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pragma solidity 0.5.10;
interface IValidatorSetAuRa {
function addPool(address, address) external returns(uint256);
function initialize(
address[] calldata,
address[] calldata,
) external;
function newValidatorSet() external;
function removeMaliciousValidators(address[] calldata) external;
function areDelegatorsBanned(address) external view returns(bool);
function areIdDelegatorsBanned(uint256) external view returns(bool);
function blockRewardContract() external view returns(address);
function changeRequestCount() external view returns(uint256);
function emitInitiateChangeCallable() external view returns(bool);
function getPendingValidators() external view returns(address[] memory);
function getPendingValidatorsIds() external view returns(uint256[] memory);
function getValidators() external view returns(address[] memory);
function getValidatorsIds() external view returns(uint256[] memory);
function hasEverBeenMiningAddress(address) external view returns(uint256);
function idByMiningAddress(address) external view returns(uint256);
function idByStakingAddress(address) external view returns(uint256);
function isReportValidatorValid(address) external view returns(bool);
function isReportValidatorValid(address, bool) external view returns(bool);
function isValidator(address) external view returns(bool);
function isValidatorById(uint256) external view returns(bool);
function isValidatorBanned(address) external view returns(bool);
function isValidatorIdBanned(uint256) external view returns(bool);
function isValidatorOrPending(uint256) external view returns(bool);
function MAX_VALIDATORS() external view returns(uint256); // solhint-disable-line func-name-mixedcase
function miningAddressById(uint256) external view returns(address);
function miningAddressChangeRequest() external view returns(uint256, address);
function miningByStakingAddress(address) external view returns(address);
function randomContract() external view returns(address);
function reportMaliciousCallable(address, address, uint256) external view returns(bool, bool);
function stakingAddressById(uint256) external view returns(address);
function stakingByMiningAddress(address) external view returns(address);
function stakingContract() external view returns(address);
function unremovableValidator() external view returns(uint256);
function validatorSetApplyBlock() external view returns(uint256);
function validatorsToBeFinalized() external view returns(address[] memory, bool);
function validatorsToBeFinalizedIds() external view returns(uint256[] memory);
interface IStakingAuRa {
function clearUnremovableValidator(uint256) external;
function incrementStakingEpoch() external;
function initialize(
uint256[] calldata,
) external;
function removePool(uint256) external;
function removePools() external;
function setStakingEpochStartBlock(uint256) external;
function getDelegatorPoolsLength(address) external view returns(uint256);
function getPoolsLikelihood() external view returns(uint256[] memory, uint256);
function getPoolsToBeElected() external view returns(uint256[] memory);
function getPoolsToBeRemoved() external view returns(uint256[] memory);
function isPoolActive(uint256) external view returns(bool);
function MAX_CANDIDATES() external pure returns(uint256); // solhint-disable-line func-name-mixedcase
function orderedWithdrawAmount(uint256, address) external view returns(uint256);
function poolDelegators(uint256) external view returns(address[] memory);
function rewardWasTaken(uint256, address, uint256) external view returns(bool);
function stakeAmount(uint256, address) external view returns(uint256);
function stakeAmountTotal(uint256) external view returns(uint256);
function stakeFirstEpoch(uint256, address) external view returns(uint256);
function stakeLastEpoch(uint256, address) external view returns(uint256);
function stakeWithdrawDisallowPeriod() external view returns(uint256);
function stakingEpoch() external view returns(uint256);
function stakingEpochDuration() external view returns(uint256);
function stakingEpochEndBlock() external view returns(uint256);
function stakingEpochStartBlock() external view returns(uint256);
interface IRandomAuRa {
function clearCommit(uint256) external;
function initialize(uint256, address, bool) external;
function onFinishCollectRound() external;
function collectRoundLength() external view returns(uint256);
function commitHashCallable(address, bytes32) external view returns(bool);
function currentSeed() external view returns(uint256);
function revealNumberCallable(address, uint256) external view returns(bool);
interface IERC677 {
// This function may only be called by Staking contract
function stake(address _staker, uint256 _amount) external;
// Other functions (ERC677)
function balanceOf(address) external view returns(uint256);
function owner() external view returns(address);
function transfer(address, uint256) external returns(bool);
interface IBlockRewardAuRa {
function clearBlocksCreated() external;
function initialize(address, address) external;
function epochsPoolGotRewardFor(uint256) external view returns(uint256[] memory);
function mintedTotally() external view returns(uint256);
function mintedTotallyByBridge(address) external view returns(uint256);
interface ITokenMinter {
// This function may only be called by BlockReward contract
function mintReward(uint256 _amount) external;
function blockRewardContract() external view returns(address);
function tokenContract() external view returns(address);
interface IStakingAuRaTokens {
function erc677TokenContract() external view returns(address);
interface IBlockRewardAuRaTokens {
function transferReward(uint256, uint256, address payable) external;
function getDelegatorReward(uint256, uint256, uint256) external view returns(uint256, uint256);
function getValidatorReward(uint256, uint256) external view returns(uint256, uint256);
contract UpgradeabilityAdmin {
* @dev Storage slot with the admin of the contract.
* This is the keccak-256 hash of "eip1967.proxy.admin" subtracted by 1.
bytes32 internal constant ADMIN_SLOT = 0xb53127684a568b3173ae13b9f8a6016e243e63b6e8ee1178d6a717850b5d6103;
* @return The admin slot.
function _admin() internal view returns (address adm) {
bytes32 slot = ADMIN_SLOT;
assembly {
adm := sload(slot)
contract UpgradeableOwned is UpgradeabilityAdmin {
/// @dev Access check: revert unless `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == _admin());
* @title SafeMath
* @dev Math operations with safety checks that revert on error
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
// Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0
require(b > 0);
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
require(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
require(c >= a);
return c;
contract Sacrifice {
constructor(address payable _recipient) public payable {
/// @dev Generates and distributes rewards according to the logic and formulas described in the POSDAO white paper.
contract BlockRewardAuRaBase is UpgradeableOwned, IBlockRewardAuRa {
using SafeMath for uint256;
// =============================================== Storage ========================================================
// WARNING: since this contract is upgradeable, do not remove
// existing storage variables, do not change their order,
// and do not change their types!
mapping(uint256 => uint256[]) internal _epochsPoolGotRewardFor;
mapping(address => bool) internal _ercToNativeBridgeAllowed;
address[] internal _ercToNativeBridgesAllowed;
IBlockRewardAuRa internal _prevBlockRewardContract;
bool internal _queueERInitialized;
uint256 internal _queueERFirst;
uint256 internal _queueERLast;
struct ExtraReceiverQueue {
uint256 amount;
address bridge;
address receiver;
mapping(uint256 => ExtraReceiverQueue) internal _queueER;
// Reserved storage slots to allow for layout changes in the future.
uint256[25] private ______gapForInternal;
/// @dev A number of blocks produced by the specified validator (pool id) during
/// the specified staking epoch (beginning from the block when the `finalizeChange`
/// function is called until the latest block of the staking epoch. The results are used
/// by the `_distributeRewards` function to track each validator's downtime (when
/// a validator's node is not running and doesn't produce blocks).
/// While the validator is banned, the block producing statistics is not accumulated for them.
/// The first parameter is a number of staking epoch. The second one is a pool id.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public blocksCreated;
/// @dev The current bridge's total fee/reward amount of native coins accumulated by
/// the `addBridgeNativeRewardReceivers` function.
uint256 public bridgeNativeReward;
/// @dev The reward amount to be distributed in native coins among participants (the validator and their
/// delegators) of the specified pool for the specified staking epoch.
/// The first parameter is a number of staking epoch. The second one is a pool id.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public epochPoolNativeReward;
/// @dev The total amount of native coins minted for the specified address
/// by the `erc-to-native` bridges through the `addExtraReceiver` function.
mapping(address => uint256) public mintedForAccount;
/// @dev The amount of native coins minted at the specified block for the specified
/// address by the `erc-to-native` bridges through the `addExtraReceiver` function.
mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public mintedForAccountInBlock;
/// @dev The total amount of native coins minted at the specified block
/// by the `erc-to-native` bridges through the `addExtraReceiver` function.
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public mintedInBlock;
/// @dev The total amount of native coins minted by the
/// `erc-to-native` bridges through the `addExtraReceiver` function.
uint256 public mintedTotally;
/// @dev The total amount of native coins minted by the specified
/// `erc-to-native` bridge through the `addExtraReceiver` function.
mapping(address => uint256) public mintedTotallyByBridge;
/// @dev The total reward amount in native coins which is not yet distributed among pools.
uint256 public nativeRewardUndistributed;
/// @dev The total amount staked into the specified pool
/// before the specified staking epoch. Filled by the `_snapshotPoolStakeAmounts` function.
/// The first parameter is a number of staking epoch. The second one is a pool id.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public snapshotPoolTotalStakeAmount;
/// @dev The validator's amount staked into the specified pool
/// before the specified staking epoch. Filled by the `_snapshotPoolStakeAmounts` function.
/// The first parameter is a number of staking epoch. The second one is a pool id.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public snapshotPoolValidatorStakeAmount;
/// @dev The validator's min reward percent which was actual at the specified staking epoch.
/// This percent is taken from the VALIDATOR_MIN_REWARD_PERCENT constant and saved for every staking epoch
/// by the `reward` function. Used by the `delegatorShare` and `validatorShare` public getters.
/// This is needed to have an ability to change validator's min reward percent in the VALIDATOR_MIN_REWARD_PERCENT
/// constant by upgrading the contract.
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public validatorMinRewardPercent;
/// @dev The address of the `ValidatorSet` contract.
IValidatorSetAuRa public validatorSetContract;
// Reserved storage slots to allow for layout changes in the future.
uint256[25] private ______gapForPublic;
// ================================================ Events ========================================================
/// @dev Emitted by the `addExtraReceiver` function.
/// @param amount The amount of native coins which must be minted for the `receiver` by the `erc-to-native`
/// `bridge` with the `reward` function.
/// @param receiver The address for which the `amount` of native coins must be minted.
/// @param bridge The bridge address which called the `addExtraReceiver` function.
event AddedReceiver(uint256 amount, address indexed receiver, address indexed bridge);
/// @dev Emitted by the `addBridgeNativeRewardReceivers` function.
/// @param amount The fee/reward amount in native coins passed to the
/// `addBridgeNativeRewardReceivers` function as a parameter.
/// @param cumulativeAmount The value of `bridgeNativeReward` state variable
/// after adding the `amount` to it.
/// @param bridge The bridge address which called the `addBridgeNativeRewardReceivers` function.
event BridgeNativeRewardAdded(uint256 amount, uint256 cumulativeAmount, address indexed bridge);
/// @dev Emitted by the `_mintNativeCoins` function which is called by the `reward` function.
/// This event is only used by the unit tests because the `reward` function cannot emit events.
/// @param receivers The array of receiver addresses for which native coins are minted. The length of this
/// array is equal to the length of the `rewards` array.
/// @param rewards The array of amounts minted for the relevant `receivers`. The length of this array
/// is equal to the length of the `receivers` array.
event MintedNative(address[] receivers, uint256[] rewards);
// ============================================== Modifiers =======================================================
/// @dev Ensures the caller is the `erc-to-native` bridge contract address.
modifier onlyErcToNativeBridge {
/// @dev Ensures the `initialize` function was called before.
modifier onlyInitialized {
/// @dev Ensures the caller is the SYSTEM_ADDRESS.
/// See
modifier onlySystem {
require(msg.sender == 0xffffFFFfFFffffffffffffffFfFFFfffFFFfFFfE);
/// @dev Ensures the caller is the StakingAuRa contract address.
modifier onlyStakingContract() {
require(msg.sender == address(validatorSetContract.stakingContract()));
/// @dev Ensures the caller is the ValidatorSetAuRa contract address.
modifier onlyValidatorSetContract() {
require(msg.sender == address(validatorSetContract));
// =============================================== Setters ========================================================
/// @dev Fallback function. Prevents direct sending native coins to this contract.
function () payable external {
/// @dev An alias for `addBridgeNativeRewardReceivers`
/// (for backward compatibility with the previous bridge contract).
function addBridgeNativeFeeReceivers(uint256 _amount) external {
/// @dev Called by the `erc-to-native` bridge contract when a portion of the bridge fee/reward should be minted
/// and distributed to participants (validators and their delegators) in native coins. The specified amount
/// is used by the `_distributeRewards` function.
/// @param _amount The fee/reward amount distributed to participants.
function addBridgeNativeRewardReceivers(uint256 _amount) public onlyErcToNativeBridge {
require(_amount != 0);
bridgeNativeReward = bridgeNativeReward.add(_amount);
emit BridgeNativeRewardAdded(_amount, bridgeNativeReward, msg.sender);
/// @dev Called by the `erc-to-native` bridge contract when the bridge needs to mint a specified amount of native
/// coins for a specified address using the `reward` function.
/// @param _amount The amount of native coins which must be minted for the `_receiver` address.
/// @param _receiver The address for which the `_amount` of native coins must be minted.
function addExtraReceiver(uint256 _amount, address _receiver) external onlyErcToNativeBridge {
require(_amount != 0);
_enqueueExtraReceiver(_amount, _receiver, msg.sender);
emit AddedReceiver(_amount, _receiver, msg.sender);
/// @dev Called by the `ValidatorSetAuRa.finalizeChange` to clear the values in
/// the `blocksCreated` mapping for the current staking epoch and a new validator set.
function clearBlocksCreated() external onlyValidatorSetContract {
IStakingAuRa stakingContract = IStakingAuRa(validatorSetContract.stakingContract());
uint256 stakingEpoch = stakingContract.stakingEpoch();
uint256[] memory validators = validatorSetContract.getValidatorsIds();
for (uint256 i = 0; i < validators.length; i++) {
blocksCreated[stakingEpoch][validators[i]] = 0;
/// @dev Initializes the contract at network startup.
/// Can only be called by the constructor of the `InitializerAuRa` contract or owner.
/// @param _validatorSet The address of the `ValidatorSetAuRa` contract.
/// @param _prevBlockReward The address of the previous BlockReward contract
/// (for statistics migration purposes).
function initialize(address _validatorSet, address _prevBlockReward) external {
require(_getCurrentBlockNumber() == 0 || msg.sender == _admin());
require(_validatorSet != address(0));
validatorSetContract = IValidatorSetAuRa(_validatorSet);
validatorMinRewardPercent[0] = VALIDATOR_MIN_REWARD_PERCENT;
_prevBlockRewardContract = IBlockRewardAuRa(_prevBlockReward);
/// @dev Called by the validator's node when producing and closing a block,
/// see
/// This function performs all of the automatic operations needed for controlling numbers revealing by validators,
/// accumulating block producing statistics, starting a new staking epoch, snapshotting staking amounts
/// for the upcoming staking epoch, rewards distributing at the end of a staking epoch, and minting
/// native coins needed for the `erc-to-native` bridge.
function reward(address[] calldata benefactors, uint16[] calldata kind)
returns(address[] memory receiversNative, uint256[] memory rewardsNative)
if (benefactors.length != kind.length || benefactors.length != 1 || kind[0] != 0) {
return (new address[](0), new uint256[](0));
// Check if the validator is existed
if (validatorSetContract == IValidatorSetAuRa(0)) {
return (new address[](0), new uint256[](0));
// Check the current validators at the end of each collection round whether
// they revealed their numbers, and remove a validator as a malicious if needed
// Initialize the extra receivers queue
if (!_queueERInitialized) {
_queueERFirst = 1;
_queueERLast = 0;
_queueERInitialized = true;
// Migrate minting statistics for erc-to-native bridges
// from the `_prevBlockRewardContract`
uint256 bridgeQueueLimit = 100;
IStakingAuRa stakingContract = IStakingAuRa(validatorSetContract.stakingContract());
uint256 stakingEpoch = stakingContract.stakingEpoch();
uint256 stakingEpochEndBlock = stakingContract.stakingEpochEndBlock();
uint256 nativeTotalRewardAmount = 0;
if (validatorSetContract.validatorSetApplyBlock() != 0) {
if (stakingEpoch != 0 && !validatorSetContract.isValidatorBanned(benefactors[0])) {
// Accumulate blocks producing statistics for each of the
// active validators during the current staking epoch. This
// statistics is used by the `_distributeRewards` function
uint256 poolId = validatorSetContract.idByMiningAddress(benefactors[0]);
if (_getCurrentBlockNumber() == stakingEpochEndBlock) {
// Distribute rewards among validator pools
if (stakingEpoch != 0) {
nativeTotalRewardAmount = _distributeRewards(
// Choose new validators
// Snapshot total amounts staked into the pools
uint256 i;
uint256 nextStakingEpoch = stakingEpoch + 1;
uint256[] memory miningPoolIds;
// We need to remember the total staked amounts for the pending pool ids
// for the possible case when these pending ids are finalized
// by the `ValidatorSetAuRa.finalizeChange` function and thus become validators
miningPoolIds = validatorSetContract.getPendingValidatorsIds();
for (i = 0; i < miningPoolIds.length; i++) {
_snapshotPoolStakeAmounts(stakingContract, nextStakingEpoch, miningPoolIds[i]);
// We need to remember the total staked amounts for the current validators
// for the possible case when these validators continue to be validators
// throughout the upcoming staking epoch (if the new validator set is not finalized
// for some reason)
miningPoolIds = validatorSetContract.getValidatorsIds();
for (i = 0; i < miningPoolIds.length; i++) {
_snapshotPoolStakeAmounts(stakingContract, nextStakingEpoch, miningPoolIds[i]);
// We need to remember the total staked amounts for the ids currently
// being finalized but not yet finalized (i.e. the `InitiateChange` event is emitted
// for them but not yet handled by validator nodes thus the `ValidatorSetAuRa.finalizeChange`
// function is not called yet) for the possible case when these ids finally
// become validators on the upcoming staking epoch
miningPoolIds = validatorSetContract.validatorsToBeFinalizedIds();
for (i = 0; i < miningPoolIds.length; i++) {
_snapshotPoolStakeAmounts(stakingContract, nextStakingEpoch, miningPoolIds[i]);
// Remember validator's min reward percent for the upcoming staking epoch
validatorMinRewardPercent[nextStakingEpoch] = VALIDATOR_MIN_REWARD_PERCENT;
// Pause bridge for this block
bridgeQueueLimit = 0;
// Mint native coins if needed
return _mintNativeCoins(nativeTotalRewardAmount, bridgeQueueLimit);
/// @dev Sets the array of `erc-to-native` bridge addresses which are allowed to call some of the functions with
/// the `onlyErcToNativeBridge` modifier. This setter can only be called by the `owner`.
/// @param _bridgesAllowed The array of bridge addresses.
function setErcToNativeBridgesAllowed(address[] calldata _bridgesAllowed) external onlyOwner onlyInitialized {
uint256 i;
for (i = 0; i < _ercToNativeBridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
_ercToNativeBridgeAllowed[_ercToNativeBridgesAllowed[i]] = false;
_ercToNativeBridgesAllowed = _bridgesAllowed;
for (i = 0; i < _bridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
_ercToNativeBridgeAllowed[_bridgesAllowed[i]] = true;
// =============================================== Getters ========================================================
/// @dev Returns an identifier for the bridge contract so that the latter could
/// ensure it works with the BlockReward contract.
function blockRewardContractId() public pure returns(bytes4) {
return 0x0d35a7ca; // bytes4(keccak256("blockReward"))
/// @dev Calculates the current total reward in native coins which is going to be distributed
/// among validator pools once the current staking epoch finishes. Its value can differ
/// from block to block since the reward can increase in time due to bridge's fees.
/// Used by the `_distributeNativeRewards` internal function but can also be used by
/// any external user.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _totalRewardShareNum The value returned by the `_rewardShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Ignored if the `_totalRewardShareDenom` param is zero.
/// @param _totalRewardShareDenom The value returned by the `_rewardShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Set it to zero to calculate `_totalRewardShareNum` and `_totalRewardShareDenom` automatically.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators. Leave it empty to get the array automatically.
/// @return `uint256 rewardToDistribute` - The current total reward in native coins to distribute.
/// `uint256 totalReward` - The current total reward in native coins. Can be greater or equal
/// to `rewardToDistribute` depending on chain's health (how soon validator set change was finalized after
/// beginning of staking epoch). Usually equals to `rewardToDistribute`.
/// Used internally by the `_distributeNativeRewards` function.
function currentNativeRewardToDistribute(
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _totalRewardShareNum,
uint256 _totalRewardShareDenom,
uint256[] memory _validators
) public view returns(uint256, uint256) {
return _currentRewardToDistribute(
_getTotalNativeReward(_stakingEpoch, _validators),
/// @dev Calculates and returns an array of validator pool rewards. Each returned item represents a pool reward
/// for each corresponding item returned by `ValidatorSetAuRa.getValidators` getter.
/// Used by the `_distributeNativeRewards` and `_distributeTokenRewards` internal functions
/// but can also be used by any external user.
/// @param _rewardToDistribute The amount to distribute calculated by the `currentNativeRewardToDistribute`
/// or `currentTokenRewardToDistribute` functions.
/// @param _blocksCreatedShareNum The array returned by the `_blocksShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Ignored if `_blocksCreatedShareDenom` is zero.
/// @param _blocksCreatedShareDenom The value returned by the `_blocksShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Set it to zero to calculate `_blocksCreatedShareNum` and `_blocksCreatedShareDenom` automatically.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
function currentPoolRewards(
uint256 _rewardToDistribute,
uint256[] memory _blocksCreatedShareNum,
uint256 _blocksCreatedShareDenom,
uint256 _stakingEpoch
) public view returns(uint256[] memory) {
uint256[] memory poolRewards;
if (_blocksCreatedShareDenom == 0) {
(_blocksCreatedShareNum, _blocksCreatedShareDenom) = _blocksShareNumDenom(_stakingEpoch, new uint256[](0));
if (_rewardToDistribute == 0 || _blocksCreatedShareDenom == 0) {
poolRewards = new uint256[](0);
} else {
poolRewards = new uint256[](_blocksCreatedShareNum.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _blocksCreatedShareNum.length; i++) {
poolRewards[i] = _rewardToDistribute * _blocksCreatedShareNum[i] / _blocksCreatedShareDenom;
return poolRewards;
/// @dev Returns an array of epoch numbers for which the specified pool got a non-zero reward.
function epochsPoolGotRewardFor(uint256 _poolId) public view returns(uint256[] memory) {
return _epochsPoolGotRewardFor[_poolId];
/// @dev Returns the array of `erc-to-native` bridge addresses set by the `setErcToNativeBridgesAllowed` setter.
function ercToNativeBridgesAllowed() public view returns(address[] memory) {
return _ercToNativeBridgesAllowed;
/// @dev Returns the current size of the address queue created by the `addExtraReceiver` function.
function extraReceiversQueueSize() public view returns(uint256) {
return _queueERLast + 1 - _queueERFirst;
/// @dev Returns a boolean flag indicating if the `initialize` function has been called.
function isInitialized() public view returns(bool) {
return validatorSetContract != IValidatorSetAuRa(0);
/// @dev Prevents sending tokens directly to the `BlockRewardAuRa` contract address
/// by the `ERC677BridgeTokenRewardable.transferAndCall` function.
function onTokenTransfer(address, uint256, bytes memory) public pure returns(bool) {
/// @dev Returns an array of epoch numbers for which the specified staker
/// can claim a reward from the specified pool by the `StakingAuRa.claimReward` function.
/// @param _poolStakingAddress The pool staking address.
/// @param _staker The staker's address (delegator or candidate/validator).
function epochsToClaimRewardFrom(
address _poolStakingAddress,
address _staker
) public view returns(uint256[] memory epochsToClaimFrom) {
uint256 poolId = validatorSetContract.idByStakingAddress(_poolStakingAddress);
require(_poolStakingAddress != address(0));
require(_staker != address(0));
require(poolId != 0);
IStakingAuRa stakingContract = IStakingAuRa(validatorSetContract.stakingContract());
address delegatorOrZero = (_staker != _poolStakingAddress) ? _staker : address(0);
uint256 firstEpoch;
uint256 lastEpoch;
if (delegatorOrZero != address(0)) { // if this is a delegator
firstEpoch = stakingContract.stakeFirstEpoch(poolId, delegatorOrZero);
if (firstEpoch == 0) {
return (new uint256[](0));
lastEpoch = stakingContract.stakeLastEpoch(poolId, delegatorOrZero);
uint256[] storage epochs = _epochsPoolGotRewardFor[poolId];
uint256 length = epochs.length;
uint256[] memory tmp = new uint256[](length);
uint256 tmpLength = 0;
uint256 i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint256 epoch = epochs[i];
if (delegatorOrZero != address(0)) { // if this is a delegator
if (epoch < firstEpoch) {
// If the delegator staked for the first time before
// the `epoch`, skip this staking epoch
if (lastEpoch <= epoch && lastEpoch != 0) {
// If the delegator withdrew all their stake before the `epoch`,
// don't check this and following epochs since it makes no sense
if (!stakingContract.rewardWasTaken(poolId, delegatorOrZero, epoch)) {
tmp[tmpLength++] = epoch;
epochsToClaimFrom = new uint256[](tmpLength);
for (i = 0; i < tmpLength; i++) {
epochsToClaimFrom[i] = tmp[i];
/// @dev Returns the reward coefficient for the specified validator. The given value should be divided by 10000
/// to get the value of the reward percent (since EVM doesn't support float values). If the specified pool id
/// is an id of a candidate that is not about to be a validator on the current staking epoch,
/// the potentially possible reward coefficient is returned.
/// @param _poolId The id of the validator/candidate pool for which the getter must return the coefficient.
function validatorRewardPercent(uint256 _poolId) public view returns(uint256) {
IStakingAuRa stakingContract = IStakingAuRa(validatorSetContract.stakingContract());
uint256 stakingEpoch = stakingContract.stakingEpoch();
if (stakingEpoch == 0) {
// No one gets a reward for the initial staking epoch, so we return zero
return 0;
if (validatorSetContract.isValidatorById(_poolId)) {
// For the validator we return the coefficient based on
// snapshotted total amounts
return validatorShare(
if (validatorSetContract.validatorSetApplyBlock() == 0) {
// For the candidate that is about to be a validator on the current
// staking epoch we return the coefficient based on snapshotted total amounts
uint256[] memory poolIds;
uint256 i;
poolIds = validatorSetContract.getPendingValidatorsIds();
for (i = 0; i < poolIds.length; i++) {
if (_poolId == poolIds[i]) {
return validatorShare(
poolIds = validatorSetContract.validatorsToBeFinalizedIds();
for (i = 0; i < poolIds.length; i++) {
if (_poolId == poolIds[i]) {
return validatorShare(
// For the candidate that is not about to be a validator on the current staking epoch,
// we return the potentially possible reward coefficient
return validatorShare(
stakingContract.stakeAmount(_poolId, address(0)),
/// @dev Calculates delegator's share for the given pool reward amount and the specified staking epoch.
/// Used by the `StakingAuRa.claimReward` function.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of staking epoch.
/// @param _delegatorStaked The amount staked by a delegator.
/// @param _validatorStaked The amount staked by a validator.
/// @param _totalStaked The total amount staked by a validator and their delegators.
/// @param _poolReward The value of pool reward.
function delegatorShare(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _delegatorStaked,
uint256 _validatorStaked,
uint256 _totalStaked,
uint256 _poolReward
) public view returns(uint256) {
if (_delegatorStaked == 0 || _validatorStaked == 0 || _totalStaked == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 share = 0;
uint256 delegatorsStaked = _totalStaked >= _validatorStaked ? _totalStaked - _validatorStaked : 0;
if (delegatorsStaked == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 validatorMinPercent = validatorMinRewardPercent[_stakingEpoch];
if (_validatorStaked * (100 - validatorMinPercent) > delegatorsStaked * validatorMinPercent) {
// Validator has more than validatorMinPercent %
share = _poolReward * _delegatorStaked / _totalStaked;
} else {
// Validator has validatorMinPercent %
share = _poolReward * _delegatorStaked * (100 - validatorMinPercent) / (delegatorsStaked * 100);
return share;
/// @dev Calculates validator's share for the given pool reward amount and the specified staking epoch.
/// Used by the `validatorRewardPercent` and `StakingAuRa.claimReward` functions.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of staking epoch.
/// @param _validatorStaked The amount staked by a validator.
/// @param _totalStaked The total amount staked by a validator and their delegators.
/// @param _poolReward The value of pool reward.
function validatorShare(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _validatorStaked,
uint256 _totalStaked,
uint256 _poolReward
) public view returns(uint256) {
if (_validatorStaked == 0 || _totalStaked == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 share = 0;
uint256 delegatorsStaked = _totalStaked >= _validatorStaked ? _totalStaked - _validatorStaked : 0;
uint256 validatorMinPercent = validatorMinRewardPercent[_stakingEpoch];
if (_validatorStaked * (100 - validatorMinPercent) > delegatorsStaked * validatorMinPercent) {
// Validator has more than validatorMinPercent %
share = _poolReward * _validatorStaked / _totalStaked;
} else {
// Validator has validatorMinPercent %
share = _poolReward * validatorMinPercent / 100;
return share;
// ============================================== Internal ========================================================
uint256 internal constant VALIDATOR_MIN_REWARD_PERCENT = 0; // 0%
uint256 internal constant REWARD_PERCENT_MULTIPLIER = 1000000;
function _coinInflationAmount(uint256, uint256[] memory) internal view returns(uint256);
/// @dev Calculates the current total reward to distribute among validator pools
/// once the current staking epoch finishes. Based on the `_totalReward` value calculated
/// by `_getTotalNativeReward` or `_getTotalTokenReward` functions.
/// Used by the `currentNativeRewardToDistribute` and `currentTokenRewardToDistribute` functions.
/// @param _totalReward The total reward calculated by `_getTotalNativeReward`
/// or `_getTotalTokenReward` internal function.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _totalRewardShareNum The value returned by the `_rewardShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Ignored if the `_totalRewardShareDenom` param is zero.
/// @param _totalRewardShareDenom The value returned by the `_rewardShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Set it to zero to calculate `_totalRewardShareNum` and `_totalRewardShareDenom` automatically.
/// @return `uint256 rewardToDistribute` - The current total reward to distribute.
/// `uint256 totalReward` - Duplicates the `_totalReward` input parameter.
function _currentRewardToDistribute(
uint256 _totalReward,
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _totalRewardShareNum,
uint256 _totalRewardShareDenom
) internal view returns(uint256, uint256) {
if (_totalRewardShareDenom == 0) {
(_totalRewardShareNum, _totalRewardShareDenom) =
_rewardShareNumDenom(_stakingContract, _stakingContract.stakingEpochEndBlock());
uint256 rewardToDistribute =
_totalRewardShareDenom != 0 ? _totalReward * _totalRewardShareNum / _totalRewardShareDenom : 0;
return (rewardToDistribute, _totalReward);
/// @dev Distributes rewards in native coins among pools at the latest block of a staking epoch.
/// This function is called by the `_distributeRewards` function.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of the StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _totalRewardShareNum Numerator of the total reward share.
/// @param _totalRewardShareDenom Denominator of the total reward share.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators (their pool ids).
/// @param _blocksCreatedShareNum Numerators of blockCreated share for each of the validators.
/// @param _blocksCreatedShareDenom Denominator of blockCreated share.
/// @return Returns the amount of native coins which need to be minted.
function _distributeNativeRewards(
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _totalRewardShareNum,
uint256 _totalRewardShareDenom,
uint256[] memory _validators,
uint256[] memory _blocksCreatedShareNum,
uint256 _blocksCreatedShareDenom
) internal returns(uint256) {
(uint256 rewardToDistribute, uint256 totalReward) = currentNativeRewardToDistribute(
if (totalReward == 0) {
return 0;
bridgeNativeReward = 0;
uint256 distributedAmount = 0;
uint256[] memory poolReward = currentPoolRewards(
if (poolReward.length == _validators.length) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _validators.length; i++) {
uint256 poolId = _validators[i];
epochPoolNativeReward[_stakingEpoch][poolId] = poolReward[i];
distributedAmount += poolReward[i];
if (poolReward[i] != 0) {
nativeRewardUndistributed = totalReward - distributedAmount;
return distributedAmount;
function _distributeTokenRewards(
address, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256[] memory, uint256[] memory, uint256
) internal;
/// @dev Calculates the current total reward in native coins.
/// Used by the `currentNativeRewardToDistribute` function.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators.
/// Can be empty to retrieve the array automatically inside
/// the `_inflationAmount` internal function.
function _getTotalNativeReward(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256[] memory _validators
) internal view returns(uint256 totalReward) {
totalReward =
bridgeNativeReward +
nativeRewardUndistributed +
_coinInflationAmount(_stakingEpoch, _validators);
/// @dev Calculates and returns values which define a share of total reward
/// needed to be distributed among validator pools at the end of staking epoch.
/// Used by the `_currentRewardToDistribute` and `_distributeRewards` functions.
/// When validators behave correctly, it returns 100% share of total reward.
/// When, e.g. validators finalized a new validator set at the middle of staking epoch
/// for some reason, the share will be 50%. And so on.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of the StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _stakingEpochEndBlock The latest block of the current staking epoch
/// returned by the `StakingAuRa.stakingEpochEndBlock` getter.
/// @return `uint256 totalRewardShareNum` - numerator of the share.
/// `uint256 totalRewardShareDenom` - denominator of the share.
function _rewardShareNumDenom(
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpochEndBlock
) internal view returns(uint256, uint256) {
uint256 totalRewardShareNum = 0;
uint256 totalRewardShareDenom = 1;
uint256 realFinalizeBlock = validatorSetContract.validatorSetApplyBlock();
if (realFinalizeBlock != 0) {
uint256 idealFinalizeBlock =
_stakingContract.stakingEpochStartBlock() + validatorSetContract.MAX_VALIDATORS()*2/3 + 1;
if (realFinalizeBlock < idealFinalizeBlock) {
realFinalizeBlock = idealFinalizeBlock;
totalRewardShareNum = _stakingEpochEndBlock - realFinalizeBlock + 1;
totalRewardShareDenom = _stakingEpochEndBlock - idealFinalizeBlock + 1;
return (totalRewardShareNum, totalRewardShareDenom);
/// @dev Calculates and returns values defining a share of the total number of created blocks
/// during the current staking epoch for each validator.
/// Used by the `currentPoolRewards` and `_distributeRewards` functions to determine
/// a pool reward for each validator depending on how many blocks the validator created
/// during the current staking epoch.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators. Leave it empty to get the array automatically.
/// @return `uint256[] blocksCreatedShareNum` - array of numerators of the share for each validator.
/// Each item corresponds to the item of the array returned by the `ValidatorSetAuRa.getValidators` getter.
/// `uint256 blocksCreatedShareDenom` - denominator for the shares.
function _blocksShareNumDenom(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256[] memory _validators
) internal view returns(uint256[] memory, uint256) {
if (_validators.length == 0) {
_validators = validatorSetContract.getValidatorsIds();
uint256[] memory blocksCreatedShareNum = new uint256[](_validators.length);
uint256 blocksCreatedShareDenom = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _validators.length; i++) {
uint256 poolId = _validators[i];
if (
snapshotPoolValidatorStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][poolId] != 0 &&
) {
blocksCreatedShareNum[i] = blocksCreated[_stakingEpoch][poolId];
} else {
blocksCreatedShareNum[i] = 0;
blocksCreatedShareDenom += blocksCreatedShareNum[i];
return (blocksCreatedShareNum, blocksCreatedShareDenom);
/// @dev Distributes rewards among pools at the latest block of a staking epoch.
/// This function is called by the `reward` function.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of the StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _stakingEpochEndBlock The number of the latest block of the current staking epoch.
/// @return Returns the reward amount in native coins needed to be minted
/// and accrued to the balance of this contract.
function _distributeRewards(
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _stakingEpochEndBlock
) internal returns(uint256 nativeTotalRewardAmount) {
uint256[] memory validators = validatorSetContract.getValidatorsIds();
// Determine shares
(uint256 totalRewardShareNum, uint256 totalRewardShareDenom) =
_rewardShareNumDenom(_stakingContract, _stakingEpochEndBlock);
(uint256[] memory blocksCreatedShareNum, uint256 blocksCreatedShareDenom) =
_blocksShareNumDenom(_stakingEpoch, validators);
// Distribute native coins among pools
nativeTotalRewardAmount = _distributeNativeRewards(
// Distribute ERC tokens among pools
/// @dev Copies the minting statistics from the previous BlockReward contract
/// for the `mintedTotally` and `mintedTotallyByBridge` getters.
/// Called only once by the `reward` function.
function _migrateMintingStatistics() internal {
if (_prevBlockRewardContract == IBlockRewardAuRa(0)) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _ercToNativeBridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
address bridge = _ercToNativeBridgesAllowed[i];
mintedTotallyByBridge[bridge] = _prevBlockRewardContract.mintedTotallyByBridge(bridge);
if (_ercToNativeBridgesAllowed.length != 0) {
mintedTotally = _prevBlockRewardContract.mintedTotally();
/// @dev Returns the current block number. Needed mostly for unit tests.
function _getCurrentBlockNumber() internal view returns(uint256) {
return block.number;
/// @dev Calculates and returns inflation amount based on the specified
/// staking epoch, validator set, and inflation rate.
/// Used by `_coinInflationAmount` and `_distributeTokenRewards` functions.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators (their pool ids).
/// If empty, the function gets the array itself with ValidatorSetAuRa.getValidatorsIds().
/// @param _inflationRate Inflation rate.
function _inflationAmount(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256[] memory _validators,
uint256 _inflationRate
) internal view returns(uint256) {
if (_inflationRate == 0) return 0;
if (_validators.length == 0) {
_validators = validatorSetContract.getValidatorsIds();
uint256 snapshotTotalStakeAmount = 0;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _validators.length; i++) {
snapshotTotalStakeAmount += snapshotPoolTotalStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_validators[i]];
return snapshotTotalStakeAmount * _inflationRate / 1 ether;
/// @dev Joins two native coin receiver elements into a single set and returns the result
/// to the `reward` function: the first element comes from the `erc-to-native` bridge fee distribution,
/// the second - from the `erc-to-native` bridge when native coins are minted for the specified addresses.
/// Dequeues the addresses enqueued with the `addExtraReceiver` function by the `erc-to-native` bridge.
/// Accumulates minting statistics for the `erc-to-native` bridges.
/// @param _nativeTotalRewardAmount The native coins amount which should be accrued to the balance
/// of this contract (as a total reward for the finished staking epoch).
/// @param _queueLimit Max number of addresses which can be dequeued from the queue formed by the
/// `addExtraReceiver` function.
function _mintNativeCoins(
uint256 _nativeTotalRewardAmount,
uint256 _queueLimit
returns(address[] memory receivers, uint256[] memory rewards)
uint256 extraLength = extraReceiversQueueSize();
if (extraLength > _queueLimit) {
extraLength = _queueLimit;
bool totalRewardNotEmpty = _nativeTotalRewardAmount != 0;
receivers = new address[](extraLength + (totalRewardNotEmpty ? 1 : 0));
rewards = new uint256[](receivers.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < extraLength; i++) {
(uint256 amount, address receiver, address bridge) = _dequeueExtraReceiver();
receivers[i] = receiver;
rewards[i] = amount;
_setMinted(amount, receiver, bridge);
if (totalRewardNotEmpty) {
receivers[extraLength] = address(this);
rewards[extraLength] = _nativeTotalRewardAmount;
emit MintedNative(receivers, rewards);
return (receivers, rewards);
/// @dev Dequeues the information about the native coins receiver enqueued with the `addExtraReceiver`
/// function by the `erc-to-native` bridge. This function is used by `_mintNativeCoins`.
/// @return `uint256 amount` - The amount to be minted for the `receiver` address.
/// `address receiver` - The address for which the `amount` is minted.
/// `address bridge` - The address of the bridge contract which called the `addExtraReceiver` function.
function _dequeueExtraReceiver() internal returns(uint256 amount, address receiver, address bridge) {
uint256 queueFirst = _queueERFirst;
uint256 queueLast = _queueERLast;
if (queueLast < queueFirst) {
amount = 0;
receiver = address(0);
bridge = address(0);
} else {
amount = _queueER[queueFirst].amount;
receiver = _queueER[queueFirst].receiver;
bridge = _queueER[queueFirst].bridge;
delete _queueER[queueFirst];
/// @dev Enqueues the information about the receiver of native coins which must be minted for the
/// specified `erc-to-native` bridge. This function is used by the `addExtraReceiver` function.
/// @param _amount The amount of native coins which must be minted for the `_receiver` address.
/// @param _receiver The address for which the `_amount` of native coins must be minted.
/// @param _bridge The address of the bridge contract which requested the minting of native coins.
function _enqueueExtraReceiver(uint256 _amount, address _receiver, address _bridge) internal {
uint256 queueLast = _queueERLast + 1;
_queueER[queueLast] = ExtraReceiverQueue({
amount: _amount,
bridge: _bridge,
receiver: _receiver
_queueERLast = queueLast;
/// @dev Accumulates minting statistics for the `erc-to-native` bridge.
/// This function is used by the `_mintNativeCoins` function.
/// @param _amount The amount minted for the `_account` address.
/// @param _account The address for which the `_amount` is minted.
/// @param _bridge The address of the bridge contract which called the `addExtraReceiver` function.
function _setMinted(uint256 _amount, address _account, address _bridge) internal {
uint256 blockNumber = _getCurrentBlockNumber();
mintedForAccountInBlock[_account][blockNumber] = _amount;
mintedForAccount[_account] += _amount;
mintedInBlock[blockNumber] += _amount;
mintedTotallyByBridge[_bridge] += _amount;
mintedTotally += _amount;
/// @dev Makes snapshots of total amount staked into the specified pool
/// before the specified staking epoch. Used by the `reward` function.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of the `StakingAuRa` contract.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of upcoming staking epoch.
/// @param _poolId An id of the pool.
function _snapshotPoolStakeAmounts(
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _poolId
) internal {
if (snapshotPoolTotalStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId] != 0) {
uint256 totalAmount = _stakingContract.stakeAmountTotal(_poolId);
if (totalAmount == 0) {
snapshotPoolTotalStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId] = totalAmount;
snapshotPoolValidatorStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId] =
_stakingContract.stakeAmount(_poolId, address(0));
/// @dev Called by the `transferReward` of a child contract to transfer native coins
/// from the balance of the `BlockRewardAuRa` contract to the specified address as a reward.
/// @param _amount The amount of native coins to transfer as a reward.
/// @param _to The target address to transfer the amounts to.
function _transferNativeReward(uint256 _amount, address payable _to) internal {
if (_amount != 0 && !_to.send(_amount)) {
// We use the `Sacrifice` trick to be sure the coins can be 100% sent to the receiver.
// Otherwise, if the receiver is a contract which has a revert in its fallback function,
// the sending will fail.
(new Sacrifice).value(_amount)(_to);
contract BlockRewardAuRaTokens is BlockRewardAuRaBase, IBlockRewardAuRaTokens {
// =============================================== Storage ========================================================
// WARNING: since this contract is upgradeable, do not remove
// existing storage variables, do not change their order,
// and do not change their types!
mapping(address => bool) internal _ercToErcBridgeAllowed;
mapping(address => bool) internal _nativeToErcBridgeAllowed;
address[] internal _ercToErcBridgesAllowed;
address[] internal _nativeToErcBridgesAllowed;
/// @dev The current bridge's total fee/reward amount of staking tokens accumulated by
/// the `addBridgeTokenRewardReceivers` function.
uint256 public bridgeTokenReward;
/// @dev The reward amount to be distributed in staking tokens among participants (the validator and their
/// delegators) of the specified pool for the specified staking epoch.
/// The first parameter is a number of staking epoch. The second one is a pool id.
mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public epochPoolTokenReward;
/// @dev The total reward amount in staking tokens which is not yet distributed among pools.
uint256 public tokenRewardUndistributed;
/// @dev The address of the minting contract. If it's zero, the address returned by
/// IStakingAuRaTokens(_stakingContract).erc677TokenContract() is used.
ITokenMinter public tokenMinterContract;
// ============================================== Constants =======================================================
/// @dev Inflation rate per staking epoch. Calculated as follows:
/// 15% annual rate * 48 staking weeks per staking year / 100 * 10**18
/// This assumes that 1 staking epoch = 1 week
/// i.e. Inflation Rate = 15/48/100 * 1 ether
/// Recalculate it for different annual rate and/or different staking epoch duration.
uint256 public constant STAKE_TOKEN_INFLATION_RATE = 3125000000000000;
// ================================================ Events ========================================================
/// @dev Emitted by the `addBridgeTokenRewardReceivers` function.
/// @param amount The fee/reward amount in tokens passed to the
/// `addBridgeTokenRewardReceivers` function as a parameter.
/// @param cumulativeAmount The value of `bridgeTokenReward` state variable
/// after adding the `amount` to it.
/// @param bridge The bridge address which called the `addBridgeTokenRewardReceivers` function.
event BridgeTokenRewardAdded(uint256 amount, uint256 cumulativeAmount, address indexed bridge);
// ============================================== Modifiers =======================================================
/// @dev Ensures the caller is the `erc-to-erc` or `native-to-erc` bridge contract address.
modifier onlyXToErcBridge {
require(_ercToErcBridgeAllowed[msg.sender] || _nativeToErcBridgeAllowed[msg.sender]);
// =============================================== Setters ========================================================
/// @dev An alias for `addBridgeTokenRewardReceivers`
/// (for backward compatibility with the previous bridge contract).
function addBridgeTokenFeeReceivers(uint256 _amount) external {
/// @dev Called by the `erc-to-erc` or `native-to-erc` bridge contract when a portion of the bridge fee/reward
/// should be minted and distributed to participants in staking tokens. The specified amount is used by the
/// `_distributeRewards` function.
/// @param _amount The fee/reward amount distributed to participants.
function addBridgeTokenRewardReceivers(uint256 _amount) public onlyXToErcBridge {
require(_amount != 0);
bridgeTokenReward = bridgeTokenReward.add(_amount);
emit BridgeTokenRewardAdded(_amount, bridgeTokenReward, msg.sender);
/// @dev Sets the array of `erc-to-erc` bridge addresses which are allowed to call some of the functions with
/// the `onlyXToErcBridge` modifier. This setter can only be called by the `owner`.
/// @param _bridgesAllowed The array of bridge addresses.
function setErcToErcBridgesAllowed(address[] calldata _bridgesAllowed) external onlyOwner onlyInitialized {
uint256 i;
for (i = 0; i < _ercToErcBridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
_ercToErcBridgeAllowed[_ercToErcBridgesAllowed[i]] = false;
_ercToErcBridgesAllowed = _bridgesAllowed;
for (i = 0; i < _bridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
_ercToErcBridgeAllowed[_bridgesAllowed[i]] = true;
/// @dev Sets the array of `native-to-erc` bridge addresses which are allowed to call some of the functions with
/// the `onlyXToErcBridge` modifier. This setter can only be called by the `owner`.
/// @param _bridgesAllowed The array of bridge addresses.
function setNativeToErcBridgesAllowed(address[] calldata _bridgesAllowed) external onlyOwner onlyInitialized {
uint256 i;
for (i = 0; i < _nativeToErcBridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
_nativeToErcBridgeAllowed[_nativeToErcBridgesAllowed[i]] = false;
_nativeToErcBridgesAllowed = _bridgesAllowed;
for (i = 0; i < _bridgesAllowed.length; i++) {
_nativeToErcBridgeAllowed[_bridgesAllowed[i]] = true;
/// @dev Sets the address of the contract which will mint staking tokens.
/// Such a contract is used when there is no `mintReward` function in the staking token contract
/// and thus we use an intermediate minting contract.
/// @param _tokenMinterContract The minter contract address. If it is zero,
/// the address returned by IStakingAuRaTokens(_stakingContract).erc677TokenContract() is used
/// as a minting contract.
function setTokenMinterContract(ITokenMinter _tokenMinterContract) external onlyOwner onlyInitialized {
tokenMinterContract = _tokenMinterContract;
/// @dev Called by the `StakingAuRa.claimReward` function to transfer tokens and native coins
/// from the balance of the `BlockRewardAuRa` contract to the specified address as a reward.
/// @param _tokens The amount of tokens to transfer as a reward.
/// @param _nativeCoins The amount of native coins to transfer as a reward.
/// @param _to The target address to transfer the amounts to.
function transferReward(uint256 _tokens, uint256 _nativeCoins, address payable _to) external onlyStakingContract {
if (_tokens != 0) {
IStakingAuRaTokens stakingContract = IStakingAuRaTokens(msg.sender);
IERC677 erc677TokenContract = IERC677(stakingContract.erc677TokenContract());
erc677TokenContract.transfer(_to, _tokens);
_transferNativeReward(_nativeCoins, _to);
// =============================================== Getters ========================================================
/// @dev Returns the array of `erc-to-erc` bridge addresses set by the `setErcToErcBridgesAllowed` setter.
function ercToErcBridgesAllowed() public view returns(address[] memory) {
return _ercToErcBridgesAllowed;
/// @dev Returns the reward amounts in tokens and native coins for
/// some delegator with the specified stake amount placed into the specified
/// pool before the specified staking epoch. Used by the `StakingAuRa.claimReward` function.
/// @param _delegatorStake The stake amount placed by some delegator into the `_poolId` pool.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The serial number of staking epoch.
/// @param _poolId The pool id.
/// @return `uint256 tokenReward` - the reward amount in tokens.
/// `uint256 nativeReward` - the reward amount in native coins.
function getDelegatorReward(
uint256 _delegatorStake,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _poolId
) external view returns(uint256 tokenReward, uint256 nativeReward) {
uint256 validatorStake = snapshotPoolValidatorStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId];
uint256 totalStake = snapshotPoolTotalStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId];
tokenReward = delegatorShare(
nativeReward = delegatorShare(
/// @dev Returns the reward amounts in tokens and native coins for
/// the specified validator and for the specified staking epoch.
/// Used by the `StakingAuRa.claimReward` function.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The serial number of staking epoch.
/// @param _poolId The pool id of the validator.
/// @return `uint256 tokenReward` - the reward amount in tokens.
/// `uint256 nativeReward` - the reward amount in native coins.
function getValidatorReward(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _poolId
) external view returns(uint256 tokenReward, uint256 nativeReward) {
uint256 validatorStake = snapshotPoolValidatorStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId];
uint256 totalStake = snapshotPoolTotalStakeAmount[_stakingEpoch][_poolId];
tokenReward = validatorShare(
nativeReward = validatorShare(
/// @dev Returns the array of `native-to-erc` bridge addresses which were set by
/// the `setNativeToErcBridgesAllowed` setter.
function nativeToErcBridgesAllowed() public view returns(address[] memory) {
return _nativeToErcBridgesAllowed;
/// @dev Calculates the current total reward in tokens which is going to be distributed
/// among validator pools once the current staking epoch finishes. Its value can differ
/// from block to block since the reward can increase in time due to bridge's fees.
/// Used by the `_distributeTokenRewards` internal function but can also be used by
/// any external user.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _totalRewardShareNum The value returned by the `_rewardShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Ignored if the `_totalRewardShareDenom` param is zero.
/// @param _totalRewardShareDenom The value returned by the `_rewardShareNumDenom` internal function.
/// Set it to zero to calculate `_totalRewardShareNum` and `_totalRewardShareDenom` automatically.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators. Leave it empty to get the array automatically.
/// @return `uint256 rewardToDistribute` - The current total reward in tokens to distribute.
/// `uint256 totalReward` - The current total reward in tokens. Can be greater or equal to `rewardToDistribute`
/// depending on chain's health (how soon validator set change was finalized after beginning of staking epoch).
/// Usually equals to `rewardToDistribute`. Used internally by the `_distributeTokenRewards` function.
function currentTokenRewardToDistribute(
IStakingAuRa _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _totalRewardShareNum,
uint256 _totalRewardShareDenom,
uint256[] memory _validators
) public view returns(uint256, uint256) {
return _currentRewardToDistribute(
_getTotalTokenReward(_stakingEpoch, _validators),
// ============================================== Internal ========================================================
/// @dev See the description of `BlockRewardAuRaCoins._coinInflationAmount` internal function.
/// In this case (when ERC tokens are used for staking) the inflation for native coins is zero.
function _coinInflationAmount(uint256, uint256[] memory) internal view returns(uint256) {
return 0;
/// @dev Distributes rewards in tokens among pools at the latest block of a staking epoch.
/// This function is called by the `_distributeRewards` function.
/// @param _stakingContract The address of the StakingAuRa contract.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _totalRewardShareNum Numerator of the total reward share.
/// @param _totalRewardShareDenom Denominator of the total reward share.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators (their pool ids).
/// @param _blocksCreatedShareNum Numerators of blockCreated share for each of the validators.
/// @param _blocksCreatedShareDenom Denominator of blockCreated share.
function _distributeTokenRewards(
address _stakingContract,
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256 _totalRewardShareNum,
uint256 _totalRewardShareDenom,
uint256[] memory _validators,
uint256[] memory _blocksCreatedShareNum,
uint256 _blocksCreatedShareDenom
) internal {
(uint256 rewardToDistribute, uint256 totalReward) = currentTokenRewardToDistribute(
if (totalReward == 0) {
bridgeTokenReward = 0;
IERC677 tokenContract = IERC677(IStakingAuRaTokens(_stakingContract).erc677TokenContract());
ITokenMinter minterContract;
if (tokenMinterContract != ITokenMinter(0) && tokenContract != IERC677(0)) {
if (tokenContract.owner() == address(tokenMinterContract)) {
minterContract = tokenMinterContract;
} else {
minterContract = ITokenMinter(0);
} else {
minterContract = ITokenMinter(address(tokenContract));
uint256 distributedAmount = 0;
if (minterContract != ITokenMinter(0) && minterContract.blockRewardContract() == address(this)) {
uint256[] memory poolReward = currentPoolRewards(
if (poolReward.length == _validators.length) {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _validators.length; i++) {
epochPoolTokenReward[_stakingEpoch][_validators[i]] = poolReward[i];
distributedAmount += poolReward[i];
if (poolReward[i] != 0 && epochPoolNativeReward[_stakingEpoch][_validators[i]] == 0) {
tokenRewardUndistributed = totalReward - distributedAmount;
/// @dev Calculates the current total reward in tokens.
/// Used by the `currentTokenRewardToDistribute` function.
/// @param _stakingEpoch The number of the current staking epoch.
/// @param _validators The array of the current validators.
/// Can be empty to retrieve the array automatically inside
/// the `_inflationAmount` internal function.
function _getTotalTokenReward(
uint256 _stakingEpoch,
uint256[] memory _validators
) internal view returns(uint256 totalReward) {
totalReward =
bridgeTokenReward +
tokenRewardUndistributed +
_inflationAmount(_stakingEpoch, _validators, STAKE_TOKEN_INFLATION_RATE);
//import "./base/BlockRewardAuRaCoins.sol";
contract BlockRewardAuRa is BlockRewardAuRaTokens {}
// Uncomment this line and comment out the above one
// if staking in native coins is needed instead of staking in tokens:
// contract BlockRewardAuRa is BlockRewardAuRaCoins {}
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