaultPer,
order: defaultSortOrder,
by: defaultSortBy,
filter: defaultFilter
return (state = initialState, action) => {
const { list, cacheList, page, total, per, order, by, filter } = state;
// NOTE: I'm using blocks (i.e., statments wrapped in {}) for a few
// conditions so that I can reuse the same variable const in different
// blocks without causing a duplicate declaration conflicts.
switch (action.type) {
// Go to a specific page. Can be used to initialize the list into a certain
// page state.
return {
pageList: slicedList(, per, cacheList)
// If the the action is fired whilst at the end of the list, swing around
// back to the beginning.
let nextPage = page + 1;
if (nextPage > state.list.length - 1) nextPage = 0;
return {
page: nextPage,
pageList: slicedList(nextPage, per, cacheList)
// If the action is fired whilst already at the beginning of the list,
// swing around to the end of the list (this behaviour can be handled
// differently through the UI if this is not the desired behaviour, for
// example, by simply not presenting the user with the "prev" button at
// all if already on the first page so it is not possible to wrap around).
let prevPage = page - 1;
if (prevPage < 0) prevPage = state.list.length - 1;
return {
page: prevPage,
pageList: slicedList(prevPage, per, cacheList)
// Reset page to 1 as this existing page has lost its meaning due to the
// list changing form.
case FILTER: {
const newCache = sortedList(by, order, filteredList(action.filter, list));
return {
filter: action.filter,
cacheList: newCache,
pageList: slicedList(1, per, newCache)
// There's a bit of optimization going on here. If the `by` hasn't changed
// (meaning the user clicked on the currently active column), then simply
// reverse the order of the cacheList (which is cheaper than running through
// the entire filter and sort functions). If the `by` has changed, *then*
// run the cacheList through the whole sort/filter combo to get a new list.
case SORT: {
const newOrder = === by && order === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc';
const newCache = === by ?
reversedList(cacheList) :
sortedList(, newOrder, filteredList(filter, list));
return {
order: newOrder,
cacheList: newCache,
pageList: slicedList(page, per, newCache)
// Setup the default list and cache and calculate the total.
default: {
const newList = reducer(state.list, action);
const newCache = sortedList(by, order, filteredList(filter, newList));
return {
list: newList,
cacheList: newCache,
pageList: slicedList(page, per, cacheList),
total: totalPages(per, newCache)
export default paginated;
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