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Last active February 27, 2025 13:11
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auto login with cisco anyconnect (password saved, silent mode)

Cisco AnyConnect: auto login in silent mode

This gist is for Linux. For windows is the same thing.


create a file .login_info as below:

connect your.server.url    
    (blank line)  

create a script as below

/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s < .login_info   

Trouble shooting

The input (content of .login_info) may vary according to your settings. Try VPN shell to determine your inputs.

/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s

Now you are in command shell:

Connect your server:
VPN> connect your.vpn.server

Input what asked, for me it's below:
Username: [xxxxx] xxxxx
Password: xxxxxx

Exit from VPN shell:
VPN> exit (or return)

Remember what you typed, and save them into the .login_info file.


With this approach, the icon will not show in the taskbar, you need run command line vpn disconnect to disconnect.
If you want to show the icon in the taskbar, add below line in the script:

/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpnui &
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Thank you so much for sharing this. I would never have been able to figure this out myself!

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dbaldon commented Sep 3, 2020

I have been trying to automate logging on to the AnyConnect VPN for ages but could never find the answer. Thanks so much for sharing this. BTW, on my Windows 10 box, the file name is vpncli not vpn.

Now to modify it to watch for timeouts and automatically logon again.

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i0na-k commented Sep 9, 2020

I think the program isn't entering my password. Even if I don't include username, it's still picking it up when I run the/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s script. Anyone else have an issue with supplying the password? I am getting a login failed when running the script, however I can log in manually with the VPN CLI.

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dbaldon commented Sep 24, 2020

My username is automatically entered as well so I don't provide it in the input file. Instead, I place the group number on the second line.

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Arazsx commented Jul 25, 2021

is there anyway to pass connect anyway for untrusted servers certifications?

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vatdnv commented Dec 31, 2021

This is awesome. Thank you 😀

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FYI - If you have the cisco anyconnect UI open at the while you're toying with this, you'll see a message looking like:

"Connect not available. Another AnyConnect application is running or this functionality was not requested by this application."

Don't forget to close the UI completely.

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b4d commented Jan 11, 2022

Any workaround for this:

    - Certificate does not match the server name.
    - Certificate is from an untrusted source.
Connecting to this server may result in a severe security compromise!

Most users do not connect to untrusted servers unless the reason for the error condition is known.

Connect Anyway? [y/n]: y

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ha10id commented Mar 9, 2022

Any workaround for this:

    - Certificate does not match the server name.
    - Certificate is from an untrusted source.
Connecting to this server may result in a severe security compromise!

Most users do not connect to untrusted servers unless the reason for the error condition is known.

Connect Anyway? [y/n]: y

connect <your_vpn_url>
<your_vpn_group_name> (optional, depending on your vpn type)

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lsloan commented May 13, 2022

This was really helpful and works well on macOS.

I'd noticed the -s option on my own, because of this helpful message from the CLI:

$ /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -h

    Usage: vpn [options] | [cmd] [host]

            -h         Print this usage statement.
            -v         Print version.
            -s         Read commands from response file to work non-interactively.
                       Example: vpn -s < response.txt

       commands: [connect|disconnect|hosts|state|stats]

But I wasn't getting the contents of response.txt (as they call it) correct.

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For those whose organizations are using MFA, you may need to add a few lines to the input file you are redirecting into vpncli. In my case, triggering the verification and accepting the agreement required adding PUSH and Yes (maybe Y would be sufficient) under the password line. Next I want to work on automating this at login, and of course if you have password rotation you will need to update your password in the configuration file after performing the rotation.

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Can you please tell me if this script can be configured for two-factor authentication? When this additional check wasn't launched, everything worked fine 😢

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@sergeev-vn check out my reply above. Kf your organization supports push notifications through a SSO partner like okra or o365, it should work.

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vofronte commented Feb 14, 2023

@sergeev-vn check out my reply above. Kf your organization supports push notifications through a SSO partner like okra or o365, it should work.

Unfortunately this is not what I need. After entering the password, I must enter a unique SMS code that comes to my phone. So I need to make a wait for this code to be entered so that I can enter it.

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In the end, I got what I wanted.
On Ubuntu my script is like this:

spawn sudo /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpnagentd
expect ": "
expect "$ "
spawn /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s HERE_HOST
expect "*]*"
send -- "HERE_LOGIN\r"
expect "Password: "
send -- "HERE_PASSWORD\r"
expect "Answer: "
interact ++ return

At startup:
/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -- /

So, when my computer turns on, a terminal will appear where I just have to enter my unique SMS code.

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felicson commented Dec 27, 2023

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momift commented Feb 27, 2025

I think the program isn't entering my password. Even if I don't include username, it's still picking it up when I run the/opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn -s script. Anyone else have an issue with supplying the password? I am getting a login failed when running the script, however I can log in manually with the VPN CLI.

I have the same problem as you.
How did you solve it?
Thank you

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Blastocerus commented Feb 27, 2025 via email

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