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<form action="{{ url('library/results') }}">
{#? Keywords #}
<div class="flex flex-wrap mb-6 -mx-3">
<div class="w-full px-3">
<label class="block mb-2 font-bold tracking-wide text-hbgray-900" for="keywords">Keywords (Optional)</label>
zenbug / Accessible Navigation Menu with Tailwind
Last active July 3, 2020 15:57
Accessible Navigation Menu with Tailwind
This is not fully Tailwind because it uses pseudo classes.
zenbug / include-with-variables
Created February 27, 2019 21:40
Craft CMS Include with embedded variables
{% include "oz/emerald-city with {
"character" : "tinman"
} %}
zenbug / responsive-images-craft.txt
Last active July 14, 2020 14:32
Using LazySizes and the Picture element with responsive breakpoints for art-direction in Craft CMS
All image transforms are defined here in the main layout template so they can be used site-wide. Templates using this layout can reference them thus:
{{ theBackgroundImage.url(transform.small) }}
{% set transform = {
small: {